Saturday, December 22, 2007

A small gift to the right-wingers who visit this site...Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Giles, 'the clearest definition of a nazi'?? I lived next door to an old man with numbers tatooed on his arm. This guy has no idea what the definition of a nazi is. 'Destroying our country'? By keeping the fight, the attacks on the country's soil that whence it originates?
    Not conservatives? Come for me? How so??? Giles, come on Giles you cannot even think this guy is worth your time of day. Give the democrats a chance? The Clinton admin was so corrupt and dishonest, yikes. Babtist Grandmother? taught you some morals but did not teach the reasons for the morals? Hey Giles a buddy just gave me a copy of Celsius 41.11. Could you please view and respond?


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