The Star-Telegram reports that the Secret Service
ordered police to halt screening at Reunion Arena in Dallas where 17,000 Obama supporters gatherd for a rally. Officers expressed concern when they were ordered to put down metal detectors and to defer from searching purses and bags. The fact that Senator Obama already recieves more Secret Service protction than other candidates, and has reciecved death threats since his campaign began is cause for concern. In an age where racism is still alive, and Bill O' Reilly uses "lynch mob" in a reference to Michelle Obama shows that we have not come as far as we would like to beleive. One officer went on to say "it appeared to be a friendly crowd", but c'mon. How friendly would that crowd be if something happened? My issue is not with the officers who followed orders, it is with the order givers. The reasoning for the lax security was to "speed up the lines" and "fill the empty seats". This is eerrily similiar to another popular figure of "movement" in Pakistan. Benazir Bhutto's assasination was suspect to "lax security" an hour prior to her death. The voters have spoken, we are inspired by Senator Obama, and see the potential for a better America, yet we live in a country where half-wits still exist. A country where placing a noose and using language like "lynch" and "n*****" are still common place. I hope the Star-Telegram article shines a light on the security needs needed for all candidates that motivate such masses.
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