Sunday, August 26, 2007
Questions...not answers
He informed the President without alarming the children, the President excused himself, and left. We know that considerable minutes passed and Little George sat like a scared schoolkid, most of us did watching television or listening to radio. There is my only answer to the never ending question. Was it incompetence? I don't know. Were we attacked by our own Government? No, we were attacked by terrorists...but did our government allow it? I don't know. Tom Daschle and many members of both parties have stated that due to cost restraints a proper investigation could not be completed, that is sad. There are unanswered questions from this White House, there is a weak group of reporters and then there is the Project For a New American Century crowd. As, I stated, I know we were attacked by terrorists, and the arrogance,timing,lying and incompetence are open-ended questions. So, the author at truthiness believes science debunks all the questioners? Is lying a science? conveniently being on vacation or in reading class a coincidence? I don't know. But to attack all of the theorists due to absurd questions by some is plain stupid, and offensive! I applaud the folks who ask tough questions, stupid or not, we want truth and honesty. Vulgar language, science and arrogance to not solve the issue for me...honesty does (although, it seems only Jesus and Satan will receive that info).
Friday, August 24, 2007
I do not love the smell of fascism in the morning
Could it be?...a theme video
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Theme Song
This is baaaad
" A man who was accused of having sex with a sheep has walked free after the animal was unable to testify.
The man, from Haaksbergen, near Utrecht, the Netherlands, was reported to police after a farmer caught him having sex with a sheep.
But the case was thrown out of court as the sheep couldn't take to the stand to testify it didn't want to have sex and had suffered emotional stress.
Under Dutch law, bestiality is not a crime unless it can be proved the animal didn't want to have sex.
'Short of putting the sheep in the dock, at the moment these perverts cannot be prosecuted,' said animal rights campaigner Jos van Huisen.
Minister of Justice Ernst Hirsch Ballin has said he plans to change the law to make bestiality a criminal offence."
I can assume that Dutch law is being changed to properly prosecute these sick bastards. I just hope the sheep was not intimidated by the more promiscuos sheep in the herd. There may or may not be an investigation into wittness harrasssment among the sheep. I mean after all, a man in Battle Creek, Mi. was sentenced 10 years for the same baaaaaaad act of loneliness. I poke fun at this only because it is so absurd. The Dutch really need to shape their laws to protect domestic and wild animals better than that.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Bush also chose to make comparisons to Vietnam a room full of Vets? C'mon! This is madness, this man used his family power to avoid Vietnam, and chose to discuss the mistakes we made in leaving. His dishonor to the 50,000 American casualties we pay respect to year round is beyond me. Former Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton advisor David Gergen had some choice words on CNN regarding his comments on withdraw
My personal fav from Mr. Gergen was "If you have learned so much from history Mr. President, how did you get us into another quagmire".
This man has created a mess in the Middle East. I am listening to Mike Malloy as I write this and he summed it up well a moment ago, something like this "Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Saddam Hussein created a powder keg in the Middle East and just waited for a pyschopath to come around and light it", George W. Bush was that firestarter. If you watch the news you see what can be seen as "unfortunates", "casualties", or "horrific crimes", but that is American news. If you choose to see what's really happening, I suggest , , or or . These sites among others paint a different picture of this White House's progress in Iraq memo. I also would suggest an op-ed from this past Sunday's New York Times
I do however want to credit Mr. Ass-hat with one thing, although it is appalling, he stated that Osama bin Laden was quoted as saying about our Vietnam debacle that "the American people had risen against their government's war in Vietnam, and they must do the same today." He's right, it pains me to say it, but he is. The only solution is diplomacy, and President Chucklenuts has granted much by removing American Military from Saudi Arabia, which bin Laden demanded, he also hoped for oil to reach $100 a barrel (we're almost there), and justice for the people of Palestine (we have not gotten to that one yet). Do we see a trend here? the Saudis and bin Laden demand or ask for something, they get most of it...the American People? Whatever! What do you think the W. stands for?
