Global Warming, with all of it's facts regarding the rate of erosion, still suffers the attempts of right-wingers to turn it into a "bad word" for most of the country. The twits at First Friday have a recent
post regarding the cold tempatures the country is facing. Funny, when we had 60 somethin' tempatures in Michigan in January, they had nothin, when it was over 70 last week in Ohio they had nothin, when the country faces winter tornadoes, they of course had nothin. Climate change is something the globe has always faced, it is the rate of the change that is cause for alarm. Perhaps, being a "Patriotic American" only applies when you can kill the natives of a foreign land? Perhaps, being "fiscally conservative" only applies when spending "liberally" only involves "arms deals", perhaps complying with global efforts to reduce energy costs and usage to reduce enviromental erosion...wtf, that must just be a "liberal cause".
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