Monday, June 29, 2009
Financial and Health Care Debate
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Limbaugh Proud to be in "Party of No!"
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett have Died.

In my lifetime, both figures were cemented in my memories from an early age,
to my very young childhood memories/crushes of sneaking out of bed to watch Charlie's Angels, or having my parents take me to a record store where my allowance would be spent to buy a record.

Farrah Fawcett's death, in all of it's sadness was not unexpected given her 3 year long battle with cancer. At age 62 she can be proud of the image and effect she had on the American entertainment industry and culture for her role in Cahrlie's Angels, Extremities and the Burning Bed among others.. Her long relationship with actor Ryan O'Neal was struck with it's issues that the tabloids covered, they did however stick it out over the years.

Michael Jackson's passing is surprising, and surreal. The self proclaimed King of Pop was 50 and no stranger to headlines. From the early years on Motown records with the Jackson 5, Michael was a child prodigy. Wowing audiences with incredible talents, and holding the honors of entertaining fans around the world for

Just shy of embarking on his comeback with a 3 year worldwide tour, Michael suffered a heart attack and died shortly after. These American Icons changed how people in our country viewed entertainment and set a standard in what we see as statuesque.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sex, Lies, and E-Mails

The State Newspaper recovered e-mails that he and Maria exchanged in that time. Governor...this not what the President meant by a "stimulus package" and learning the inner workings of "Foreign Affairs" does not include cheating on your wife.Here is some excerpts:
"You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that so fitting with your beauty. I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses, or that I love your tan lines or that I love the curve of your hips, the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of the night’s light - but hey, that would be going into sexual details ..."
"you have pearls of wisdom on how we figure all this out please let me know... In the meantime please sleep soundly knowing that despite the best efforts of my head my heart cries out for you, your voice, your body, the touch of your lips, the touch of your finger tips and an even deeper connection to your soul.”"
If his political career has derailed, it is certain he could write some romance novels.
Now I am not one who really cares who a politician is screwing in private, I want to know who they are screwing in public. That said, what we see out of the Republicans, is the repeated nonsense of "Family Values". They are hypocrites! Their new campaign slogan ought to be "Do as I say, not as screw!". Yes, infidelity occurs in many relationships, and politicians are not exceptions, Democrats and Republicans. However, it is Republicans who routinely preach to us about values, and honor all the while hiding their own indiscretions. In 1998, when President Clinton was facing down his wife, the press, and Congress for his fling with Monica Lewinsky, then Congressman Sanford had a number of things to say following his vote to impeach.
"The bottom line, though, is he still lied. He lied under a different oath, and that is the oath to his wife. So it’s got to be taken very, very seriously.” [Sanford on Livingston, CNN, 12/18/98]
“The issue of lying is probably the biggest harm, if you will, to the system of Democratic government, representatives government, because it undermines trust. And if you undermine trust in our system, you undermine everything.” [Sanford on Clinton, CNN, 2/16/99]
Governor Sanford opposes same sex marriage, and spoke with the Post Courier and said this,
“As Jenny and I are the parents of four little boys, we’ve always taught our kids that marriage was something between a man and a woman.” [The Post and Courier, 2/11/04]
It is a given that politicians are difficult to trust, but the GOP is clearly making easy to distrust their members. Do I think this personnel situation is cause for the Governor to resign? No. Do I think his prior words and votes protesting someone else's actions are reason to resign? Yes! The most amusing part of all of this, is the Conservative bloggers and Media. Fox News reported Mark Sanford as a Democrat, you can view that here. The bloggers at Gateway Pundit are bringing up Senator Kennedy's accident 40 years ago, and clinging to John Edwards affair, and Elliot Spitzer's affair without facing up to the fact that in the series of these affairs it is an issue the Republicans are winning. We see how well the last couple elections worked out, so stick to what your good at guys!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Random Notes