Without ranting anymore, I would like to mention a couple more things. First, this is going to take all of us, conservatives, independents and liberals (myself the latter) to fix this crap that has happened over the "Deciders" 7+ years of occupying our White House. The nonsense of playing well with others is over, I have had it with Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats who entertain the idea of this White House sharing anything short of snarky comments and lies. I am fed up with Republicans who feel they can continue to support Bush and stay in office. I am sick to death of talking point memos. It is us, social conservatives and liberals, pay attention here, most of this country oppose this war now, and our social agendas are idle while we are at war. If you feel that statement is soft or weak, well challenge me, I will kick your ass so hard you will not land for a year. I also, want to give a shout out to my conservative "fool on the hill", we'll call him the dude for his sake. I hope this post serves as a calling to him as well. I also want to mention my fellow blogger over at , Camp David, he has alot to learn, like patriotism is not loyalty to the White House, but to the country and it's citizens. I leave you with "Enough!!! peace please..."
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Talk radio host panel on canidates,policy and perfection
Friday, August 17, 2007
What would Jesus do (No,really?) by Richard Belzer
What would Jesus do? (No, Really)
Posted August 17, 2007 10:50 PM (EST)
Read More: Breaking Politics News
As the Democrats, in spite of themselves, are grappling with the polarities in their party, it behooves us, one and all, to ponder who they thought they were and how they got there.
Comment HuffIt -->
We would all do well to remember: in President Clinton's first few days in office there was part of a Metroliner Train that was cordoned off, velvet rope style, as if it were some VIP lounge at an exclusive club; where the press and common citizen were kept away: Well, it turns out that's exactly what it was: a group of Wall Street millionaires and billionaires were going to meet President Clinton to essentially figure out how to become more like Republicans. (Clinton had more millionaires in his administration than any previous president!) From this cabal was born the Democratic Leadership Council: a capitalist endeavor down to it balls.
Traditionally the Democratic base had always been the working class, lower middle class, African- Americans, professors, artists and entertainers (the kinds of people Conservatives find to be most annoying and electorally irrelevent). For some surprisingly heartless and what they, I assume, thought was a brilliant way to transform the party into a more "business" savy entity. This of course required amnesia about the great lesson Robert Kennedy's presidential campaign made clear. Not only did he inspire the traditional base of the party but, people who, after his assassination then supported George Wallace!
What does all this mean? It means that the too clever by half DLC has alienated the party's massive base and never attracted those from the other side: hence we truly have by definition one major party in this country: "The Business Party."
It is not impossible to succeed as a social democracy, where business and free enterprise thrive AND not abandon the disenfranchised, poor, sick and elderly. In other words: What would Jesus do?
Flying right-wing monkeys pt.1
Since a few cheap shots were taken at me over at , I thought I might clarify a few issues. I used some snarky remarks in their little "Douchebag of the week" section, their response was a little more of a knock on my status and character. I object the cheap cynical Rovian behavior that has led our society down dirty little alley where the poor, displaced worker, and socially conscious working folk are raped and left for dead. The rich and connected flee the scene thumping their chests and forgetting what allowed them to be power grabbing, greedy, anti-populist persons they are. Afterall they support the tax-cuts that have been going to the top 10% income earners in the country. The chasm that conservatism has created between classes in this country is indefensable, yet I am sure they will come up with some bogus poll. One of the greediest and dirtiest pool players you find looped into all of this is one Grover Norquist. Possibly the lobbyist with the dirtiest and bloodiest claws in D.C. Grover Norquist is the President of Americans for Tax Reform, a group who are strong in the conservative movement in America. He is still under Federal Investigation for his involvement in the Jack Abramoff lobby scandal. Americans for Tax Reform also served as a conduit where Abramoff's client's funds flowed to lobbying groups, as we average tax payers call money laundering. There's more, in 2003 Norquist was quoted "We are trying to change the tones in the state capitols -- and turn them toward bitter nastiness and partisanship." This one was in the Denver Post. These are a few gems of itsfirstfriday's June or July guest at their Republicrit gathering.
