I post this while sitting with the eternal optimist whom loathes the left and the right, yet possesses values that can give liberals and conservatives fits. I speak at length with the wonderful people at
Democracy Interactive on when and where the battle lines were drawn. I firmly believe the fights we now witness, or partake in were started by the Republican noise machine ie; Faux News. If you are a conservative, let me ask, are you proud to be? Do you strive to be a better conservative? If you answered yes to those two aforementioned questions, then I will tell you what I am gonna do for you, I am going to spend the next thirty years saying that conservatives are bad,murderous, horrible ,hypocrites. Sound familiar? Well, it does to liberals. This is hard to see our country, the land of dreams, and hope, and
integrity split. It is sad. Once upon a time, Americans shared a vision of progress, issues like workers rights, equal rights, and a neighborhly compassion. Now we have attitudes like, you can't repeal the tax cuts for the rich and end the war vs. how dare you not help the sick and impoverished and uneducated. Funny, the latter sounds like America to me. So, on that note, no, we can't just get along, at least for now.
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