"Politics is what we create by what we do, what we hope for and what we dare to imagine", this is one many of Senator Wellstone quotes that is cemented deep in my heart. I believe many Americans and certainly politicians could learn something by that quote. Senator Wellstone was a hero to most of Minnesota, and admired by many Democrats across the country for his vision, compassion and support of the everyday American. True, Paul Wellstone had an agenda, call it liberal, call it leftie, but it was certainly the American people. The aforementioned quote should also serve as a reminder to all of us, that we too are politicians. By looking out at our communities and seeing deficiencies, positives, social areas that need attention and reminding our elected officials that they work for us.
I mention all of this now,because we have lost that one man check and balance that Paul served proudly as, and with the exception of a few, I am disgusted with the current landscape of our nation's Capital. I am sick to death of an arrogant, and abusive executive branch, you know the one...the one claim to have executive privilege and then claiming not to be part of the executive branch. The ones that are promoting even more free trade policies that will ship even more jobs overseas, yes, the ones who who continue to put profits before the individual. Those who are allowing a war based on lies, or as Ms. Rice says "mistaken intelligence", those who are allowing every branch of our government to be politicized, those who are not screaming for heads for an all but pardoned aide's role in outing a CIA agent. Those who are continually looking for political gain at our expense. Those who are able to save their hides over and over by simply "not recalling", and those who turn a blind eye to violations of the Bill of Rights, illegal wiretapping, CAFTA and NAFTA, surging of our troops in Iraq for oil agreements (not by Iraqi sects, but foreign oil companies), and those who simply lack an understanding of "homeland", when they have no interest in it at all.
I look at the potential Presidents that are campaigning right now, and frankly I am not all that impressed. I am a Kucinich guy, I am just waiting for him to invoke Paul Wellstone when campaigning in MN. I like Senator Obama, partly because I am never embarrassed when he speaks, partly because of the hope he is able paint this county with, and he, like Congressman Kucinich, opposed this war from the start. I like John Edwards, I believe he could make a very good President. He recognizes his own errors in his Senate votes, and continues to be a warrior for equality. The rest of the bunch, well, two other candidates on the Democratic side are running for nothing but a job in Hillary's cabinet. On the Republicrit side, Rudy and Romney have flipped on so many issues, I am surprised they are not trying out for the Olympics as a gymnast team. McCain, well, too old, and I would say is pander bear of the decade. I need not go too far into the Republican side more than I have. John Kennedy asked "it is not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country", I think we, as the people have become so disconnected from our Government that we don't care anymore. Well, I encourage all liberals and conservatives to revisit the writings of Thomas Jefferson, or if you need more contemporary material, may I recommend writings of Bobby Kennedy, Barry Goldwater, Adlai Stevenson, and my hero...Paul Wellstone. Two note by the latter would be "Conscience of a Liberal" and "How the Rural Poor got power". It is up to us this time, I know Dennis Kucinich is the best man for the job right now, I believe with a little studying you will too. So, what does it mean to be a Wellstone Democrat? It means standing with conviction, believing in your message, and expressing it the best way you know how, usually best done by engaging people on serious issues that effect our lives. Talking is a good tool, but listening tends to provide a better tool for Democracy. It's August!!!! Our elected officials are home right now 202-224-3121 for Congress, they will just talk and not listen until we start talking.
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