The idea that all politicians are flawed is an understatment, and the fact that lobby money is thrown around like the "f" word at 3am in a Texas truckstop is a given. But when this is thrown at me "If anyone has ever missed the point more than you they would have to have been blind and dizzy while suffering an inner ear infection. But it’s good to know you’re so angry about this. Go smoke some more pot and calm down. If we thought there was any point in showing how revinues increase to the government AFTER tax cuts, we would. But you don’t seem to get it. We’re guessing you don’t make enough money to pay taxes, so you just want to get things you haven’t earned from the government rather than do those things for yourself. That’s cool, we understand. But it’s still sad.Keep on truckin’." I feel the need to point out how flawed the flaws are. This could be a typo on the The Dudes" part, but let's see"revenues increase to the government AFTER tax cuts"...hmmm, If I am reading that wrong please correct me, they keep company and glorify the likes of Norquist,Reagan and Bush for tax cuts but they admit revenues increase? I see a contradiction there. So, my point here is, while Daily Kos, smart free thinking liberals,intellectuals and peers of independent thought are easy targets for the thuggery and greed of cowboy mentality who have peoples interests drowning in bathtubs, I find it best to point out the ideology of the ilk who take their shots at us. Taxes are an investment in our society, our duty is to pay them, and vote in people we hope will spend them wisely and accurately. If we continue to watch the flying right-wing monkeys attack collective populism that benefits the needy and informs the public of issues at hand, then they win, and the middle and lower classes sink further into uncertainty. The likes of Daily Kos,,, and many other populist Democratic Liberals in America hope to inform and promote critical thought among the masses so we can someday see a level playing field again. The ideology of Reagan,Bush,Norquist,and their tax cutting plans seems a good place to start.
This in our our names
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Old but worth watching
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Being a Wellstone Democrat and what it means now
Celeberties, sports stars, the law and us
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Profiling a Liberal
Two Jews agreeing on nothing
Monday, August 13, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
It's nature time
Friday, August 10, 2007
Accusations of the angry left?
1.) The hate that comes from Billo, Hannity, Coulter, Dick Cheney, et al puts many of us lefties way down at the bottom of hatem pole.
2.) The anger we on the left still feel is directed at an illegal occupation of the White House, not all conservatives, we'll get to you after this national nightmare is over.
3.) Find an instance where you have heard Thom Hartmann, Peter Werbe, Mark Riley, Rachael Maddow, Stephanie Miller, or Jon Elliot threw out hateful intentions? Not what you interpret as, but actual hate...we know how you guys intrept things ie; the Constitution, the Bible, and Declaration of Independence.
4.) I agree, there are many leftie haters, I have been one over the last 7 years at many times, appreciated a good jab at this White House etc. I found then, that you guys wind up screaming too loud to accomplish anything.
5.) The punching bags of the right have been so hate filled, it makes me question your morality many times over. The attacks on Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son for George's legacy, the attacks at Air America radio, DailyKos, Al Franken's Senate run (which is going very Wellstone right now), John Edwards, and Bill Clinton's sexual preference, Michael J. Fox, PBS and NPR, the local Govt' in New Oreleans, Kanye West, Sean Penn, god this list could go on forever. You guys have no aim but smear my friends, much like the soldiers alongside Pat Tillman...God Bless him.
Where is the love.....err....the hate, oh yeah it's on the right. I fear that no matter what Heritage Foundation,White House,Pentagon talking points you read, it has nothing about working together and fixing this mess does it? I assume your marching papers were delivered shortly after you were all angrily were pushing through doors in Florida huh?
Dancers for Democracy
Thursday, August 9, 2007
DailyKos diarist,, and me going at it
DailyKos uses anti-gay slurs in order to deflect attention from their own corruption
Filed under: Tolerance watch, Liberals Are Corrupt — firstfriday @ 12:37 am
The co-founder of the “tolerant” DailyKos has some troubles these days with the law. Seems that Jerome Armstrong, partner in starting the hate site with Markos Moulitsas, has been fined by the $30,000 by the SEC for some shady stock deals and it seems they regressive progressives don’t really like that fact being pointed out.
How do they handle someone pointing out this news? Well, since we’re dealing with the uber-Leftists they do what comes naturally; attack the messenger.
But they don’t attack the messenger on the facts, those are never on their side, they attack them personally.
This thread on the DailyKos site addresses the story by starting off with the following:
Famous self-hating closeted homosexual and right wing propagandist blogger Matt Drudge has taken aim at the DailyKos community today.
First of all, we don’t know, nor do we care if Drudge is gay; it simply doesn’t matter to anything and it shouldn’t matter to anyone unless they’re sitting in his lap.
Second, see the first point.
Where is the outrage from, well, anyone? Most of the comments simply attack Drudge even further. We don’t want to repost that bile here, so check it out before they delete them.
