That said, it was a joy to acquire a trash picked vintage 1980-84 Raleigh ten speed, and disassemble it and make repairs before taking it to the streets. One glaring thing in the process was, part after part read "Raleigh of America", the British owned company was purchased by Huffy in the early 80's.

So, the question is, how did this happen? Some will lead you to believe it was the Unions for simply asking for a livable wage. Others will suggest it was the regulations put on corporations, and some will say it was Democrats raising taxes. All three are nonsense. As Thom Hartmann notes in a column,
In my lifetime, this unfortunate transition began in the 1980's, when President Reagan bought into the Milton Friedman theory of "Free Markets" and began deregulating corporations and reducing taxes from 71% to 27% on the very rich. First of all, the free market is not free, as taxes on corporations dropped, to $132 billion from $207 billion in tax revenue, the greed in corporate profits and CEO pay rose. Reaping the rewards of profit at the cost of the "good of the nation", corporations sought more. Much can also be argued over our trade agreements, NAFTA which came to life under a Republican stronghold of Congress and President Clinton put American workers further on the the brink. Congressman Dennis Kucinich continues to urge for bilateral trade policy's that will put Americans back to work. He has noted that while trade is a good thing, America is one of the largest consumer nations, that gave us leverage as other nations wanted to sell to us. "Tax Cuts" and "the Free Market" are catchy slogans, yet they are just that...slogans, and they have consequences. The tax cuts, the trade agreements, and the lifting of some tariffs has turned "Buy American" into "Bye America".
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