With the right-wing glorification of "the surge is working", and the media's focus on Natalee Holloway, and CNN's Sunday night coverage of a celebrity President, yeah, Iraq is not on the news every moment. By the way, George Clooney won the celebrity election. AP reported today that
twin car bombs killed 22 today, and 42 wounded. It was also reported that the number of U.S. casualties has now reached 3960. The surge, what a glowing success! Senator Insane McCain has spoke of "it's not the prescence of American forces, it's the casualties" What? The casualties are a result of the prescence you half-wit! I am greatly concerned about the massaged information we recieve about the War. With deaths of American troops in decline (a good thing), but not one more is the anti-war mesage that has been ongoing since the wars start. The mainstream media has neglected to talk about the
80,000-90,000 innocent Iraqis that have perished as well. Does the media do the job we ask of them? No. Is it sometimes entertaining to see Bill O'Reilly pimp out Dennis Miller's poor excuse for humor? not really. The fact remains that we are still in a war based on lies, the Bush Crime family continues to twist the law to it's fitting, and the spineless Democrats and complicit media sit idly by and watch.
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