Saturday, February 23, 2008

"What?! I was taken out of context"

My last post was regarding my friends at 's defense of Bill O'Reilly's "lynching comment regarding Michelle Obama. I would like to reflect a little more it. First, with the dismissal over Don Imus' "nappy headed ho's" comment, and more recently, David Schuster's suspension over his "Pimped out" referral about Chelsea Clinton, it is realistic that Billo should suffer some repurcussions. Isn't it time Fox Noise provides some decency in their "Fair and Balanced" fairytale? To paraphrase Mike Malloy a bit here, O'Really's comments and First Friday's defense of him really piss me off, and if I were black I would be twice as pissed. That FF even touched on this sensitive issue, and spoke in defense of O'Reilly makes me ashamed to be a white man. Will Fox news listen to the outrage that Americans who hold equality close to their hearts are screaming? Will First Friday retract their post? I urge anyone who is ok with the "lynch" word to do some history.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Well, everyone has heard me mention the half-wits at First Friday. Their infant style whining about Democratic Politicians, liberal views, and pro-war rhetoric has been topped. They now have taken themselves to a new low. Defending Bill O'Reilly's "lynch mob" comments regarding Michelle Obama. Of course, I am sure if they read this, it'll will be a moment of "we were taken out of context". Their insensitivity to what was, and is a symbol of hatred, torture, and bigotry that African-Americans suffered by white americans still stirs up problems that many would like to see behind us. The fact is, that when Billo is "taken out of context" monthly if not more, shouldn't he just shut-up? Lynching is just not a term to be used. If the FF crowd wished to discuss history, then fine, but I would hope they would also discuss the Jena new story we all witnessed in the not so distant past. It appears the FF guys will continue their insentive crybaby GOP crap by allowing Republican politicians to commit crimes, Right-Wing pundits to be as sexist and racist as possible, and just spend time criticizing the poor, the displaced, the blacks, the liberals, the Democrats, and anything progressive in order to save the rich corporations that Reagan, Bush, and Bush have propped up to continue the slide this country is on.

Two videos on Telcom Immunity, and how Americans won't fall for the fearmongering of the GOP

Secret Service order police to stop...

The Star-Telegram reports that the Secret Service ordered police to halt screening at Reunion Arena in Dallas where 17,000 Obama supporters gatherd for a rally. Officers expressed concern when they were ordered to put down metal detectors and to defer from searching purses and bags. The fact that Senator Obama already recieves more Secret Service protction than other candidates, and has reciecved death threats since his campaign began is cause for concern. In an age where racism is still alive, and Bill O' Reilly uses "lynch mob" in a reference to Michelle Obama shows that we have not come as far as we would like to beleive. One officer went on to say "it appeared to be a friendly crowd", but c'mon. How friendly would that crowd be if something happened? My issue is not with the officers who followed orders, it is with the order givers. The reasoning for the lax security was to "speed up the lines" and "fill the empty seats". This is eerrily similiar to another popular figure of "movement" in Pakistan. Benazir Bhutto's assasination was suspect to "lax security" an hour prior to her death. The voters have spoken, we are inspired by Senator Obama, and see the potential for a better America, yet we live in a country where half-wits still exist. A country where placing a noose and using language like "lynch" and "n*****" are still common place. I hope the Star-Telegram article shines a light on the security needs needed for all candidates that motivate such masses.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

On a another note

A great cover of the Asylum Street Spankers by the Bastard Fairies. Also, I know who'll love this...Hi Julie!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Democrat with Courage, not fear

Rep. Silvestre Reyes represents Texas' 16th District. , last week he addressed the President regarding "fear". At that point, Mr. Reyes represented patriotic americans throughout our country.

