Bush also chose to make comparisons to Vietnam today...in a room full of Vets? C'mon! This is madness, this man used his family power to avoid Vietnam, and chose to discuss the mistakes we made in leaving. His dishonor to the 50,000 American casualties we pay respect to year round is beyond me. Former Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton advisor David Gergen had some choice words on CNN regarding his comments on withdraw http://rawstory.com/news/2007/ExNixon_advisor_rejects_Bushs_Vietnam_comparison_0822.html
My personal fav from Mr. Gergen was "If you have learned so much from history Mr. President, how did you get us into another quagmire".
This man has created a mess in the Middle East. I am listening to Mike Malloy as I write this and he summed it up well a moment ago, something like this "Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Saddam Hussein created a powder keg in the Middle East and just waited for a pyschopath to come around and light it", George W. Bush was that firestarter. If you watch the news you see what can be seen as "unfortunates", "casualties", or "horrific crimes", but that is American news. If you choose to see what's really happening, I suggest www.aljazeera.net , www.rawstory.com , or www.bbcnews.co.uk or www.ivaw.org . These sites among others paint a different picture of this White House's progress in Iraq memo. I also would suggest an op-ed from this past Sunday's New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/19/opinion/19jayamaha.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
I do however want to credit Mr. Ass-hat with one thing, although it is appalling, he stated that Osama bin Laden was quoted as saying about our Vietnam debacle that "the American people had risen against their government's war in Vietnam, and they must do the same today." He's right, it pains me to say it, but he is. The only solution is diplomacy, and President Chucklenuts has granted much by removing American Military from Saudi Arabia, which bin Laden demanded, he also hoped for oil to reach $100 a barrel (we're almost there), and justice for the people of Palestine (we have not gotten to that one yet). Do we see a trend here? the Saudis and bin Laden demand or ask for something, they get most of it...the American People? Whatever! What do you think the W. stands for?
Without ranting anymore, I would like to mention a couple more things. First, this is going to take all of us, conservatives, independents and liberals (myself the latter) to fix this crap that has happened over the "Deciders" 7+ years of occupying our White House. The nonsense of playing well with others is over, I have had it with Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats who entertain the idea of this White House sharing anything short of snarky comments and lies. I am fed up with Republicans who feel they can continue to support Bush and stay in office. I am sick to death of talking point memos. It is us, social conservatives and liberals, pay attention here, most of this country oppose this war now, and our social agendas are idle while we are at war. If you feel that statement is soft or weak, well challenge me, I will kick your ass so hard you will not land for a year. I also, want to give a shout out to my conservative "fool on the hill", we'll call him the dude for his sake. I hope this post serves as a calling to him as well. I also want to mention my fellow blogger over at www.bigpundit.com , Camp David, he has alot to learn, like patriotism is not loyalty to the White House, but to the country and it's citizens. I leave you with "Enough!!! peace please..."
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