Liberal talk radio hosts spoke at length today about David Schuster's comments last week on MSNBC that Chelsea Clinton was being "pimped out". The Clinton's have written a letter to the higher ups at MSNBC and David Schuster has been suspended indefinately. Give me a break. At this stage of a heated campaign, one would hope Hillary is running for President and already would have sealed the deal for Mother of the Year. I do not wish to undermine Hillary's willingness to protect her daughter, any parent would. I would hope that a Presidential hopeful like Senator Clinton, who has weathered more than enough attacks would let this one slide. Schuster's comments may of been in bad taste, but watch and listen.
It appears to me that every family in a Presidential camapign "pimps" out some family members to say "Look at us! We're a great American Family!" Yet, I can honestly say, that should Hillary and Bill be that protective of their 27 year old Chelsea, look no further than the parenting of the Obama's who have rarely allowed their daughters to be the focus of attention. Chris Lavoie at the Stephanie Miller show had it right, pimping is not the same term it was in the 70's, it has long been turned into a playa thing. The Clinton's are smarter than this, and if they can take the time to write a letter that results in Schuster's suspension, they can comment that he should be back. Have they ever heard what vile spew comes from the mouths of Fox News and Ann Coultergeist?