Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Director Larry Charles and Bill Maher have teamed up to make a documentary about Religion, and it is "Religulous". Religion is everywhere you look. Churches on every corner, on our TVs, on our radios, in our politicians heads, in our schools, and celebrated as national and international holidays. Jesus Christ, it's everywhere!!! I don't really care in some regards, but when I think of all of the bloodshed in the name of "God", I am offended. I am not a religious person, and if someone is, and keeps it to themselves, I say good for them. I do not want people at my door preaching, I do not want it in public education, and I certainly am not going to vote for a guy just because he attends a Church. It's bullshit!

Now I have been asked about my "faith" on numerous occasions, I have multiple answers at my disposal. "I am a follower of Christ", "I don't have any", or "Hey, I just read the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins", or "Ya know I saw Chris Hitchens on Bill Maher's show and those atheists are right". It depends on my mood. If we are to be peaceful, and giving as Jesus spoke of, why are there so many wars in the name of God? Why is one Religion better than the other? Why is it that most fighting includes Christians, Muslims, and Jews? So many questions and so many non-committal answers. Maybe someone will write a book about it and it will be in the other drawer at the Hotel?
One thing I will say, it's that I cannot wait for this film to come out.

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