"American citizens must understand clearly that there is still a threat on the homeland. There is still an enemy which would like to do us harm and that we have got to give our professionals the tools they need to figure out what the enemy is up to so we can stop them."
I for one am very sick of it. I was just surprised that we were not told to "go shopping", and let us monitor your phone calls and e-mails without a warrant. For all of their tough talk, Republicans sure do speak of fear an awful lot don't they? As a liberal Democrat, I am not afraid. Let me tell why. When you study the policies that got us to 9/11, and other attacks in other countries, Al Qaeda videos, and corporate profits, if you use your brain you can see that it's not our freedoms they hate. Stephanie Miller said it best last summer, "It's not like Osama is in a cave somewhere with the Bill of Rights saying "ooohhhh, this makes me so mad!, and I hate the Lexus commercial where the chick gets to drive !". Funnier to hear her actually say it. The point is, the Republican Party is dead set on scaring the population. If it's not terrorists, it's immigrants, if you're not scared yet, then it's the Democrats who can't protect you. C'mon, do they really think the American people are that cowardly? I leave you with a quote
"You are now witnessing the beginning of a great epoch in history, this fire is the beginning -a sign from God- to declare an all out war on terrorism and it's ideological sponsors, a peoplewho have found motivation for their evil deeds."
Who said it? and why does it sound eerily familiar?
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