- Guests this evening Mimi Kennedy of Progressive Democrats of America., Eric Boehlert of Media Matters, Stephen Zunes, and Marcy Winograd who will be challenging Congresswoman Jane Harman in the Democratic Primary. Later in the week, Sibel Edwards and Ed Asner among others.Listen to Brad Here.
- My almost reasonable exchange with a flying monkey(s) on the protests in Iran.
- The Young Turks have a good take on President Sarkozy's approach on burkas
- While the right-wing screams about President Obama's response, the silence on thieves in Somalia sentenced to have their right hands and left legs amputated is deafening.
Professor Stephen Zunes on Iran
This excerpt clearly spells out why the U.S. needs a cautious approach to the conflict in Iran
"1) Neo-conservatives and other American hawks were hoping for a victory by the hard-line incumbent to justify their opposition to President Barack Obama’s tentative steps at rapprochement with the Islamic Republic.
2) Opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi and the vast majority of his supporters are strongly nationalist, anti-American, anti-imperialist, and would neither desire nor accept U.S. support.
3) There has been a longstanding Iranian tradition of such largely nonviolent civil insurrections against imperialist powers and autocratic rulers and no outside power is needed to convince the Iranian people to rebel."
Anti-Stimulus Governor Disappears for Four Days

According to Politico, the Governor is safe. His communications director Joel Sawyer relayed this "we won't disclose Sanford’s location but said that before the governor left town last week “he let staff know his whereabouts and that he'd be difficult to reach.”
Dear Sarah

Dear Sarah,
Hope you are well. While these times have been difficult for the people of our great country - including Alaska - it is nice to see you have found the time to express your outrage to David Letterman, and with the utmost class accepted his well-deserved apology. All the while lookin' good. (wink) It is nice to see you express your "average" American persona, by sticking up for daughters and flight attendants everywhere. It is nice to see Bristol doing well, earning a sponsored promotion for abstinence only, after being realistic and stating that "abstinence only is unrealistic". We know how it goes... I'm sure John Ziegler or Greta Van Susteren had a hand in that.
As President Bush used to describe his job, "it's hard work". I can imagine being followed, following the elusive spotlight; it is also "hard work". Maybe you might need a vacation? You would be welcome in Detroit. The daily routine includes job hunting, cheap entertainment, and living hand-to-mouth. You could come cook for me, moose burgers would be great! Introducing you to great music like Street Sweeper Social Club, Henry Rollins, and Jazz like Sonny Criss and Bobby Timmons near a bonfire. Then proving to you that Mike Malloy and Jeff Farias are the most insightful voices in talk radio, and that Janeane Garofalo is the funniest woman in comedy, we could also discuss health care and a public option. We could then debate it over drinks at the biker bar where, as the guys drool over you, I say please, while we don't have the public option for health care yet, we do have have the public option to say...STFU! Don't you have a state to run?!
A "wink" to Anthony for the help on this one.
Inspired by Henry Rollins "Dear Ann" letter.
A confused right-wing approach and double standard.

I cannot say it enough, as a country that prides itself on freedom and liberties, we owe it to the protesters on the streets of Tehran support their fight without interfering, and to use them as a political football to throw at our own President belittles their cause.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
America's position on Iran

"And how they approach and deal with people who are, through peaceful means, trying to be heard will, I think, send a pretty clear signal to the international community about what Iran is - and is not."

