Supreme Court has rejected Army Capt. James Pietrangelo's challenge to
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" . It was Republican Barry Goldwater who said "You don't have to be
straight to be in the military; you
just have to be able to
shoot straight.", and it was President Obama, who on the campaign trail who suggested repealing the ridiculous policy. Pietrangelo served 6 years in the Army, 7 years in the National Guard, and one year in Iraq. Following the the rejection of the Boston Court Appeals, Pietrangelo was the only one out of 11 soldiers who sought a ruling from the Supreme Court. It is clear, as Kevin Nix of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network points out, this rejection now puts the issue back in the hands of Congress and the White House to repeal it.
What is absurd, is this policy only feeds the homophobia of a number of American people and continues our country's discrimination to Gays and Lesbians. These men and women wish to serve our country with honor and bravery just like anyone else. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe in a time of war, a soldier is going to be concerned with another person's sexual orientation. Yet, as a caller to the Ron Reagan Show shows, it is more about showering with a gay man than who it is you go into battle with.
Ron Reagan vs. Shower Boy
Ana Marie Cox on "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in Playboy
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