Dear Sarah,
Hope you are well. While these times have been difficult for the people of our great country - including Alaska - it is nice to see you have found the time to express your outrage to David Letterman, and with the utmost class accepted his well-deserved apology. All the while lookin' good. (wink) It is nice to see you express your "average" American persona, by sticking up for daughters and flight attendants everywhere. It is nice to see Bristol doing well, earning a sponsored promotion for abstinence only, after being realistic and stating that "abstinence only is unrealistic". We know how it goes... I'm sure John Ziegler or Greta Van Susteren had a hand in that.
As President Bush used to describe his job, "it's hard work". I can imagine being followed by...er, following the elusive spotlight; it is also "hard work". Maybe you might need a vacation? You would be welcome in Detroit. The daily routine includes job hunting, cheap entertainment, and living hand-to-mouth. You could come cook for me, moose burgers would be great! Introducing you to great music like Street Sweeper Social Club, Henry Rollins, and Jazz like Sonny Criss and Bobby Timmons near a bonfire. Then proving to you that Mike Malloy and Jeff Farias are the most insightful voices in talk radio, and that Janeane Garofalo is the funniest woman in comedy, we could also discuss health care and a public option. We could then debate it over drinks at the biker bar where, as the guys drool over you, I say please, while we don't have the public option for health care yet, we do have have the public option to say...STFU! Don't you have a state to run?!
A "wink" to Anthony for the help on this one.
Inspired by Henry Rollins "Dear Ann" letter.
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