The idea that it has now become “who’s blogs have more hate, the left or the right” is getting tired. DailyKos has long been a strong community of lefties exchanging ideas and thoughts with a handful of undesirable material, which usually is in the comments section. The SEC problems facing Jerome Armstrong are unfortunate because alot of us on the left police Republican corruption, which there certainly is not a lack of. As for the closeted homsexual comment, well we don’t know. The issue in defending that is this, a large contigency of the Republican Party, Pundits, and Religeous loons have spent alot of time attacking the Gay Community, not all of you, and I know one of you guys personally. So don’t attack me on the slur. When you align yourselves closely with the hard right, and turn out like Mark Foley, Jeff Gannon/Guckert (whatever his name is these days, Glenn Murphy, Ted Haggard, or Michelle Malkin’s friends from CPAC the hypocrisy goes sky high. So when family values are shoved down our throats for the next 455 days, they best hope they back up their words, not visit prostitutes, don’t bash gays (if you are in fact gay), don’t distribute cocaine, don’t offer an undercover officer money and sexual favors, and don’t support denying gays marriage rights, especially if your son or daughter are gay. I believe we can agree on that.
Comment by Ghost of Wellstone — August 9, 2007 @ 9:06 am
You’ve managed to avoid the point like you would avoid a pile of dog crap in the middle of the sidewalk. Good job.And we don’t remember pushing “family values” down anyone’s throat. Address the issue at hand, don’t drag other things that have nothing to do with the point to try to deflect opinion. The Kos crowd is full of hate, pure hate. There is some on the right, too. But you can’t pretend it doesn’t matter because there is some on the other side, too. Shame.
Comment by firstfriday — August 9, 2007 @ 9:46 am
I did address the point, you used the “slur” to title your post. I find the SEC/Armstrong issue unfortunate. I did, at the same time compliment your positions on gays because I know you personally and know your take. I do throw some criticism at you for aligning yourself with a Party that smears the ideas of equal rights for gay and lesbian couples. Sorry you took it so hard. The fact of the matter is that if guilty parties on the right would shut up about values they really don’t support and hate filled lefties would tone it down a bit we might get somewhere. BTW, your site serves up a portion of hate my friend. Mine serves a hefty portion of bitterness, and hope. There is the difference. When time permits, I will address the SEC issue with DAILYKOS
Comment by Ghost of Wellstone — August 9, 2007 @ 10:13 am
I wrote the diary, and like most wingnuts still defending the trainwreck of republicanism, you of course lack any sense of irony or ability to understand dual layers of meaning.
Drudge is a gossip monger who uses the basest of button-pushing techniques to sell his distortions.
The Armstrong story not only is not “breaking” (it’s been known for years) but Armstrong has nothing to do with DailyKos.
So I used the Matt Drudge technique he loves — interjecting personal facts about the person in question to hype the smear.
It’s Drudge techniques used on Drudge.
But you wouldn’t get that. Because in 2007, you’re still defending a travesty of a war and a trainwreck of a political party.
So you gotta take your “victories” where you can find them. If you think my diary is actually homophobic, you betray the same lack of complex thinking that got our asses into the fiasco mess in Iraq.
So it’s not surprising, really.
Comment by WinSmith — August 9, 2007 @ 5:08 pm
Check Drudge pretty regularly since he generally only posts links to news stories elsewhere (if you did check it you would know), but don’t recall him ever “outing” anyone. The one thing you probably consider a “rumor” was the Monica and Bill story, which he did break. That was true, was it not?
So you clearly weren’t using Drudge tactics on Drudge, you were mad and struck out against him using classless methods. Lacking the ability to think, you simply felt, and you felt angry. Don’t pretend you’re above it, it’s human. You are human, right?
The question to you is this, is this statement from Kos still operative or not, now that the narrative has changed.
“My request to you guys is that you ignore this for now. It would make my life easier if we can confine the story. Then, once Jerome can speak and defend himself, then I’ll go on the offensive (which is when I would file any lawsuits) and anyone can pile on.”
Go be pissed somewhere else. If you’re capable of discussion, come back.
PS: old news doesn’t tend to have a press release about it put out 2 days ago.
Comment by firstfriday — August 9, 2007 @ 5:18 pm
Oh, did you miss Drudge claiming John Kerry was having an affair with a staffer and had to fly her to France?
