Friday, July 25, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Director Larry Charles and Bill Maher have teamed up to make a documentary about Religion, and it is "Religulous". Religion is everywhere you look. Churches on every corner, on our TVs, on our radios, in our politicians heads, in our schools, and celebrated as national and international holidays. Jesus Christ, it's everywhere!!! I don't really care in some regards, but when I think of all of the bloodshed in the name of "God", I am offended. I am not a religious person, and if someone is, and keeps it to themselves, I say good for them. I do not want people at my door preaching, I do not want it in public education, and I certainly am not going to vote for a guy just because he attends a Church. It's bullshit!

Now I have been asked about my "faith" on numerous occasions, I have multiple answers at my disposal. "I am a follower of Christ", "I don't have any", or "Hey, I just read the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins", or "Ya know I saw Chris Hitchens on Bill Maher's show and those atheists are right". It depends on my mood. If we are to be peaceful, and giving as Jesus spoke of, why are there so many wars in the name of God? Why is one Religion better than the other? Why is it that most fighting includes Christians, Muslims, and Jews? So many questions and so many non-committal answers. Maybe someone will write a book about it and it will be in the other drawer at the Hotel?
One thing I will say, it's that I cannot wait for this film to come out.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Republican Mental Illness

It is often in todays political climate to come across a Republican, who's unwavering support for the likes of Bush, Cheney, McCain or even Fox News surprises you. I often will find myself scratching my head when I hear some of these talking points. There exceptions within the party itself, and it's faithful base. The likes of Senator Chuck Hagel, Ron Paul, and even my Mother have seen what blundering idiots the GOP allowed itself to turn into. Don't get me wrong, the Democratic Party has it's woes too. The mental illness here is not being a Party member, the illness is the cult-like behavior that the Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys have instilled in the minds of low hanging fruit.

Allow me to clarify. As an electorate, we all understand there are weak minded voters, and high-minded voters. Most people do not have the patience or time to be political junkies, or simply feel so disenfranchised by the American Government they don't care. As, I mentioned, "cult-like" behavior , this is where the problem lies. When President Clinton lied under oath about "sexual relations" with Monica Lewinsky, I shook my head in disgust, and said "this a personnel issue, and you got caught Bill". Now take that and compare it to President Bush. He lied to the American people about Iraq's involvement with Al Qaeda, and WMDS. Say that to a hardcore Republican. Try it. The response you get in general is "He didn't lie, it was the bad intelligence, and Saddam was training terrorists". We know now from factual documents from Downing Street to Main Street in America that CIA reports show all of this to be untrue. This is an illness that the FDA needs to approve a drug for, there is one for everything else. Mike Papantonio has more on this, defend it if you can.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

When Conservatives attack the innocent

I usually let my friend Anthony handle the deed of pointing out conservative talk host Michael Savage's sick inadequacies , and hatemongering show. I have had enough. One could call his show a "gaffe factory", it isn't, it is hateful, meanspirited and intended to hurt people. A small man, with a show of such a large audience, should not be suggesting "The homeless, why not put them in work camps?"
is now claiming autism to be a "fraud, a racket"

It is time for The Savage Nation to be overthrown. When I have put forth every effort to make an autistic child comfortable years ago when he entered my business, to the work my best friend does, to what every parent of an autistic child has gone through, this comment needs him to be held accountable. At what point, do the listeners of his show say "enough". In addition, if you listen to the above sound, you will hear there was no actual point, but to be hurtful. If all of us demand from our local stations to remove his program from the airwaves, and hold this man accountable for his daily spew of abhorrence. Contact your local program director.

Update: As I mentioned, the Savage Nation crap I usually leave for my friend Anthony, and the Youtube wizard contributes this.

Another Update: For the first time in my adult life I am proud of large companies.

Anthony at Equal-Radio posted this.

"The "compassionate" "conservative" Michael Savage certainly knows how to sound...uh, "compassionate". Talking about children suffering from autism, Savage said on his July 16 show that autism is "A fraud, a racket. [...] In 99 percent of the cases, it's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out".

The reactions against the extremist radio host has been loud, and Media Matters have put up links to give their visitors the possibility to contact his affiliates and react to his attacks on children with autism. One of his sponsors, insurance company Aflac, announced earlier today that they are dropping their advertisements on his show, according to an article on the New York Times.