President George W. BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NWWashington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:
The Preamble to our Constitution states that one of our highest duties as public officials is to “provide for the common defence.” As an elected Member of Congress, a senior Member of the House Armed Services Committee, and Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I work everyday to ensure that our defense and intelligence capabilities remain strong in the face of serious threats to our national security.
Because I care so deeply about protecting our country, I take strong offense to your suggestion in recent days that the country will be vulnerable to terrorist attack unless Congress immediately enacts legislation giving you broader powers to conduct warrantless surveillance of Americans’ communications and provides legal immunity for telecommunications companies that participated in the Administration’s warrantless surveillance program.
Today, the National Security Agency (NSA) has authority to conduct surveillance in at least three different ways, all of which provide strong capability to monitor the communications of possible terrorists.
First, NSA can use its authority under Executive Order 12333 to conduct surveillance abroad of any known or suspected terrorist. There is no requirement for a warrant. There is no requirement for probable cause. Most of NSA’s collection occurs under this authority.
Second, NSA can use its authority under the Protect America Act, enacted last August, to conduct surveillance here in the U.S of any foreign target. This authority does not “expire” on Saturday, as you have stated. Under the PAA, orders authorizing surveillance may last for one year – until at least August 2008. These orders may cover every terrorist group without limitation. If a new member of the group is identified, or if a new phone number or email address is identified, the NSA may add it to the existing orders, and surveillance can begin immediately. We will not “go dark.”
Third, in the remote possibility that a new terrorist organization emerges that we have never previously identified, the NSA could use existing authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to monitor those communications. Since its establishment nearly 30 years ago, the FISA Court has approved nearly every application for a warrant from the Department of Justice. In an emergency, NSA or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) may begin surveillance immediately, and a FISA Court order does not have to be obtained for three days. The former head of FISA operations for the Department of Justice has testified publicly that emergency authorization may be granted in a matter of minutes.
As you know, the 1978 FISA law, which has been modernized and updated numerous times since 9/11, was instrumental in disrupting the terrorist plot in Germany last summer. Those who say that FISA is outdated do not understand the strength of this important tool.
If our nation is left vulnerable in the coming months, it will not be because we don’t have enough domestic spying powers. It will be because your Administration has not done enough to defeat terrorist organizations – including al Qaeda — that have gained strength since 9/11. We do not have nearly enough linguists to translate the reams of information we currently collect. We do not have enough intelligence officers who can penetrate the hardest targets, such as al Qaeda. We have surged so many intelligence resources into Iraq that we have taken our eye off the ball in Afghanistan and Pakistan. As a result, you have allowed al Qaeda to reconstitute itself on your watch.
You have also suggested that Congress must grant retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies. As someone who has been briefed on our most sensitive intelligence programs, I can see no argument why the future security of our country depends on whether past actions of telecommunications companies are immunized.
The issue of telecom liability should be carefully considered based on a full review of the documents that your Administration withheld from Congress for eight months. However, it is an insult to the intelligence of the American people to say that we will be vulnerable unless we grant immunity for actions that happened years ago.
Congress has not been sitting on its hands. Last November, the House passed responsible legislation to authorize the NSA to conduct surveillance of foreign terrorists and to provide clarity and legal protection to our private sector partners who assist in that surveillance.
The proper course is now to conference the House bill with the Senate bill that was passed on Tuesday. There are significant differences between these two bills and a conference, in regular order, is the appropriate mechanism to resolve the differences between these two bills. I urge you, Mr. President, to put partisanship aside and allow Republicans in Congress to arrive at a compromise that will protect America and protect our Constitution.
I, for one, do not intend to back down – not to the terrorists and not to anyone, including a President, who wants Americans to cower in fear.
We are a strong nation. We cannot allow ourselves to be scared into suspending the Constitution. If we do that, we might as well call the terrorists and tell them that they have won.
Silvestre ReyesMember of CongressChairman, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Fear card...the Gop trump card?

The President, and his republican gang members continue to pull the fear card out again and again. Are we sicke of this rhetoric yet?

"American citizens must understand clearly that there is still a threat on the homeland. There is still an enemy which would like to do us harm and that we have got to give our professionals the tools they need to figure out what the enemy is up to so we can stop them."

I for one am very sick of it. I was just surprised that we were not told to "go shopping", and let us monitor your phone calls and e-mails without a warrant. For all of their tough talk, Republicans sure do speak of fear an awful lot don't they? As a liberal Democrat, I am not afraid. Let me tell why. When you study the policies that got us to 9/11, and other attacks in other countries, Al Qaeda videos, and corporate profits, if you use your brain you can see that it's not our freedoms they hate. Stephanie Miller said it best last summer, "It's not like Osama is in a cave somewhere with the Bill of Rights saying "ooohhhh, this makes me so mad!, and I hate the Lexus commercial where the chick gets to drive !". Funnier to hear her actually say it. The point is, the Republican Party is dead set on scaring the population. If it's not terrorists, it's immigrants, if you're not scared yet, then it's the Democrats who can't protect you. C'mon, do they really think the American people are that cowardly? I leave you with a quote
"You are now witnessing the beginning of a great epoch in history, this fire is the beginning -a sign from God- to declare an all out war on terrorism and it's ideological sponsors, a peoplewho have found motivation for their evil deeds."
Who said it? and why does it sound eerily familiar?