Give me a break, dude. I could list hundreds of othe r “breaking” stories that fool throws up, then disappears forever. Remember the “John Kerry would be the first Gay President” written by closeted male prostitute Jeff Gannon, who your boy Bush accredited to ask leading questions in the West Wing? Drudge ran with that bullshite for days. So why shouldn’t I point out what a self-hating gay guy Drudge really is?
Drudge lies all the time to smear and denegrate democrats. He also happens to be closeted and famous for patrolling gay clubs in Florida.
His goal with the Kos “story” was to try to imply DailyKos is run by a shady dude.
The only problem (which you naturally ignore) is that Jerome hasn’t written a diary on Daily Kos in years and has as much to do with the site as you do.
This would be like saying that republican terrorist from California mailing white powder to John Edwards was a “Little Green Footballs” founder since he posted a few diaries there.
I get it dude. You’ve been apologizing so long for a fraudulent and corrupt political party, you’ve been swallowing the Limbaugh, Fox News, Murdoch spins for so log that you don’t even see how badly they manipulate your ass with trigger words and sentence structure.
Then I come along and simply revert the process onto Drudge, and you’re OUTRAGED.
Of course you are. Switching the propaganda polarities, even done with ironic meta-commentary as I did with Drudge, confuses your brain.
And, of course, in my case, Drudge actually is a closeted gay man linking to anti-Gay hysteria stories (and thus, is self hating).
But don’t let the truth get in the way of a good wingnut outrage fit.
It’s not like there isn’t a five year catastrophic invasion of a foreign country to distract from.
Comment by WinSmith — August 9, 2007 @ 5:49 pm
We’re big boys here, we can use the word bullshit. But what we can’t seem to do is stick to the point.
You’re like a racist who claims it’s justified because you were once mugged by someone of a different race. One does not justify the other, but to you it seems to.
Still have not read anything where you said Drudge outed anyone. If he’s gay, who cares? Aside from you, that is. Your unjustified anger really undercuts any point you may be trying to convey, though that seems lacking as well.
Maybe you’re just catching so much shit today for being a total douche in the way you posted about this that you’re losing what’s left of your mind. That’s fine, maybe even normal, but it’s not right.
If it’s old news (which it isn’t) simply say that. People don’t go around pointing out that you blow dogs in the back of grocery stores (true or not), they simply take you on on the issues.
The problem seems to be you feel before you think, if you even get to the think part.
The fact remains, you could’ve made your point without being an asshole and attacking, but you don’t have it in. That’s just sad.
As for the rest of the shit tangent you went off on, get a life. You’re coming off even more than before as exactly what you are claiming Drudge is. And you know what? We don’t care if either of you, or both of you are gay! But if you both are maybe you should date. Just an idea.
Comment by firstfriday — August 9, 2007 @ 5:58 pm
I don’t care what you care about, you fraudulent apologist for the worst group of corrupt spew to ever take over our government. My point wasn’t about Matt Drudge’s sexuality, it was about his hypocrisy.
Drudge’s fundamental dishonesty, which you either intentionally or moronically miss for the third time, was in connecting a person who has nothing to do with Daily Kos to Daily Kos to try to smear Daily Kos by association. It is rank dishonesty. Which, as a member of a party that rewards rank dishonesty with Freedom Medals, makes perfect sense for you to support.
I don’t care if Matt Drudge is gay. I care that he’s a hypocrite.
As to me making my point without being an asshole, I’d much rather make my point while actively being an asshole. You, your failed party, your disaster of a president, your pathetic war, and your entire right wing media machine call for nothing less. Your side has polluted the American discourse for 20 years via Limbaugh, Fox News, The New York Post, The Washington Times, the Richard Mellon Scaife and Rupert Murdoch ideological system of book deal rewards for those willing to shill the most. Your army of media frauds in the think tanks with their serious suits and ties, peddling your intellectually vapid and trailer trash tabloid smears on democrats and “libruls” or whatever term you’re using these days for anyone who believes in facts and science instead of clapping loudly and waving a tiny flag. Your Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter taunts, calling Edwards the “Breck Girl” or Obama a covert “Moooslem” with the intellectual cred of a 3rd grade bully.
Yours is a party that traffics in smears and innuendo. Yours is a party controlling American media with the tabloid hate speech of a thousand Malkins, O’Reillys and Coulters shitting on the real issues every day so they can hide the corruption and failures of the past six years behind mocking Hilly Clinton’s face or John Edwards’s haircut.
