For years the GOP has hated "We the People", the anti-war celeberties like Sean Penn,Tim Robbins , and Susan Sarandon, to anti-war politicians like George McGovern, Dennis Kucinich, and the late great Paul Wellstone, to filmakers like Michael Moore or Robert Greenwald, to people like me. They label us Anti-American, I figure it's the best they got while standing in the warm puddle of urine they find themselves in after being hit with fact.
The idea that civil disobedience is un-american, or not wanting to blow up a country that neither attacked us, nor had the capacity would certainly have the likes of Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, and possibly Mr. Thoreau declaring an overthrow. Fox Noise, the National Review, Townhall.com, among many have practiced this since we said "NO" to a war in Iraq. "We the People", and I use this because we are in the mainstream have continued an all out effort to preserve what our founders envisioned. We call out mis-managed governance when it is extremley harmful to our country ie; the war in Iraq, we continue the efforts of Martin Luther King Jr. by promoting a society of diversity, we continue the efforts of Bobby Kennedy by working towards a better life for those impoverished, we oppose illegal wars on a country that was innocent of the crimes Bush alledgedly accused them of, we try to preserve a woman's right to choose. The last one is peculiar for me, as a male, who's ex did have an abortion, I still beleive woman deserve that choice . Gee, these things sound so un-american don't they.
What prompted me to write this was an article on First Friday's site speaking of Sean Penn meeting with Hugo Chavez...so what! Mr. Chavez was Democratically elected, has opposed the War in Iraq, and oh-uh gave discounted heating fuel to poor americans, and oh my, was one of the first foreign leaders to offer help to Katrina victims. Granted, he has done some things that I find undesirable, but overall, I like him. I find him and most of us tagged "un-american" more valued in a Democratic society.
Bom Dia,
Ghost of Wellstone
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