Special Comment

Keit Olnermann's Special Comment, again, nails down the complete incompetance and law breaking the Bush Crime Family works day in and day out to perfect. It's hope that the country is not paying attention is arrogant. The Democrats in the House needt to be praised.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Pap attack

This one is dedicated to my friends at Democracy Interactive

McCain adviser to quit if they face Obama

Mark McKinnon, adviser to Senator John McCain, has stated to NPR, he would leave the campaign should they face Senator Obama. This says a great deal about the campaigns of McCain and Obama. As Senator Obama pointed out the obvious recently, stating that John McCain has "traded his principles for his party's nomination" . I mentioned yesterday, that the "straight talk express has taken a detour", and apparently Mark McKinnon also sees this. McKinnon, who had a hand in Pres. Bush's campaigns in 2000 and 2004,sees a a contest of old policies that constantly been failures and new ideas to possibly get our country back on track. Many Progressive Democrats see electing John McCain as nothing more than a third term for George W. Bush. I know I would not have said that about Senator McCain 4 years ago. Granted, politics do require compromise, but to what end? Mark McKinnon apparently recognizes that advising a President hopeful who has a closet full of "I was against it before I was for it" against a camapaign that has youth, hope, integrity, and an arsenal of a diverse base to be a losing cause. I applaud McKinnon's honesty, and foresight to the McCain campaign for what it is.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Worth a watch

Crooks and Liars had this up, and to their credit it is funny. The most embarassing part Preznut Hopeful Mike Huckabee. Just watch...

He's baaaack! Ok, just for a second.

The Senate Ethics Commitee said on Wednesday that Senator Craig acted improperly with his "wide-stance", ok I added the last part in. I post this for one reason, why is it everytime the Senate comes to a conclusion on something, the public is far past it. We have known for months. Senator Craig had stated we "asked the commitee to act quickly, and they have"...What!!! Whether it be a Senator's wide-stance, the war based on lies, FISA laws, voter fraud etc. We as voters are so far ahead of the curve. So, let's hope we can elect some progressives with foresight this time.

Straight Talk express has taken a detour

Hmm, Insane McCain has voted against prohibiting the U.S. from using torture as an interrogation tactic. This is disturbing on many fronts, first and foremost, John McCain was tortured in Vietnam at the "Hanoi Hilton" . Second, "maverick" stance on numerous issues, including waterboarding and other harsh tactics made him almost reasonable. Three, in all likilyhood, he is the Republican's nominee. And given his "maverick" stance on a number of things, he is going to need independent votes. Independents as a rule, generally are pretty moderate to both left and right causes. Human rights, and dignity are a human cause Senator McCain. Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-W. Va.), had this to say today.

"Retaliation is the way of the world. What we do to others, they will do to us — but worse," Rockefeller said. "This debate is about more than legality. It is also about morality, the way we see ourselves ... and what we represent to the world."
The Senator from W. Virginia is spot on with the argument against torture. John McCain is now positioning himself as a Conservative that says, "torture- yeah, I'm ok with it now" Ok? Since when Senator? Since the so-called conservative pundits came out against you? Straight Talk my ass! McCain says he's ready to lead, I must ask "Where are you leading us to?"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Super Delagates...can you hear us?

This dishonest, hypocritical, rule changing crap that Democrats are feeding it's voters is going to prove Howard Dean correct when he stated "we're Democrats, if there is a way to lose, we will find it". Everyone with half a brain is displaying their disgust at what Democratic Leadership does when it doesn't like the outcome...they change the rules. I applaud Dan Abrams, for his insistence that the Super Delagates step aside. Last night he had on 21 year old Jason Rae, a Wisconsin Super Delagate. Yeah, that's correct, the Democratic Leadership sees no problem with giving a 21 year old a vote that is roughly the equivelant of 10,000 votes. I applaud Jason for his efforts in the party, but I urge him to step aside. Donna Brazille has had the good sense to leave the Party if prior to the end of the primaries, the SD's pick a nominee. For now, it is too important for the good of the party to praise Brad Friedman at Brad Blog for his efforts on exposing voter irregularities and voter fraud. Dennis Kucinich has given tremendous efforts to secure voters confidence by supporting voters rights by urging for paper ballots only, John Conyers disected "What went wrong in Ohio" after 2004, and we all know what happened in 2000. The Democratic Leadership needs to be very careful here, or else we look like the hypocrites we have fought against.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Climate Change is a Global Affair