This echoes the feelings of millions of Americans, however, if we are seen as meddling in the affairs of elections, it strengthens the reigning powers. The Iranian people who are protesting are positioning themselves to be detained or executed on behalf of their country's belief that Mahmoud Ahmadinajad is leading them down a path of recklessness and isolation. I believe the Iranian people know that America is standing with them, but it is not prudent for the American Government to intervene. Although, while the House passed a resolution condemning the violence in Iran 405-1, the actions of the men and women in the streets of Tehran are showing courage. We should do the same and butt out.
Michigan Congressman Pete Hoekstra took it upon himself to compare the Iranian protesters to the Republicans being oppressed in the House. Give me a break Mr. Hoekstra, because your both on Twitter? "Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House." John McCain had this to say about President Obama, "He should speak out that this is a corrupt, fraud, sham of an election,". This from the same man who mockingly said "Bomb,Bomb,Bomb Iran!".The position of the GOP is let's stake a claim to the oppression being felt by Iranian people, however their position is flawed. It is known the GOP's stance on Iran has been murky at best. The Republicans have been eager to take military action against Iran's nuclear ambitions for years, and has regarded them as an "Axis of Evil", and now are claiming to stand with the people? It is nothing more than a political ploy to oppose Barack Obama.
As Americans, we all wish the Iranian protesters to be safe and free, and have a just country. That said, this their fight, and as a poster at a Conservative blog noted, in order for this to work it must stand on it's own two feet. I concur. In our delicate relationship with Iran, a reckless and inflammatory approach could result in monumental setbacks and have repurcussions on our soldiers already in harms way in the region.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Misleading Polls on Popularity and Policy
Today, two new national polls were released, one by the New York Times and CBS, the other by the Wall Street Journal and NBC. News headlines quickly settled on a theme: The polls showed that President Obama’s policies were suddenly unpopular:
“Sticker Shock — Obama still popular; his policies, not so much” [ABC's The Note]
“Polls find rising concern with Obama on key issues” [Reuters]
“Polls Show Declining Support For Obama Decisions” [U.S. News & World Report's Political Bulletin]
“Obama’s popularity: Problems testing it” [Chicago Tribune's The Swamp]
“Is ‘Smooth Sailing’ Over for Obama?” [Washington Post]
The headlines have little to no relation to the actual data in the polls, both of which found broad approval for Obama’s foreign policy and economic agendas. From the New York Times/CBS poll:
5. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy? 57% approve, 35% disapprove
8. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the threat of terrorism? 57% approve, 27% disapprove
16. So far, do you think Barack Obama’s policies have made the economy better, made the economy worse or haven’t his policies had any effect on the economy yet? 32% say better, 15% say worse
And from the Wall Street Journal/NBC poll:
4b. Do you generally approve or disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing in handling the economy? 51% approve, 38% disapprove
4c. Do you generally approve or disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing in handling foreign policy? 54% approve , 36% disapprove
9. Which ONE of the following statements best describes your feelings toward Barack Obama?
Like personally and approve most policies…………… 48%
Like personally but disapprove of many policies ……27%
12. And how confident are you that Barack Obama has the right set of goals and policies to improve the economy––extremely confident, quite confident, only somewhat confident, or not at all confident?
Extremely confident………………………. 20%
Quite confident …………………………. 26%
Only somewhat confident ………………….. 24%
Not at all confident …………………….. 29%
Similarly, 68 percent agree with Obama’s view that Guantanamo detainees should be charged with a crime or released back to their home countries, as opposed to only 24 percent who think they should be detained indefinitely. As Glenn Greenwald notes, “The view that detainees should be charged with crimes or released is often depicted as the fringe ‘Far Left’ view. Like so many views that are similarly depicted, it is — in reality — the overwhelming consensus view among Americans.”
Perhaps the most bizarre headline came from USA Today’s blog, The VAL: “Poll: Obama down, cousin Cheney up.” The poll cited showed that 60 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Obama. By contrast, only 27 percent viewed Cheney favorably — while 30 percent viewed him “very negatively.”
Tammy Bruce Joins Conspiracy Chorus

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Fox's Griff Jenkins gets a taste of Ambush Journalism
Right-Wing Conspiracy Nuts
Traffic Vigilante?

As a cyclist, I will admit we take chances, however, we are no match for a car or SUV. At times when I have been bumped or cut off, yes I am going to mouth off, and no it's not being a "traffic vigilante".
Worst Persons in the World
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Air America Back in D.C.

"WZAA also boasts several prominent, Washington, D.C. personalities on programming throughout the day on Wednesday, including Helen Thomas, Chris Matthews, Senator Bernie Sanders and others."
After financial struggles since their courageous inception, Air America has had a revolving door for many in management and hosts, it appears it's woes are coming to an end. Losing great personalities like Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Thom Hartmann, and soon to be Senator, Al Franken, their lineup appears settled. We wish them the best!
Do as I say, Not as I screw!

OK, all of that is rather trivial, but the growing trend out of Republicans is they talk a great game about "Family Values" , yet are the biggest hypocrites on earth! Here is a quick rundown of prominent Family Values/Faith Based figures in the GOP.
- Newt Gingrich- served his wife with divorce papers at her bedside while she suffered from cancer
- David Vitter- Only admitted to visiting the D.C. Madame after his name was released in her black book.It was later rumored he enjoyed wearing diapers while with the prostitutes.
- John Bolton-Former Ambassador to the UN, and current warmonger is said to have forced both wives to participate in unsavory group sex. The State Dept. has not refuted the allegations, and Hustler publisher Larry Fylnt is said to have witnesses.
- Fmr. Congressman Joe Scarborough- Resigned after rumors surfaced of extramarital activity. The intern involved turned up dead in his office, and the medical examiner had his licence revoked.
Update: Senator Ensign steps down from Republican Leadership post
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
CREW sues Obama White House

Monday, June 15, 2009
Made in the USA

That said, it was a joy to acquire a trash picked vintage 1980-84 Raleigh ten speed, and disassemble it and make repairs before taking it to the streets. One glaring thing in the process was, part after part read "Raleigh of America", the British owned company was purchased by Huffy in the early 80's.