Savage has stated that he "stands by his words", and went on to call Media Matters a Fascist site once again. Coming from a person who wants to take all liberals in America and throw them into prison within six months of "his taking power" - a reference to his failed bid for the 2008 presidential election.

UPDATE: According to the Adventures in Autism blog, Home Depot have also distanced themselves from Michael Savage after his remarks about children with autism. From the article:

Clarification from Home Depot Communications:
"To clarify, I work at The Home Depot and can confirm that we do not currently advertise on The Michael Savage Show, nor do we have any kind of sponsorship in place with the program."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Hearings to be held on surveilled Peace groups

Dennis Kucinich continues his agenda for Justice. Today, the Ohio Congressman announced that a Congressional subcommittee will look into police surveillance on Peace activists and Peace groups. The idea that police and Government will infiltrate groups, suspect them of undermining National Security is clearly a violation of privacy rights. The Congressman went on to say "[M]ost people would be upset to know that police were spying on lawful citizens and infiltrating peaceful organizations, rather than chasing down real criminals," said Kucinich in a press release delivered to RAW STORY. "At a minimum, such police spying is clearly a waste of taxpayer dollars and a diversion from the mission of protecting and serving the people.

While many people just think liberals are paranoid, and we actually don't care what they think, but this is an issue all should be informed on. Your tax dollars are being spent to look into what myself and like minded people discuss when we meet at parks, librarys , cafes, and bars. The First Amendment protects all of us, it protects me, and you, and everyone else in this country. In 2007, the ACLU released a report showing that even the Pentagon uses widespread surveillance techniques on Peace organizations. As the hearings unfold, watch for more info on this.

Off the Record

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How you ended the war?

Alot, of dialogue has taken place in homes, in bars, coffee houses, and around watercoolers about the war. Thousands of us said "DO NOT INVADE IRAQ! PLEASE, THIS IS THE WRONG COURSE", We were told to sit down and shutup , called un-patriotic, un-american, or liberal commie...pick one. Our troops are approaching their 6th year in a War based on lies, so how do those who hated folk like me feel now? The "Surge" has had some positive effect, but for what? "The Surge" has also inflamed insurgents elsewhere. The video below is from my friends at Puppet Gov

I urge you to watch this, it is telling on how many won't shutup about this.

Wow! That's offensive!

The July issue of the New Yorker is causing political controversy over it's July issue's cover. As you can see, Senator Obama is a Muslim, and Michelle is an angry black militant black woman. Well, foolish e-mails and Fox News would have you believe that nonsense. The cover itself, is nothing more than a mockery of what the "silly season" politics has turned into. I laughed when I first saw the cover, I got it, and I occasionally have read the New Yorker and get the humor. However, I do understand the Obama campaigns concerns.

I understand that most Americans do not read the New Yorker, and most won't take the time to read Ryan Lizza's piece on the Senator. These are the folks that will say "see, it's on the cover of a magazine, that e-mail my friends and relatives forwarded were true, sees it's on the New Yorker". I see the frustration on the part of the campaign, and share their concern. I have faith that behind the scenes, the very intelligent couple from Chicago laughed at the cover, and then discussed it's repercussions with advisers. The point is, when you look at all the garbage thrown at the Obama couple and recognize how absurd it has been, and research the candidate you understand artist Barry Blitt's humor. However, when the media fizzles on covering this, the better off we are.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nation of Whiners!

“We have sort of become a nation of whiners,You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline” - Phil Gramm

This from the man who advises John McCain on the economy. Listening to Jeff Farias on this topic really got me "whining", because he rattled off the big long list of what we as Americans have been whining about. Home heating costs, healthcare, gas prices, outsourcing, childcare, job loss,and a weak dollar, just to name a few . If you are a millionaire and happen to be married to a beer heiress none of this matters. The problem is the whiners right Phil? I happen to agree with Jeff, apparently we have not been whining enough. We have been distracted with reality shows, or some other shiny object thats put in front of the American people's faces. We have some patriotic whiners in the country, some have whined their way to the streets, and demanded a change, to no avail.