Global Warming, with all of it's facts regarding the rate of erosion, still suffers the attempts of right-wingers to turn it into a "bad word" for most of the country. The twits at First Friday have a recent post regarding the cold tempatures the country is facing. Funny, when we had 60 somethin' tempatures in Michigan in January, they had nothin, when it was over 70 last week in Ohio they had nothin, when the country faces winter tornadoes, they of course had nothin. Climate change is something the globe has always faced, it is the rate of the change that is cause for alarm. Perhaps, being a "Patriotic American" only applies when you can kill the natives of a foreign land? Perhaps, being "fiscally conservative" only applies when spending "liberally" only involves "arms deals", perhaps complying with global efforts to reduce energy costs and usage to reduce enviromental, that must just be a "liberal cause".

On another note

Happy Dick Cheney Day!

Crooks and Liars had the great pic so I had to wish everyone a Happy Shoot your friend in the face Day! I forgot it was so close to Valentines Day. The Hallmark card must read....hmmm, I got nothin.

There is reason to believe we will have the GOP'S hot 100 soundbites before this disastorous Presidency is over. Here's few that we could add.
"I don't recall"
"Everything was legal"
"He is just half-rican american"
"Let's go waterboarding"
"The surge is working"
"The Democrat Party"
"Follow us home"
"The defeatists" , "Liberal Media".
Just a handful, feel free to add, I will post them as I recieve them.

Pimp My News David Schuster!!!

Liberal talk radio hosts spoke at length today about David Schuster's comments last week on MSNBC that Chelsea Clinton was being "pimped out". The Clinton's have written a letter to the higher ups at MSNBC and David Schuster has been suspended indefinately. Give me a break. At this stage of a heated campaign, one would hope Hillary is running for President and already would have sealed the deal for Mother of the Year. I do not wish to undermine Hillary's willingness to protect her daughter, any parent would. I would hope that a Presidential hopeful like Senator Clinton, who has weathered more than enough attacks would let this one slide. Schuster's comments may of been in bad taste, but watch and listen.

It appears to me that every family in a Presidential camapign "pimps" out some family members to say "Look at us! We're a great American Family!" Yet, I can honestly say, that should Hillary and Bill be that protective of their 27 year old Chelsea, look no further than the parenting of the Obama's who have rarely allowed their daughters to be the focus of attention. Chris Lavoie at the Stephanie Miller show had it right, pimping is not the same term it was in the 70's, it has long been turned into a playa thing. The Clinton's are smarter than this, and if they can take the time to write a letter that results in Schuster's suspension, they can comment that he should be back. Have they ever heard what vile spew comes from the mouths of Fox News and Ann Coultergeist?

Governor Huckabee! This squirrel is for you!

Back in January Preznut hopeful Mike Huckabee had this to say on Morning Joe on MSNBC "When I was in college, we used to take a popcorn popper, because that was the only thing they would let us use in the dorm, and we would fry squirrels in a popcorn popper in the dorm room."
"Ewwww," Scarborough winced. "Too much information!"
Well, on Meet the Press, Tim Russert brought up the popcorn popped fried squirrel eating again. Raw Story has the video clip of Russert and Huckabee here . Does this man of God have no concern for wildlife? Does he find it endearing to speak about and chuckle about his "college thing"? Odd, squirrel eating, no problem, using influence as Governor to get his son out of animal cruelty investigations , no problem. Who is this bastard?

Iraq off the front pages?

With the right-wing glorification of "the surge is working", and the media's focus on Natalee Holloway, and CNN's Sunday night coverage of a celebrity President, yeah, Iraq is not on the news every moment. By the way, George Clooney won the celebrity election. AP reported today that twin car bombs killed 22 today, and 42 wounded. It was also reported that the number of U.S. casualties has now reached 3960. The surge, what a glowing success! Senator Insane McCain has spoke of "it's not the prescence of American forces, it's the casualties" What? The casualties are a result of the prescence you half-wit! I am greatly concerned about the massaged information we recieve about the War. With deaths of American troops in decline (a good thing), but not one more is the anti-war mesage that has been ongoing since the wars start. The mainstream media has neglected to talk about the 80,000-90,000 innocent Iraqis that have perished as well. Does the media do the job we ask of them? No. Is it sometimes entertaining to see Bill O'Reilly pimp out Dennis Miller's poor excuse for humor? not really. The fact remains that we are still in a war based on lies, the Bush Crime family continues to twist the law to it's fitting, and the spineless Democrats and complicit media sit idly by and watch.