So, the question is, how did this happen? Some will lead you to believe it was the Unions for simply asking for a livable wage. Others will suggest it was the regulations put on corporations, and some will say it was Democrats raising taxes. All three are nonsense. As Thom Hartmann notes in a column,
In my lifetime, this unfortunate transition began in the 1980's, when President Reagan bought into the Milton Friedman theory of "Free Markets" and began deregulating corporations and reducing taxes from 71% to 27% on the very rich. First of all, the free market is not free, as taxes on corporations dropped, to $132 billion from $207 billion in tax revenue, the greed in corporate profits and CEO pay rose. Reaping the rewards of profit at the cost of the "good of the nation", corporations sought more. Much can also be argued over our trade agreements, NAFTA which came to life under a Republican stronghold of Congress and President Clinton put American workers further on the the brink. Congressman Dennis Kucinich continues to urge for bilateral trade policy's that will put Americans back to work. He has noted that while trade is a good thing, America is one of the largest consumer nations, that gave us leverage as other nations wanted to sell to us. "Tax Cuts" and "the Free Market" are catchy slogans, yet they are just that...slogans, and they have consequences. The tax cuts, the trade agreements, and the lifting of some tariffs has turned "Buy American" into "Bye America".
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Fight Apparently is On...

Joan Walsh stands up to Bill O'Reilly

Keith Olbermann and Ed Schultz feature the Round Mound of Conservative Sound
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Rush never fails to amaze!

More Domestic Terrorism

"In 1983, he was convicted of attempting to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve Board and served more than six years in prison. He was arrested two years earlier outside the room where the board was meeting, carrying a revolver, knife and sawed-off shotgun. At the time, police said von Brunn wanted to take the members hostage because of high interest rates and the nation's economic difficulties."
The irony of this crime which took the 39 year old Johns life, was in April the Department Of Homeland Security issued a report warning of violence from "right-wing extremists", and the Conservatives in the country went ballistic! Fox News also had alot of criticisms of the DHS report, with the exception of Sheppard Smith who seems o know the report was credible. They also noted left-wing extremists. Calls for Secretary Janet Napolitano's resignation were called for by high profile Conservatives like Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh. Turns out the report was correct, as we have now had two murders in 11 days that were politically and religiously motivated.
My question is, for all of the talk from the right about losing your gun rights, Obama's birth certificate (which has verified and debunked any controversy) , and our country's evolving policies, what did you think was going to happen? This means you Glenn Beck, O'Reilly , and Limbaugh! If you keep stirring the pot, some people are bound to snap. Again, I must say, these people are professionals and are well aware of the power of suggestion....act like professionals!
You're Fired!

Conservatives in a Flutter Over Letterman Jokes

This weeks comments by David Letterman about Sarah Palin's trip to NYC has the Conservatives outraged, from pundits to bloggers. Again they prove, they can say anything about anybody and it's ok, but the moment someone turns the tables on them, oh, look out! In Letterman fashion, at Governor Palin's expense she was the victim of his Top 10 List."Bought makeup at Bloomingdales to update her slutty flight attendant look"
In his monologue of jokes, he said an "the toughest part of her trip was keeping Elliot Spitzer away from her daughter" and "one awkward moment at the Yankees game was during the 7th inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" What has not been noted by any Conservatives is how Limbaugh took the joke further, and claimed Letterman had it wrong, and suggested she was knocked up after the game. I am sure it's just that their schedules are too hectic to have to call him and apologize afterwards.
To the Governor's credit she was in NYC for a fundraiser for autism, and made a weekend out of it. What is ridiculous, is Conservatives are acting like they have never heard a comedian before. Some are suggesting Letterman called her daughter a prostitute, others are saying "how could he make jokes about a 14 year being raped". What is clear, David Letterman never said anything about rape. I noted that I didn't believe Letterman knew what daughter was with her on the trip, and second if he is going to make a joke about her daughter being "knocked up" , it is clear he is speaking of the 18 year old daughter who was knocked up. Comedians use questionable material, that is their shtick! The Palins responded to Letterman, "Laughter incited by sexually perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl is ... disgusting,"
That's it, it was poor comedy that Letterman himself acknowledges here. You either laugh, or you don't , but he is a comedian...that's it. Get over it!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Bill O'Reilly Lies About Dr. Tiller Coverage