However, this campaign just keeps presenting the American people with underhanded insults. McCain's campaign are out of touch to the point of arrogance, and self-serving elitism that has gotten our country in the condition it is in. John McCain thinks young workers ought not pay into Social Security, which retirees count on, called it a "disgrace", Phil Gramm thinks we're in a "mental recession" and now Carly Fiorina believes "Most Americans are not really focused on what we say". WTF? So, "We the People" have become whining, disgraceful, mental, and ignorant in 7 and 1/2 years.
John McCain says "Phil Gramm does not speak for me, I speak for me", well John, has Mr. Gramm been fired? He does speak for you. When you allow him to speak with the Washington Times about your campaign, he is speaking for you. When you allow Carly Fiorina to go on Meet the Press, she is also speaking for you. When Barack Obama spoke about Americans feeling "bitter", he was correct, and you couldn't turn a dial or channel surf without hearing about it, where's the so called "liberal media" on this? I would also, Bitter Whiners are smart people, they are smart enough to recognize what's happening to them if they;re not a rich lobbyist. Take care, I am off to buy a beer heiress a drink, so I can stop whining.

Friday, July 11, 2008

On another note


Redford Township Trustee, Tracey Schultz-Kobylarz is seeking to unseat incumbent Miles Handy. In a Township battling the tough economic times of foreclosures, unemployment, empty businesses, and run down homes, voters are looking for "Change". Nationally and locally we have heard alot about change, the challenge is, can we achieve it? It is quite possible. My endorsement of Tracey comes from my experience living in Redford, and what I have witnessed. The diverse neighborhoods and parks has been misused and citizens tax dollars misspent. When our tax dollars are spent for fireworks and an annual "Cinco De Mayo festival (which the current Supervisor owns a restaurant of the same name) and not programs to improve our surroundings I say "ENOUGH".

Tracey's platform of "open and honest" is attractive to citizens who have seen neighborhoods overrun with "blight", and drugs being dealt in their parks. Tracey's platform of volunteer programs for concerned citizens is a way to lift the burden off our police and other Township employees to perform their jobs better. Her impressive resume shows a record of results, and results is not just a campaign slogan, results need to make an effective impact. I endorse and trust Tracey Schultz-Kobylarz for Redford Township Supervisor.

Poltical Sabotage?

Redford Township Supervisor Miles Handy is seeking a second term as Supervisor and is facing Tracey Schultz-Kobylarz. Both are aggressively campaigning. Both are decorating the Township with yard signs. However, it was brought to my attention that some of Tracey's signs are disappearing from peoples lawns. A fellow supporter of Tracey's who lives on a boulevard and his neighbors had their signs removed because of an ordinance hidden deep in Redford's law books. It was confusing to my friend, because as a citizen who believes in fair elections found that only a handful houses away from his were yard signs for the incumbent Miles Handy.

This is not surprising to me, Handy, a former Republican turned Democrat in order to get elected has long used strong arm tactics for financial and political gain. My candidate put it best "That the switch from Republican to Democrat by our current Supervisor was not a change of heart, just a change of political strategy". In small towns and Townships, it's citizens look to leadership and camaraderie, not self-serving politicians. In my experiences with the current Supervisor, I have found him to be arrogant and unwilling to really engage in conversation that did not have himself the topic. With a politically challenged electorate in the area, engaging in political topics is a must. Until more info comes in, Tracey's supporters will now nail down our lawn signs.

Update: More signs removed, currently on the phone with another victim of political dissent. How low will Team Handy stoop?

Impeachment on the table?

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, long saying "Impeachment is off the table" has now seemed to change course. "This is a Judiciary Committee matter, and I believe we will see some attention being paid to it by the Judiciary Committee," Pelosi told reporters. "Not necessarily taking up the articles of impeachment because that would have to be approved on the floor, but to have some hearings on the subject." It appears the Speaker recognizes that much of the electorate believe crimes have been committed , and see the need for the Judiciary Committee to review the facts. The issue of impeachment has been largely pushed by Representatives Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler, both who have tirelessly reviewed the facts and presented them to the American people and on the floor of the House.

Many people will say "Bush is gone is 5 months, why bother?", which is a legitimate question. However, if a President lies the people of our country and Congress into a war it needs to be on record. Others will charge that Democrats are trying to "tarnish" the legacy of George W. Bush, I say he has done a pretty good job of that himself. It would have been nice to see other members of Congress, such as the Speaker, act sooner on this issue, but I believe better late than never. Below if Rep. Kucinich's press conference regarding his 36th Article of impeachment.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Squirm! Squirm! Squirm!

Presidential hopeful John McCain does not wish to discuss why Viagra is covered under numerous insurance policies, and birth control is not. Watch him squirm.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

From Charles Manson to George W. Bush?

