South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford decided all of his kicking and screaming over the Stimulus Package just wore him out. On Thursday,
Sanford disappeared for the weekend, and the Lt. Governor, as well as his wife and children did not even know his whereabouts.What is peculiar about this, is while the right-wing has criticized Barack Obama for having ice cream with his children, they have silent about the Republican Governor, who vanished on Father's Day. Spending weeks hemming and hawing over the President's economic plans, he became the first Governor to
reject $700 million, while his state
flounders with unemployment.
According to
Politico, the Governor is safe. His communications director Joel Sawyer relayed this "we won't disclose Sanford’s location but said that before the governor left town last week “he let staff know his whereabouts and that he'd be difficult to reach.”
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