Friday, July 11, 2008

Impeachment on the table?

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, long saying "Impeachment is off the table" has now seemed to change course. "This is a Judiciary Committee matter, and I believe we will see some attention being paid to it by the Judiciary Committee," Pelosi told reporters. "Not necessarily taking up the articles of impeachment because that would have to be approved on the floor, but to have some hearings on the subject." It appears the Speaker recognizes that much of the electorate believe crimes have been committed , and see the need for the Judiciary Committee to review the facts. The issue of impeachment has been largely pushed by Representatives Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler, both who have tirelessly reviewed the facts and presented them to the American people and on the floor of the House.

Many people will say "Bush is gone is 5 months, why bother?", which is a legitimate question. However, if a President lies the people of our country and Congress into a war it needs to be on record. Others will charge that Democrats are trying to "tarnish" the legacy of George W. Bush, I say he has done a pretty good job of that himself. It would have been nice to see other members of Congress, such as the Speaker, act sooner on this issue, but I believe better late than never. Below if Rep. Kucinich's press conference regarding his 36th Article of impeachment.

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