While Americans enjoy the long weekend, please take a moment to remember those who have given their lives, sacrificed their minds and bodies and the families that have shared in the experience. Far too often, it is taken for granted the freedoms and liberties we enjoy on a daily basis. Many in our country seem to honor our troops when it is politically expedient or to prove who is more "Patriotic", and yet we take advantage of holidays in their honor. A Yellow Ribbon magnet is not enough. It is going to take every Conservative and every Liberal to tend to our soldiers welfare and their families. Allowing medical issues to be looked over, the joblessness, the homelessness, and alarming rise in suicides is not "Supporting the Troops", nor is it "Patriotic". I am calling on all of us to pledge, that the conditions we allow soldiers to return home to, and the issues that ail many of their families is unacceptable. Please visit the websites of
Vote Vets to share your thoughts, or make a contribution if possible. Enjoy your weekend.
Well, well Wellstone?
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is a Progressive Patriot? Either you are or you aren't and in this case you're not.
End of story.
I bet you think Pvt.(NOT)Jesse MacBeth is a hero along with Lt. Ehren Watada. (Duty Derelict, Courts Martial)
Add this dickweed to your "Soldier Hero List" well, not exactly, as a matter of fact NOT a "Capt. Rick Duncan" RKA Richard Glen Strandlof, former mental patient and phony Marine, AND THE DARLING OF IVAW and Vote Vets.org (another Soros/MoveOn funded 5th column)
It's no suprise you can only find three military links, one real, and the other two nothing but hacks for the absurd Left.
So absurd in fact that they made this insane clown their poster boy on YouTube.
Big Mistake. You should have researched before linking.
Why GOW do these idiots always come from the Left? Why?
Kudos though for even realizing Memorial Day exists.
So tell me, what did you do in honor of Memorial Day besides linking a couple of hack sites?
Also, since you're a "Progressive Patriot", what's that MOS?
This barely earns a response. I sited the three that I have contributed to, and where I have friends. There are plenty out there, I recognize that. Funny, you name only 2 soldiers to paint IVAW and Vote Vets in an ugly manner. And really, you guys need to move past the "George Soros" rhetoric. The efforts Adam Kokesh, Paul Reickoff, and Jon Soltz on behalf of these organizations is more than honorable. And to take a shot at me about Memorial Day because you dislike my politics? Give me break! The important thing is that we recognize the day with honor, and respect to these men and women. The efforts I put forth to Vets is genuine, when it is as large as assisting some in Metro Detroit find a place to live, to listening to them over the phone or over a cocktail. And I am sorry that "Progressive Patriot" was too deep for you, but apparently my politics got in the way of you understanding.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet the biggest irony is your party is the one who wants to destroy the military, except for social experiments, but that is another story.
ReplyDeleteYou say you are honoring the vets who died in duty, yet don't support the vets who lived/died in Iraq?
You hypocrite! Your mentality can be applied to WWII, why in the hell did we invade Europe? They didn't bomb us on December 7th. Yet we invaded Europe one day later after declaring war on Japan, December 8th.
And trust me, I can go on with other wars we have been in, but I won't. My point is, is why are you honoring a holiday for our troops, yet at the same time trying to dismantle the military?
Maybe you should pick just one side.
Elliot, "given their lives, sacrificed their minds and bodies" debunks your attempt to discredit who I am honoring. And to suggest that I or the Democratic Party is somehow "dismantling the military" is laughable. One more thing, I appreciate the visits here, but this is hardly the post to get into a political debate. No matter what side of the aisle we are comfortable on Honoring our fallen and our Vets on Memorial Day is our duty. My point was that, many Americans enjoy their long weekends in their Honor w/o doing a damn thing. Furthermore, questioning my patriotism is a tired tactic that ran out of gas in 2004.
ReplyDeleteWell well, Wellstone, DOB 1-16-1971.
ReplyDeleteCan't answer a single friggin' question can you?
Let me tell you what I did. First I went to the cemetery to take care of all the vet graves in my family, there's a bunch, but one particular one pissed me off because some poor underprivileged crackhead thought he was entitled to one of my grandfathers from the Revolution's bronze plaque that was put on his grave by the DAR in 1936. He tried to pry if off with a crowbar and thankfully was unsuccessful in my case, but he made off with a few others in the cemetery. Anyhow, what he started, nature finished and it just sits on the pedestal, loose. I'm contacting the cemetery superintendent and see if I can get it spot welded back on to the pedestal. I'm sure you understand the poor plight of the would-be thief, after all, it was a dead white male of European ancestry that he was trying to redistribute from in death so he could get stoned in life. That's fair, correct?
I then partook in my community's Memorial Day ceremony as we added another name to the monument. He was head of the CSI for the Marine Corp. His two sons unveiled the addition. It's wonderful to know shits like Murtha & Co. made his life miserable with baseless accounts like Haditha. We know know which side the IVAW picked, the cowardly lying ass dishonorable side. Who did you believe? All you numbskulls sure did suck up "Captain Duncan's gay Marine bullshit". Give me an honest answer.
I then went home, had a few adult beverages, called my dad on the phone and chatted. (We're both vets)I then cooked out with my lovely wife and called a friend in Toronto.
I'm going to have a cocktail now, but I'm sure as shit not being served by a bleeding heart libtard.
BTW, The Penguins are going to clock The Red Wings snot locker in The Finals.
For the record, I went to a parade, helped out a friend's mother, who is dreading his 3rd deployment, and then went for cocktails with two other friends. One served, one did not. I am sorry to hear about your Grandfather's Bronze Plaque. I hope his is repaired. As Cpt. Duncan, I did not follow the story closely enough to give an honest answer, but it does not change my opinion of Adam Kokesh and Mathis Chiroux, both of whom have been diligent in ending the disaster that Iraq became.
ReplyDeleteBTW, about the Wings and Pens. I don't care, I am a Maple Leafs fans, and I am sure your friend in Toronto can attest to frustrations Leafs fans have when it comes to hockey.