In custody, Carlos Bledsoe aka
Abdul Hakim Mujahid Muhmmad is being held on charges of shooting and killing Pvt. William Long and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula in Little Rock, AK.Authorities retrieved 3 guns in the suspects vehicle, a SKS semi-automatic rifle, a .22-caliber rifle and a pistol.The FBI is currently giving this case further investigation. The victims, Army Recruiters in Little Rock had just finished basic training. Muhammad, a
Muslim convert obviously took at aim at American military with political and religious motivations. Some on the
right are angered that this story has received less attention than the murder of George Tiller, and with good concern. While I do not always agree with the tactics recruiters may use to sway young men and women, they should be honored in our country, and not used as tools for political and religious gain. Muhammad's actions are motivated in the same way Scott Roeder's were. One disapproved of Dr. Tiller's practice of late abortions, the other opposed American military presence in Islamic countries. Both are murderers and should be sentenced accordingly. It has been reported, Muhammad could face the death penalty or life in prison. There is no word on Roeder's outcome yet. In my opinion, life in prison would suit both of them just fine.
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