Like Hope, but different

HuffPo had both of these videos up to show some contrast. Here they are. Watch, and just maybe you'll think come Nov. 4th.

To the Superdelegates: Step aside

The Democratic Party is going to have a very big problem if the party's superdelegates annoint a Presidential nominee. Given what this country's Democrats put up with in 2000, 2004, and the ramifications of the disastorous Bush Crime Family, one would hope Democratic Leadership would leave this one up to the voters. Dan Abrams of MSNBC, intends to hammer away at influential party members to exclude the super delegates. For our continued efforts to avoid hypocrisy and heal the country after 8 years of the Republican errors, we cannot afford to allow those efforts to be undermined. The New York Times also ran a good op-ed on the subject here .
The voting Democrats in this country are split right now, we have the voters who appreciate Hillary's withstanding of the right-wing attacks. Her ability to stand there, fire back at the right-wing noise machine. The fact that many of us see the Clinton era as "the good ol' days", with a small handful errors. The very clear thinking Progressive Dems also look at a bad idea of Regan/Bush, Bush/Quayle, Clinton/Gore, Bush/Cheney, and then Clinton/? That just looks like a very bad idea that the Rahm Emmnauels of the country need to look at. Barack Obama has presented voters with a glaring moment of change. The voters have spoken this past weekend , and around the country throughout the country during this campaign. We have spoken loud and clear, is the Democratic Leadership listening?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Life is unfair?

George W. Bush in Macon County "You know, life sometimes is, uh, you know unfair". George, really? Isn't enough, enough? When someone of privelege ignores the perils of everyday people as this half-wit does you would think he may come up with something better than "life is unfair". 345 days are left of "Commander Guy", and yes, it does seem unfair that we still must tolerate the imcompetence, the foolishness, and arrogance of this man. Yes, life is unfair when thousands are uninsured, have had their homes foreclosed, or washed away,blown away, or burned up, or how about losing a loved one to a ridiculous war, or simply poor with no end in sight. George, you and your cabal have led this country to a cliff that has so many people right to the edge. Many folks in this country have seen thier lives ripped out from under them for the aforementioned reasons, and has many asking what defines "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty"? Bush's White House has left the common folks lives devastated in some form or another. George, yes, life is unfair to some, so are Republicans, hence the popularity of populism in upstart leaders. Senator Obama's rise may be what our country has been looking for, something Congressman Kucinich has pushed in the GOP's face to no avail. Regardless, it is here now, and barring your frickin signing statements, you cannot stop it.

Friday, February 8, 2008

In this 2008 Primary season, hope and change have been two primary themes from both Democrats and Republicans. For good reason both party's hopefuls has tried to deliver a message that would resonate them both. As a Progressive Democrat, like many others have the foresight to see through much of it. That being said, I will admit in finding Dennis Kucinich and Barack Obama pretty honest brokers of hope. My endless hours of research on late Senator Paul Wellstone provided a world of hope for the America I "hope" for. Rep. Kucinich and Senator Obama reached that goal of being a Wellstone Democrat. The aforementioned individuals all have pursued the great cause for healthcare for all Americans. I approved Dennis Kucinich's for obvious reasons, Senator Obama's plan offers an effort that could get complex given his diplomatic tendancies. Paul Wellstone worked strenously with his compassion to assist those with substance abuse issues, as well as mental health issues . I urge you to read the speech text in the above links. These are issues of hope. Yes, the majority of the country is worried about the economy, and the war...but, I have have only said it 10 million times, follow the money. All of these issues are tied together! Most of all, I want to stress, the hope and change we strive for is us. We just hope we can get that national voice that speaks for us, for me it is mixture of middle american drawl in the form of that Minnesotan who we sure could use now, the guy from Chicago with the odd name, and the short guy from Cleveland. When I speak with the very genuine folks at Democracy Interactive, I am always assured I am not alone in my "hope". Some of us new to the woes of the "real world", some are music industry refugees trying to figure out what happened to our country, some are uninsured and poor, some are unemployed, but the genuine thing we all share is hope, and the will to fight for it. That is something I am sure Senator Wellstone would be proud of, Barack Obama recognizes, and Dennis Kucinich has known all along, now we just need to energize the rest of the country. On that note, I thank Darryl and Karen for helping me finish this post.

