"Douchebag of the Week
Filed under: Douchebag of the Week, Wanna Be Presidents — firstfriday @ 11:29 am
While the House Majority Leadership is making a strong bid for Douchebag of the Week, today’s award must go to Barack Obama. We have long predicted his downfall once he begins opening his mouth about foreign policy, so we’re particularly pleased with Obama’s gaffes this week.
Presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday that he would not use nuclear weapons “in any circumstance” to fight terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“I think it would be a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons in any circumstance,” he said, with a pause, “involving civilians.” Then he quickly added, “Let me scratch that. There’s been no discussion of nuclear weapons.”
So in addition to publishing our benchmarks for success in Iraq (thus telling our enemies where to hit us), he would also let our enemies know that our enourmous nuclear advantage is, well, off the table - or at least he wouldn’t “discuss” it.
Any other positions of weakness you’d like us to take, Senator? How about revoking the Monroe Doctrine while you’re at it?
Oh, but wait! Now we’re going to invade Pakistan.
OBAMA: “There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again. It was a terrible mistake to fail to act when we had a chance to take out an al Qaeda leadership meeting in 2005. If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will.”
Fantastic. Undermine a nuclear ally and create massive instability that would result is a hostile takeover by radical jihadists. Wasn’t he the one blasting Bush for taking “irresponsible” unilateral action against Saddam?
The audacity! Just shut up and stick to your boring platitudes of “hope”.
Congratulations, Barack Obama, you are the Douchebag of the Week!"
First off, I will say this to the gentlemen at this site, that many million "douchebags" can't be wrong. Secondly, if you oppose going into Pakistan as Mr. Obama suggests then you really have no interest in the War on Terror do you? President Bush intentionally led our troops into Iraq based on lies, and you foolishly supported it, bashing anti-war liberals all the way. Now it is clear everything we said was true, and you can't face that. You were all willingly ready to pack up most of our stuff in Afghanistan and go to Iraq, yet the brains and leadership of Al Qaeda are in Pakistan, where President Musharaff has all but given them safe heaven. According to Pentagon reports, there is barely 15% of Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq, the rest are militant Shia and Sunni factions, or simply Iraqi rebels.
Terroists leadership hides in the very areas Senator Obama has suggested taking action on. Well, it sounds to me like fighting where the terrorists actually are is fighting terrorism. We can go on and on about how Pakistan and the Saudis are such great allies, but are they? Suggesting that Iraq had something to with 9/11 or WMDS is ridiculous, and anyone with a sense of intellect knew this, and still knows it. The guys at First Friday also suggested recently that trial lawyers, Democrats and Al Qaeda were all similar, well suggesting we sit back and allow Pakistan to harbor terrorists near the Afghan border seems like they got it wrong as they usually do. If "the Dude" at First Friday continues to drag his knuckles and follow the predicted demise of the GOP, then his weekly search for "douchebag of the week" will certainly end on this Friday night with a long stare in the mirror in the bathroom.
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