And you point to me ironically commenting on Drudge’s hypocrisy as a form of “hate.”
Dude, yours is a party so consumed with hate you’ve ruined our military in a trainwreck policy of illogical and incoherent rage directed at the wrong country and without any critical planning to guide it. We’ll be digging out of your rage war fiasco for the next twenty years.
But don’t worry.
Those with the million dollar Republican book deals through Scaife/Murdoch’s “publishing (kickback) wings will be on all the media networks to tell you that Daily Kos is a “hate” site and OMGWTF, look what Barack Obama said, can you believe it?
And like the intellectually frauduent puppet you are, you’ll dance when they pull the strings.
Only in 2008, the American people won’t fall for your party’s bullshit anymore, no matter how loud the hatefests on Fox News shout.
See you in hell, bitch. Your war sucks, your party sucks, and you suck. You’ve shit on this country with some of the most atrocious poltical decisions in American history, and I’ll be damned if I’ll sit around and talk politely to your pathetic ass.
Comment by WinSmith — August 9, 2007 @ 6:28 pm
Wow, you really are proving every point made about you, aren’t you? The hate, the anger, the inability to think rationally. Good show!
Not sure how you Americans put up with people of this sort.
I’ll try to clarify once again for you. You attempted to attack Matt Drudge for being gay, as though somehow that would either discredit him or hurt him. Clearly neither worked here, it has been clearly stated they don’t give a rip.
But what you didn’t do was deal with anything having to do with the post. It does have something to do with a co-founder of DailyKos not matter how much you lie and say it isn’t. Get over it. Kos wouldn’t have involved himself with his statement if it didn’t.
Watching your country from abroad for the last 50 uears I can say that you are nowhere close to the truth in you assessment of Republicans and this government. I’m sure you will attack me as a homosexual or whatever, but you simply are ignorant in nearly every word you type.
You can’t handle anyone pointing out your lies and deep hate for those who dare disagree with you, so you attack. You can’t help yourself. Insecurity and low self-esteem will do that to people. Perhaps memories of your traumatic high school years are returning and you are simply redirecting the repressed anger you’ve long hidden towards your dermatologyst for not being able to cure your acne problem.
Whatever the case, threapy or alcohol are about the only things that will help you with your developing ulcer. The inferiority/martyr complex will only be helped by losing your virginity. Don’t worry, it will happen someday. It’s bound to. If it doesn’t happen soo, might I suggest the Bunny Ranch? You’ve got to get that stuff out of you, it will drive you crazier!
As for this site, I love it. Very funny stuff, a point of view from young people you don’t get and aren’t really allowed to express at university these days. Plus, Barry Goldwater was a true conservative that left people alone on social issues, which is what I see here.
WinSmith, you would do yourself some good to educate yourself as to what a Goldwater conservative is, and who Barry Goldwater was. Your ignorance is showing. And, by the way, you lost this argument a long time ago. You’ve been out classed, out thought and out insulted. Time to tuck your tail and run before things get worse. Even your left-wing friends haven’t come to defend you. Telling, no?
Comment by Goldwater fan — August 9, 2007 @ 7:03 pm
“Dude, yours is a party so consumed with hate you’ve ruined our military in a trainwreck policy of illogical and incoherent rage directed at the wrong country and without any critical planning to guide it. We’ll be digging out of your rage war fiasco for the next twenty years.”–WinSmith
81: Number of Dems in the House who voted to authorize war.
29: Number of Dems in the Senate who voted to authorize war.
(Incoherent rage can be seen within the quotation marks)
Comment by Second Friday — August 9, 2007 @ 7:45 pm
It’s a tie between Winsmith and the Ghost, we hve nearly ten to twenty talking points based on fact and the spin firtfriday and the “dude” have used leaves them with 0. It’s a shut-out for lefties yeah! The idea that DailyKos can become a puncing bag for guys is a joke, we are a million strong, and will not be neo-conned by Mr. Unhinged Billo or Itsfirstfriday. If you want to spew off that Jerome Armstrong and DailyKos are that close you would be correct, only if you mention and the book “crashing the gate” written dually by Markos and Jerome. Winsmith confirmed my earlier post that it is not Drudge’s alledged sexual prefereance, it is the hypocrisy. You righties are losing it when it comes to fact. I cannot and wil defend every leftie in the country, and I consider myself pretty left. But when I come to agree with my liberal peers 80-100% of the time I lose my own creative being. You “Dude” have followed that path. Winsmith, help me out here, I need some traffic at my blog. Take care!
