After watching the the August 7th Democratic debate I found it clear that Dennis Kucinich is our best hope for progressive change in our country. Hillary will be nothing short of continued war, weak economy, union busting, and abuse of power....wait, we have that now. What I witnessed watching the candidates was some of your typical politicizing of "we the people", just without the fear tactics of the Republicans. This past weekend I spoke with a longtime friend and tried to explain to him my support for Dennis Kucinich, and my continued opposition to the War in Iraq. My friend, a Republican, shouted off at me that I want an end to war and a fair playing field across the board. He offered to pay for me to go to Iraq and be killed shortly after my arrival. I found this hard to believe that a friend of nearly 25 years could say that. Shortly after those comments I just hung up the phone. Over the last few days I have discussed this with others and found my belief in Dennis Kucinch cemented deep in my heart. Someone who wants to create a Dept. of Peace? Hell yeah! Someone that can envision diplomacy before bombs? Hell yeah! And then of course he is pro healthcare, pro union, pro education, and pro people before profit. The idea that the likes of nearly all of the Republicans, Hillary Clinton and Senator Biden has our interest in their sight is garbage. With all do respect, the latter two have done some good, but the balance tilts to lobbyists and corporate greed. If we are to move forward in this country we need look no further than leadership in the form of Kucinich, Obama, Richardson, possibly John & Elizabeth Edwards and go back to the writings of Thom Paine and Thomas Jefferson. If we fail the ideas of our Founders, then we get nowhere quick. We have a small window of opportunity here folks, and it is up to "We the People". I love the ilk of Randi Rhodes, Thom Hatmann, and Mike Malloy...I just cannot spend 8 years listening to them figuring it out for us, and what we do come the next election, because they'll have it right. I ask this of all of you, What would Jefferson do? What would Gahndi do? What would Jesus do? What will you do?
You say we have a "weak economy"? Are you kidding me?
ReplyDeleteAnd if pro-union means taking away employees' right to a secret ballot and opening the door to intimidation from both the union and company management, count me out.
What Country are living in my friend. Purchasing a house in this country used to be a fundamental idea for all americans, now foreclosure is a realistic way of thinking. People are living paycheck to paycheck right now, average people. Displaced workers around the country are doing jobs they are overqualified for because companies are outsourcing, closing or going bankrupt. It is safe to say 4-5 out 10 are struggling to pay utility bills and taxes that are needed. As far as your Union talk, the secret ballot measure was needed at a time when Union bashing was not in style for the right-wingers. Unions are again improving themselves from the lazy worker days we have seen in the last 20 or so years. Intimidation now comes only from companies of the Wal-Mart ilk. You might have some hope here friend, cause people are standing up and being counted for many things nowadays.