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Newt Gingrich's Double Standard

Monday, June 8, 2009
Freed Gitmo Detainee Speaks of 7+ years

Saying he was deprived of sleep for 16 days at a time and alleging that guards used hypodermic needles and tubes to torture him after he declared a hunger strike. The problem the U.S facing while it plans to close Guantanamo, is giving the detainees due process, and sentencing or freeing them, and figuring out where to release them. Since the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, of the 800 detainees, 420 have been released without charge, and reports claim that 61 have returned to or have now joined the battles. Many detainees have declared their innocence, others have admitted guilt, and some have said nothing. The issue we are facing amidst the accusations of torture and cherry picked intel, is that some of these boys and men are innocent.
Supreme Court dismisses "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" challenge

What is absurd, is this policy only feeds the homophobia of a number of American people and continues our country's discrimination to Gays and Lesbians. These men and women wish to serve our country with honor and bravery just like anyone else. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe in a time of war, a soldier is going to be concerned with another person's sexual orientation. Yet, as a caller to the Ron Reagan Show shows, it is more about showering with a gay man than who it is you go into battle with.
Ron Reagan vs. Shower Boy
Update: Ana Marie Cox on "Don't Ask Don't Tell" in Playboy
Fox News Continues it's nonsensical attacks on NBC

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Keith Olbermann joins Courtney Hazlett on the Ron Reagan Show
Ron Kuby on the murder of Dr. Tiller

Ron Kuby, progressive talk show host and attorney discusses the terrorist act of Tiller's assassin, Scott Roeder. Pointing out how the state of Kansas filed charges against Dr. Tiller for allegedly violating state law for consulting with a second Doctor in some cases.Roeder sat in the courtroom and looked on as they state failed to make any case against George Tiller. Take a listen.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Carlos Bledsoe? AbdulHakim Mujahid Muhammad?

"There was never any evidence...that Iraq was involved in 9/11"

Domestic ConservativeTerrorism?

I have stated that this is not a justified homicide, this is murder. Claiming to be pro-life and committing murder is hardly pro-life . Nothing says pro-life like murder in the morning. It is abundantly clear that a large percentage of people in America are against abortion, and contrary to popular belief most people are. Nobody is "pro-abortion" as the right-wing would like you to believe. As a man, I have been through it, and it was horrifying and I cannot fathom what whirlwind of emotions that tore at the woman. However, I remain supportive of a woman's right to choose. The idea that shooting, bombing, threatening , and protesting doctors, the clinics, their staff and families is dangerous and against the laws in place. If one is that against law, work to change the law, do not take it into your own hands where you also put innocent people in danger. That said, as Rachel Maddow noted last night, in 87% of counties in the United States it is not possible to get an abortion. So, it is clear that much of the efforts of the domestic terrorists have had some impact.
However, it should be noted that media coverage of a doctors practice to perform abortions adds fuel to the fire, and consequently leads to tragedy. In the last four years alone Fox News has covered Dr. Tiller 28 times, calling him "Tiller the Baby Killer". Roeder, who frequently posted on Operation Rescues website had this to say about Bill O'Reilly and a anti-Tiller prayer event.
"Has Bill O'Reilly been invited to any of the Tiller events and if so what was his reply? Has Fox News covered any of these events?"
It is obvious by this post, that Roeder was listening to O'Reilly In 2007, O'Reilly sent his producers off to Wichita to ambush Dr. Tiller and last night he defended his coverage Church , killing two for their liberal leanings. In his apartment, authorities found books and columns written by Fox News hosts and guests, like Bernard Goldberg who was mentioned in of Tiller, instead of taking responsibility he referenced "far-left zealots" and "pro-abortion zealots". Bill, you are in the media and are aware of the influence your show has had over the years. Yet, you continue to use language that incites those unstable like Scott Roeder.It should also be noted that last July's shooting in Knoxville,Tn at the Unitarian Universalist Church, the shooter James Adkisson wrote his own "manifesto".
"This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book".
Furthermore, it is imperative that the media make a point to curb their language and or coverage on Doctors who perform abortions because in the last 20 years it has stirred the anger and violent behavior of the anti-abortion crowd. Since 1993 and up to Sundays murder of Dr. Tiller there have been shootings and bombings that killed and endangered innocent people. I said on a different blog, that I am not a religious person, but I hope that Scott Roeder's statements on his crime do not make a mockery out of the faith many in this country hold close to their hearts.