Comment by Ghost of Wellstone — August 9, 2007 @ 7:52 pm
Sorry, genius, but blaming the invasion of Iraq on the democratic party is like blaming the victims of Katrina because the government didn’t show up for five days.
Which, as we’ve seen time and again, is the psyhological dissonance at the root of republican pathology. You call sites like DailyKos “hate” sites when the repulsive spew coming from the parade of right wing haters on talk radio (Savage, Coulter, Hannity, Hewitt, etc. etc.) is the rankest spew this side of Father Coughlin in the 1930s.
Comment by WinSmith — August 9, 2007 @ 8:04 pm
What you two collectively don’t know we can just about cram into the Grand Canyon.
Oh yeah, WinSmith, When you wrote about Murdoch money we were wondering when Edwards was going to give back the $800k he got from Rupert’s company. We’d like it so we can continue to fuel our media machine.
Thanks for playing,First Friday
Comment by firstfriday — August 9, 2007 @ 8:06 pm
Good job, Ghost.
Watching wingnuts project their own self-hatred onto those they seek to criticize isn’t just the province of a fraud like Drudge.
But their party is going off a cliff and they know it. I’d almost feel bad for them, the way you feel bad when a Scientologist suddenly wakes up and realizes he’s lost twenty years of his life taking worthless “auditing” classes, except that the damage they caused to this country, our Constitution, and to the world is totally and completely inexcusable.
So instead I’ll kindly ask them to kiss my ass for their damage, and get the hell out of the way so intelligent people can start rebuilding the damage they wrought in 2008.
Comment by WinSmith — August 9, 2007 @ 8:08 pm
You, sir, are a homophobe who isn’t willing to admit it. That’s fine, we’ll leave you to your own devices.
And with Katrina, the government was there, the government whose responsibilty it was to evacuate everyone: the city and state governments. They were located right down the street from where all those buses were left unsed and got flooded. Oop!
Comment by firstfriday — August 9, 2007 @ 8:08 pm
kind of surprised Wellstone would stick up and join hand in hand with such hate, but he does enjoy being an agitator. The difference between Wellstone and you, WinSmith, is you are incapable of functioning as a human being and looking past politics, whereas Wwellstone and I are friends in real life. Sure, his politics are as fucked up as the day is long, but he doesn’t hate irrationally.
We’re looking forward to 2008, probably for the same reasons you are so angry; you know you’re going to lose because you know, when the chips are down and what you are advocating is laid bare, the majority of people aren’t with you. No doubt that wakes you up at night in a cold sweat. Sleep well.
Comment by firstfriday — August 9, 2007 @ 8:13 pm
History unfortunately repeats itself, especially when those in charge prefer the horrors of our past and prefer repetition. It’s even worse when all the hacks at and itsfirstfriday play for the right, and only interpret history and not read it. Dude, we have been friends for a very longtime, and I hate to see you taking an ass kickin like this, but maybe it’s what you need. Your party is wrong on nearly every issue at hand right now, although some have seen the light. There is hope for you, the country, and the Republican party. Whoever invoked Goldwater is way off, this is not the Party he and Mr. Miller imagined. Barry Goldwater and Paul Wellstone became great friends, hence why I warn you to now pull back the reigns on right-wing attacks and see that moderates like yourself actually are when you are not posting and see that these policies are not working. This attack the left is not working, this humor is not working at anything but agitating me and other lefties. I stated far above, your site is filled with hate, Kos is too,sometimes. I say this, try posting news from, you might learn something about the anti-war folk in this country, many are conservative. It’s not just a bunch of tree huggin,otterscrubbin, gay rights lovin, potsmokin liberals who only read Mother Jones and Huff Post. Respect the idea that many of us expect the laws to be followed and believe in civil disobedience, and are gonna call you out when you publish garbage and support a Republican party gone wild with hypocrisy.
Comment by Ghost of Wellstone — August 9, 2007 @ 8:20 pm
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Support the Nation, work for Mitt!!!