Vincent Bugliosi , the Deputy District Attorney and bestselling author who prosecuted Charles Manson is taking aim at George W. Bush. His research and argument can be found in detail in his latest book "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder". I have just started on the book. While numerous media outlets have given this book a blackout, the likes of Mike Malloy, Sam Seder, and others have had wonderful conversations with him.

Mr. Bugliosi clearly points out that the Bush lies that got us into the War in Iraq are enough to prosecute him for over 4,000 counts of murder. The facts are there, we just need an Attorney with the guts to prove it in court. Vincent Bugliosi has also said, "I would be willing to assist that attorney anyway I can if they step forward". We now realize that President Bush will not be impeached, but bless Dennis Kucinich for his efforts, yet a prosecution would serve well.

As I mentioned the media has blackout this book, but Vincent has done many Q & A sessions with groups around the country. And finally, the New York Times has a story on the Vincent and the book on July 7th. The most interesting thing in all of this is, if charges were brought up against the Bush Crime Family, he would certainly pardon them. Yet, he cannot pardon himself.

Monday, July 7, 2008

On another note

Cruel and Unusual

CNN and Raw Story have both reported on "sci-fi" weapons to be used at both the Republican and Democratic Conventions to combat protesters. This is maddening, I am quite sure rubber bullets hurt like hell, but the "goo gun"? Or how about the sonic raygun, which emits a high frequency, or as Raw Story put it, "head splitting". I am astounded, we are actually going to need protection from overarmed police and military. This blatant abuse of power by our Government is going to have implications in August. The protesters at both Conventions have every right to peacefully protest. Yet, it now appears both parties are willing supress dissent. Can you just imagine the what Jefferson and Paine would say?

I got news for ya, Congress passed legislation to spend $100 million dollars, $50 million dedicated to each party to purchase these weapons. Is the "Straight Talk Express" that scared of Ron Paul supporters? Is "Hope" going to be diminished by some elderly Hillary supporters? Or how about the Kucinich supporter who has on a Peace t-shirt? This is absurd, to say the least. The "executive power" that the Bush Crime Family has made so popular, is making "We the People" the enemy. If this continues with an Obama or McCain Presidency we are no better than the countries we are "bringing Democracy to". I have been to protests and rallies, I have heckled and been arrested, but to have my ears blown out for it? No thanks.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What do you get when your favorite talk show hosts go on vacation?

It's a holiday week coming, and liberals around the will be missing their favorite talk show hosts will be off vacationing. If we were conservatives, we would get some knuckle-dragging, drooling dolt telling how liberal Barack Obama is, and how activist judges and homosexuals are ruining the country. So boring. But hey, don't fret, our hosts love us. Stephanie Miller was clever enough, and smart enough to allow us a week of Frangela! The fun duo of smarts, humor, liberalism, and did I mention their black? Steph and the mooks know how much we love them, we are always blessed with Fridays with Frangela. Are weekday mornings are covered.

For the liberal daytime delivery folk, Thom Hartmann proves he is the smartest man in America, and certainly the suits at Air America, and invited our old friend Marc Maron. The man with a voice to nurse the 7am headache, you knew the shot at last call was a bad idea, but Marc would be there for ya. Are we seeing a trend here? Smart, funny, intelligent, compassionate, and pissed at where the Bush Crime Family has taken our country in the last 8 years. For the evening listener, Mike Malloy, the Democracy Interactive favorite, Mike Malloy relieves what ails our liberal heads every night, and could of left us with best of shows. We like those shows, but we prefer the two guys with not only the best bumper music, but the shared anger and wit we find helpful at the end of the day. Johnny Wendell and Sam Seder will share the duties next week. The much admired, and missed on the air Sam Seder will split up the duties with Johnny, and give us the clearest look at what we have been witnessing from criminal Republicans, and spineless Democrats. They, like all of the aforementioned hosts, will also provide an honest debate about Obama's political expediency and the potential consequences.

Funny, isn't it? The cheerleaders on the right, recycle the same old talking points, and same old talking heads never seem to to get it. It's something called diversity. Ronald Reagan couldn't act or Govern. Michael Reagan can't entertain or inform. Fox News' recycles in the same old blathering idiots, and is neither fair nor balanced. I see a trend here. Enjoy our airwaves, Thanks, and keep it lit.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Larisa Alexandrovna on Patriotism

This from Huffington Post, Larisa eloquently points out the disturbing debate over who's more patriotic. Thanks Larisa.

