Since a few cheap shots were taken at me over at http://www.itsfirstfriday.com/ , I thought I might clarify a few issues. I used some snarky remarks in their little "Douchebag of the week" section, their response was a little more of a knock on my status and character. I object the cheap cynical Rovian behavior that has led our society down dirty little alley where the poor, displaced worker, and socially conscious working folk are raped and left for dead. The rich and connected flee the scene thumping their chests and forgetting what allowed them to be power grabbing, greedy, anti-populist persons they are. Afterall they support the tax-cuts that have been going to the top 10% income earners in the country. The chasm that conservatism has created between classes in this country is indefensable, yet I am sure they will come up with some bogus poll. One of the greediest and dirtiest pool players you find looped into all of this is one Grover Norquist. Possibly the lobbyist with the dirtiest and bloodiest claws in D.C. Grover Norquist is the President of Americans for Tax Reform, a group who are strong in the conservative movement in America. He is still under Federal Investigation for his involvement in the Jack Abramoff lobby scandal. Americans for Tax Reform also served as a conduit where Abramoff's client's funds flowed to lobbying groups, as we average tax payers call money laundering. There's more, in 2003 Norquist was quoted "We are trying to change the tones in the state capitols -- and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship." This one was in the Denver Post. These are a few gems of itsfirstfriday's June or July guest at their Republicrit gathering.
The idea that all politicians are flawed is an understatment, and the fact that lobby money is thrown around like the "f" word at 3am in a Texas truckstop is a given. But when this is thrown at me "If anyone has ever missed the point more than you they would have to have been blind and dizzy while suffering an inner ear infection. But it’s good to know you’re so angry about this. Go smoke some more pot and calm down. If we thought there was any point in showing how revinues increase to the government AFTER tax cuts, we would. But you don’t seem to get it. We’re guessing you don’t make enough money to pay taxes, so you just want to get things you haven’t earned from the government rather than do those things for yourself. That’s cool, we understand. But it’s still sad.Keep on truckin’." I feel the need to point out how flawed the flaws are. This could be a typo on the The Dudes" part, but let's see"revenues increase to the government AFTER tax cuts"...hmmm, If I am reading that wrong please correct me, they keep company and glorify the likes of Norquist,Reagan and Bush for tax cuts but they admit revenues increase? I see a contradiction there. So, my point here is, while Daily Kos, smart free thinking liberals,intellectuals and peers of independent thought are easy targets for the thuggery and greed of cowboy mentality who have peoples interests drowning in bathtubs, I find it best to point out the ideology of the ilk who take their shots at us. Taxes are an investment in our society, our duty is to pay them, and vote in people we hope will spend them wisely and accurately. If we continue to watch the flying right-wing monkeys attack collective populism that benefits the needy and informs the public of issues at hand, then they win, and the middle and lower classes sink further into uncertainty. The likes of Daily Kos, MoveOn.org, Votevets.org, and many other populist Democratic Liberals in America hope to inform and promote critical thought among the masses so we can someday see a level playing field again. The ideology of Reagan,Bush,Norquist,and their tax cutting plans seems a good place to start.
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