On a another note

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Can't we all just get along?Yeah sure...

I post this while sitting with the eternal optimist whom loathes the left and the right, yet possesses values that can give liberals and conservatives fits. I speak at length with the wonderful people at Democracy Interactive on when and where the battle lines were drawn. I firmly believe the fights we now witness, or partake in were started by the Republican noise machine ie; Faux News. If you are a conservative, let me ask, are you proud to be? Do you strive to be a better conservative? If you answered yes to those two aforementioned questions, then I will tell you what I am gonna do for you, I am going to spend the next thirty years saying that conservatives are bad,murderous, horrible ,hypocrites. Sound familiar? Well, it does to liberals. This is hard to see our country, the land of dreams, and hope, and integrity split. It is sad. Once upon a time, Americans shared a vision of progress, issues like workers rights, equal rights, and a neighborhly compassion. Now we have attitudes like, you can't repeal the tax cuts for the rich and end the war vs. how dare you not help the sick and impoverished and uneducated. Funny, the latter sounds like America to me. So, on that note, no, we can't just get along, at least for now.

Fear! Terror! Fear! Oh, shit it's just the Democrats

Back to Mittens leaving the race to the White House. Sitting here listening to Mike Malloy run through his speech at CPAC today, and give my thoughts a voice on the airwaves. I began to rethink my thoughts on "the war on terror". Are there people in the world that would like to see havoc in the streets of our country? Sure. Is creating a political arena where you tell supporters that if a Democrat gets elected we will tuck our tails between our legs and get attacked again? No!

Mr.Romney, how dare you continue the Rovian rhetoric to paint liberals and Democrats as weak on the war on error. Your party faithful continue support a war based on lies, yet that base has shrunk to 25-30%. Companies continue to profit, soldiers continue to die, 3,952 as I write this, and 29,040 wounded, innocent Iraqis continue to perish 1,173,743 are dead, and this does not include the refugees, the sick and imprisoned without being tried. So, this Republican stragedy is just going grand, right? You half-wits that continue to use fear as a tactic are beaten, the majority of Americans finally got smart. 30% of were smarter than most politicians before this debacle started. So, for you right-wingers, I ask...what is it you are so afraid of by redeploying our troops? A future attack? Well, our behavior has sealed the fate of that anyway. Let me guess...profit loss. You sick muderous bastards!

Romney out? S**t, now what?

So, Mittens has suspended his campaign for the good of the party. Adding in his speech that he would step aside "in a time of war" in fear that Senators Obama or Clinton would force a lose in Iraq. Earth to Mitt!!!! The aforementioned Senators continue to vote to fund the war, and have had murky answers when asked when they would expect it to end. Polls continue to say that the War has become less of a concern amongst voters during this primary season. I don't buy it. Even the candidates recognize the war on error must come to an end. Romney has most likely realized that the so-called conservative base is being drowned out by independents and he is losing to Insane McCain. Buh-Bye Mittens!

Mike Malloy's take on Neal Boortz' attack on John Edwards and Katrina victims

The worthless piece of DNA, Neal Boortz recently made some strong statements regarding the victims of Hurricane Katrina and John Edwards that should very well find him looking for a job. Mike Malloy disects these statements in grand fashion. Thanks to Malmo Blue over at equal-radio for posting this up at youtube.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Yes we can!

Jeff Farias played this on his show Monday night. Thanks Jeff. So, I thought I would share it with you. A comment before hand though. While many progressives and conservatives are having trouble warming up to our candidates, let it be said, that a new clear direction is needed after the Bush Crime Family's disastorous tenure in the White House. My list of Democratic Candidates was always short. Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards, and Barack Obama. I could no longer sit on the bench pulling splinters from my ass pining away for Al Gore. On the Democratic side, it is now down to Senators Obama, and Clinton. We do need change, that much is true, we have a system that is not working for the people of the country. That is why I am supporting Senator Obama.

I just cannot stay away from this. Right-Wing tool Jonah Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascism", has recieved applause from his fellow flying monkey-right colleagues, and criticisms from well independent minded liberals. Raw Story reports that has correctly now filed Mr. Goldberg's book under "parodies" . Which is fitting since the "I just can't stop being obsessed with the Clintons" crowd at First Friday gave it a glowing review. Good on Amazon for recognizing Mr. Goldberg's fantastic humor and placing this in the category it best represents.
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