Jonah Goldberg continues to demonstrate how the right-wing is manipulating public discourse in order to confuse and conflate patriotism with rabid nationalism. Make no mistake, this is a coordinated effort to deliberately replace substance with its symbol, meaning with an emblem, and essentially strip language down to nothing but trinkets.

This is not a new phenomenon of course. We have seen such careful linguistic choreography before, when past authoritarian ideologues have distorted language in order to stifle individualism and dissenting views.

For a people to be controlled, they must first be robbed of honest discourse and open debate. Distorting language and stripping it of real and honest meaning is the first tool and the best mechanism for transforming a democracy into an authoritarian state. An informed populace is a dangerous populace.

Symbols, however, and false-definitions can provide the appearance of information without the truth of it. Ideas, substance and meaning - all things for which a symbol is simply a representation and a word simply a type of symbol - are far more difficult to control. There is nuance in individual ideas. There are shades of agreement and disagreement and a whole spectrum of understanding and believing. Such a complex system cannot be controlled, and therefore, must be reduced to only its symbol and then distorted.

Symbols and words-as-slogans can be mass produced, mass delivered, and altered from their original meaning, until the symbol becomes its own thing and the substance on which it is based is entirely lost.

A word's usage too can be tweaked through false definitions and repetition, until it too becomes entirely the opposite of its actual meaning.

Patriotism is the word that authoritarians most like to distort and Goldberg demonstrates - once again - just how this distortion is created.

Obama's Patriotism Problem:

Here is what Goldberg writes today about the term patriotism and how Barack Obama, according to Goldberg, is not really a patriot at all:

"Barack Obama has a patriotism problem that even Monday's flag-waving trip to Independence, Mo., can't squelch. And it doesn't have anything to do with his lapel pin.

--- snip---

In part because liberal commentators have such a hard time grasping why patriotism should be an issue at all, and the GOP is so clumsy explaining why it's important, the debate often gets boiled down to symbols. Like so much else about Obama, his position on the lapel flag changes with the needs of the moment. After 9/11, he wore it. During the debates over the Iraq war, he stopped because he saw the flag as a sign of support for President Bush. (He started wearing it again in May.) "I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest," he added in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. "Instead, I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great and, hopefully, that will be a testimony to my patriotism."

Read that line again: "What I believe will make this country great."

Not to sound too much like a Jewish mother, but some might respond, "What? It's not great now?"

This sense that America is in need of fixing in order to be a great country points to Obama's real patriotism problem. And it's not Obama's alone."

Actually no one of rational thought has a problem with patriotism being an issue. In fact, patriotism should be THE issue. The problem is that Goldberg and those like him have no concept of patriotism actually means. More disturbingly too, they confuse patriotism with nationalism.

Miriam -Webster defines patriotism as "love for or devotion to one's country." Every other dictionary I have consulted provides a similar if not exact definition.

Nowhere does the term or the idea of patriotism in general require one to believe one's country is "great." Nowhere does the term or the idea of patriotism in general require a ban on dissenting views, on criticism of one's government, indeed even of one's nation.

An Example
Let us try a different approach to illustrate just exactly what is wrong with people like Goldberg and their ideas on patriotism.

A mother of a heroin addict, for example, is critical of her child's drug abuse and wants it to stop. The mother wants only the best for her child. Does the mother's criticism of the child's actions in any way illustrate that she does not love her child? On the contrary, it is because the mother loves her child and is devoted to her child that she wants her child to be better, greater than he/she is.

When someone is critical of their country and especially when their country strays from its course, it does not mean the person is not patriotic. It means that the person loves their country enough to want only the best for it. They want it to be greater than what it already is or they want it to be as great as it once was. But criticism of a country is not akin to being un-patriotic. Only a rabid nationalist would make such an argument and only Goldberg manages to continue to do it this badly. After all, this is the same man who authored "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning" and in all seriousness.

Nationalists, rabid right-wing advocates of symbol worship, on the other hand are entirely what Goldberg and his ilk define as patriots. It may entirely be possible that some of these boot-marching androids are simply ignorant and accept whatever canned-pro-America products they are sold. They are in essence, the perfect vessel for an authoritarian regime. But others, like Goldberg, who have spent their lives devoting themselves to the art of conflation, distortion, and revisionism, know exactly what they are doing.

