If only the photo weren't doctored, damn. The surprise resignation of Karl Rove leads to me to believe something big is coming. There is plenty of speculation out there of where this political terrorist will land. This has been a man who has stuck with Bush since day one, and now he wants to soend time with his family? I cannot see him walking away from the neo-con agenda. This man has made a career of political hatred. From providing every ounce of spew to get Bush elected, to outing Valerie Plame, to the firing of U.S. attorneys, to Swift Boating John Kerry, to exploiting the horrors of 9/11 etc. There is no way this man is quietly going away. I fear something tragic may be coming, or he is going to either Fred Thompson's campaign or Romney's, but given his tactic of fear mongering I can assume he will join Giuliani's campaign. Nevertheless, I know we are not done with this piece of crap of a human being. He has always put politics before Nation. The one hope we have is Senator Pat Leahy to be the one to expose this lunatic of the right before he does more damage. John Edwards had promising words "good riddance", but don't hold your breath.
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