Here is a quick rundown of the what the GOP suggests for the country. Less Government intervention, except when it comes to a woman's right to privacy and to choose, and "NO" to allowing the LBGT community to have the same rights as the rest of us. They oppose the Employee Free Choice Act, which would make it easier for workers to Unionize. The oppose the creation of Green Jobs, because they claim climate change is a hoax, not mentioning that it would create jobs, and protect our environment. They opposed President Obama's Stimulus Bill, calling it a "spending bill", what do they think a Stimulus Bill is? This is just to mention a few of the things the GOP is selling, and nearly 80% of the country is not buying.
Conservative talker Dennis Prager recently wrote a piece for TownHall, in which he rehashes the tired rhetoric that people on the left don't love our country. His claim that if we did, we would not want to "transform" or "remake" it. He fails to mention that his own party is calling their listening tour "National Council for a New America", Dennis if you love your country, why do you want a new one? The ongoing hypocrisy of the Republicans is easy to see. Their plan of having no plans is to simply oppose any Demcratic plan.
The Democratic Party has been in this position before, not so long ago. We hemmed and hawed about two elections, the Patriot Act, the War in Iraq, Bush's blunders, how evil Cheney is, and withstood all sorts of criticisms about Patriotism. However, we organized on every level. The Liberal Democrats worked with Moderates and Independents, we networked and socialized, we canvassed, we stood on our principles, we delivered the message that as Americans we do let others flounder, not in this country.Furthermore, we listened to the American people. Groups like Michigan Democratic Future, and Democracy for America took to the streets, held town hall meetings, conference calls and online town halls to share ideas, and it worked. The Republican Party needs only to look in the mirror to understand what went wrong.
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