Believe this or else

Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism ~ George Washington

Goldberg proves my point entirely when he goes on to define patriotism and actually ends up defining nationalism (while claiming to be differentiating the two):

"Definitions of patriotism proliferate, but in the American context patriotism must involve not only devotion to American texts (something that distinguishes our patriotism from European nationalism) but also an abiding belief in the inherent and enduring goodness of the American nation. We might need to change this or that policy or law, fix this or that problem, but at the end of the day the patriotic American believes that America is fundamentally good as it is."

In other words, your government can do no wrong. You must never doubt your government or question its ways. So when my America began to openly torture people and publicly denounced the Geneva Conventions as "quaint," I should have been waving my little Chinese made American flag while admiring the inherent goodness of my government. According to Goldberg, it is not the defense of the Constitution or the liberty it guarantees or even a simple love of country that makes us patriots. No, for Goldberg and his kind, the "true patriot" must surrender their reason and their conscience, and simply know (without knowing in any meaningful way) that their government can do no wrong.

I am not a patriot by this perverted definition. What of my own conscience? Should I fully support that which is entirely abhorrent to me being done in my name by my own government? What if my own government is even ashamed of what it is doing - in my name - so much so that it publicly denies its actions and publicly denounces those governments who engage in the same types of actions? At what point do I have a right to say no Mr. Goldberg? At what point does the ugly truth become more important than the pretty lie?

No, Jonah, that is not the definition of patriotism. That is exactly what Il Duce demanded from his citizens; a total abandonment of self, conscience, and all things individual and human to the mechanism of the state, for the state could do no wrong.

That is what the Soviets demanded. That is what the Nazis demanded. That is what Franco demanded. That is what Pinochet demanded. But never for a moment is this type of perverted understanding of patriotism something that any of our forefathers demanded. Indeed, our entire country was based on the principle that the governed have a right, even a duty, to hold their government accountable. How then, can we hold our government accountable, Mr. Goldberg, if we believe that our government is inherently good? And if our government, representing and governing the country we live in, is inherently good, then why do we have a system of checks and balances?

No Mr. Goldberg, what you describe is not patriotism and what you criticize Senator Obama for is not the lack of patriotism. What you describe and what you demand is rabid nationalism.

and a step to the center

Well, as I predicted, many liberals are tiring of "Barack Obama's Change", I am one of them. Don't get me wrong, I will campaign for him, and deliver my vote, but I hope I don't have to vote while holding my nose. Senator Obama's leap to the center is a complete abandonment of "hope". From Rev. Wright, to FISA, to the Death Penalty, to Faith Based Initiatives of the Bush Adm., it has been a leap.

I do not suspect this move will continue after inauguration, but nonetheless, it is worrisome to some of us. The FISA issue is the biggest of all of these. No, not the statement in January, that is the one progressive patriots liked, it is the recent one that pisses me off, and many others. Liberals look for conviction, not political expediency. The late Senator Wellstone stood for the values of a Minnesotan, and while he was a liberal, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents voted for him. Not because they always agreed with him, but because he was honest and stood by his votes. We honor the memory of Paul Wellstone, and he set a standard, a standard we expect from the Democratic Party.

The Death Penalty is a touchy issue for many Americans, but it is not policy I believe in. At a young age, I mourned the deaths of family members, heroes like John Lennon or Keith Moon, and heard Peter Werbe discussing the death penalty. I was moved to oppose it from the age of 11 until now. The Supreme Court ruling on the death penalty for child rapists is "cruel and unusual punishment" happens to be a ruling I agree with. Senator Obama was not in my camp on that issue.

Next up, Faith Based Initiatives.Obama is Tearing a page out of George Bush's playbook to pander to the religious folk, wants to continue these policies that put our tax dollars in Church pockets. Why? To get votes. As someone who is not religious, I cannot see how feeding the hungry with passages in the bible before they can get a meal is humane. Yes, many of these charities do great work, but we have an underfunded and understaffed Departments of Health and Human Service programs in every major city.

Senator, whether you like it or not, your base is liberal or liberal leaning. We helped you get to this point, we expect a candidate who won't choke at the finish line. We expect conviction, and honesty and zeal from a candidate. I recognize the need to court all voters, but you are supposed to sway them, not the other way around. I wish you luck, the Presidency, and all the "Hope" we have been dreaming of, just not at the high price that "sellout", "choke" and "flip-flip" cost.
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