Jon Stewert was a bit lighter on this moment, view it here
Pearl Jam vs. Right Wing noise machine
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Kucinich 2008!!!!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Stand up to the White House with Russ Feingold
By: Logan Murphy @ 6:31 AM - PDT
Via The Raw Story:
Democrats in the House and Senate have introduced resolutions calling for the censure of President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.Sen. Russ Feingold sponsored two resolutions in his chamber calling for the legislative action against the administration officials because of they misled the country in pursuing war with Iraq and have undermined the rule of law, he said.
“These censure resolutions will let future generations know that Congress stood up to the destructive policies of this administration that have weakened our national security, cost more than 3,600 American lives, and undermined the principles on which our country was founded,” Feingold said in a prepared statement.
Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) introduced companion legislation in the House.
“From misleading this country into invading Iraq to establishing a warrantless domestic spy program, this White House has continuously misled and deceived the American people while disregarding the rule of law that guides our democracy,” Hinchey said in a prepared statement. “The Bush administration has placed an extraordinary burden on this and future generations to recover from the damage done to our Constitution and national security.” Read more…
Perhaps these resolutions don’t go far enough, but it shows that some Democrats are still working for us. They want to put something into the public record to show that somebody in this Congress stood up to King George and I say go for it…
Friday, August 3, 2007
Judging Anti-American people who are not really Anti-American
Special Comment
"Douchebag of the Week
Filed under: Douchebag of the Week, Wanna Be Presidents — firstfriday @ 11:29 am
While the House Majority Leadership is making a strong bid for Douchebag of the Week, today’s award must go to Barack Obama. We have long predicted his downfall once he begins opening his mouth about foreign policy, so we’re particularly pleased with Obama’s gaffes this week.
Presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday that he would not use nuclear weapons “in any circumstance” to fight terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“I think it would be a profound mistake for us to use nuclear weapons in any circumstance,” he said, with a pause, “involving civilians.” Then he quickly added, “Let me scratch that. There’s been no discussion of nuclear weapons.”
So in addition to publishing our benchmarks for success in Iraq (thus telling our enemies where to hit us), he would also let our enemies know that our enourmous nuclear advantage is, well, off the table - or at least he wouldn’t “discuss” it.
Any other positions of weakness you’d like us to take, Senator? How about revoking the Monroe Doctrine while you’re at it?
Oh, but wait! Now we’re going to invade Pakistan.
OBAMA: “There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again. It was a terrible mistake to fail to act when we had a chance to take out an al Qaeda leadership meeting in 2005. If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won’t act, we will.”
Fantastic. Undermine a nuclear ally and create massive instability that would result is a hostile takeover by radical jihadists. Wasn’t he the one blasting Bush for taking “irresponsible” unilateral action against Saddam?
The audacity! Just shut up and stick to your boring platitudes of “hope”.
Congratulations, Barack Obama, you are the Douchebag of the Week!"
First off, I will say this to the gentlemen at this site, that many million "douchebags" can't be wrong. Secondly, if you oppose going into Pakistan as Mr. Obama suggests then you really have no interest in the War on Terror do you? President Bush intentionally led our troops into Iraq based on lies, and you foolishly supported it, bashing anti-war liberals all the way. Now it is clear everything we said was true, and you can't face that. You were all willingly ready to pack up most of our stuff in Afghanistan and go to Iraq, yet the brains and leadership of Al Qaeda are in Pakistan, where President Musharaff has all but given them safe heaven. According to Pentagon reports, there is barely 15% of Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq, the rest are militant Shia and Sunni factions, or simply Iraqi rebels.
Terroists leadership hides in the very areas Senator Obama has suggested taking action on. Well, it sounds to me like fighting where the terrorists actually are is fighting terrorism. We can go on and on about how Pakistan and the Saudis are such great allies, but are they? Suggesting that Iraq had something to with 9/11 or WMDS is ridiculous, and anyone with a sense of intellect knew this, and still knows it. The guys at First Friday also suggested recently that trial lawyers, Democrats and Al Qaeda were all similar, well suggesting we sit back and allow Pakistan to harbor terrorists near the Afghan border seems like they got it wrong as they usually do. If "the Dude" at First Friday continues to drag his knuckles and follow the predicted demise of the GOP, then his weekly search for "douchebag of the week" will certainly end on this Friday night with a long stare in the mirror in the bathroom.