As Mike Papantonio points out in the clip below, President Obama should not get too comfortable. For 8 years the Republicans grabbed their Pom Pons and and allowed he and Cheney to get away with anything, and cheered them along. President Obama is not likely to have that luxury. From his decisions to balk on the torture, to hold ups on closing Gitmo, the almost deafening silence from Democratic Leadership on Governor Don Siegelman's case among a few others, his base will grow tired of inaction on issues he made key during the campaign. I still stick by my word, that so far he has earned a B- by my own account, by should he falter and back down to Republican intimidation his base will stray. Right now he has control to move the country in a Progressive direction with both Houses of Congress, and the American people, and never have to say he's sorry, if he does not take advantage of that, his calls of Hope and Change are just hollow words.
Obama is a GREAT, GREAT MAN. He SHOULD feel comfortable because he has THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE behind him. In fact with the pliable and loyal congress dominated by TRUE PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS, Obama should seize the moment, and concentrate as much power into the executive branch as possible in order to ensure that his noble plans are carried out. Now that we have a true and powerful leader for perhaps the first time in our nation's history it is time to do away with the unbalanced congress and make Obama our single leader. This way we will be forever ensured of an eternal progression of noble, open minded and clear thinking PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP.
ReplyDeleteOh, your a funny guy. I can assume you flew over here from the Flying Monkey Right site Moonbattery? Do you have someting relevent to spout off? Or just childish nonsense?
ReplyDeleteHuh? No I really believe we need a firm progressive leadership, and that it is time for Obama to take the next step to take this country from being divided by the backwards conservatives who wish to keep us all mired in dogmatic slavery, and move forward into a truly progressive world. A strong single leader can do more than a divided government. As long as the ends of peace and prosperity are met, who cares how we get there? I'd rather live under an Obama dicatorship than a Bush Presidency.
ReplyDeletey apologies, I have been dealin' with right-wingers at that site. What I believe we are witnessing though, is the President and Democratic Leadership still thinking they are the minority. From the closing of Gitmo and torture, to the tranperancy of the torutre memos,to ridding the the DOJ of "loyal Bushies". I mention the Gov. Don Siegelman case specifically because it has Karl Rove's shennanigans allover it. He has the chance to seize the moment, however playing along with the rules Bush and Cheney had in place will alienate the grassroots that put him in office.
ReplyDeleteYah the right wingers are crazy aren't they? Just a bunch of neanderthals trying to keep us in a 1950's stone age where women knew "their place" and we had drinking fountains marked "colored".
ReplyDeleteIt's time we cut them out of power completely I'm thinking. We must do everything we possibly can to keep them from getting any more power, and to continue marginalizing them. Time to pass the fairness doctrine so that windbags like Rush Limbaugh are compelled to have equal time with intelligent radio like Air America.
We can never again let the right have a say in how this country is run.
As the right-wing trollstreamist for the day. . . (clearing throat)
The way things are going, we are heading for a very centeralized society of big government, controlled by none other then your current presidential crush.
Riddle me this, wasn't this whole gathering of centeralized power through crisis tried somewhere else before? Somewhere over seas, about 60 years ago? I'm drawing a blank because I might be young, but my memory is fading fast.
And don't get me started about disability checks either!
Elliott it is important for a properly functioning progressive government that we consolidate power in Obama or another noble mind in order that the welfare of the people be best taken care of. Our current system only enables criminals like Bush or Cheney. We must strike while the iron is hot and people are demanding progressive action. We could have had universal single payer health care under Clinton had not the greedy conservatives blocked this measure.
ReplyDeleteRegarding welfare or disability checks I think every person in this nation should get a check, a share of the corporate profits extracted from the sweat of the working people in this country. Nobody deserves billions or massive wealth. Anything over 10% of operating costs earned by a corporation should be turned over to the government and given back to the people in the form of social welfare check.
O.K. first off, this consolidation of power is nothing more then out of the book of Thomas Hobbes' "The Leviathan".
ReplyDeleteSecond, you talk about taking care of the welfare of the people, yet 9/11 happens and you oppose the War on Terror and in Iraq? This doesn't make any sense. The welfare of the citizens of a country is important, but protecting them from those who want us dead should be a top priority, yet your party of Democrats wants to bring our troops home form the very place they are fightint to keep us safe from.
Third, please don't get me started on Universal Healthcare and Welfare. For the record, I said "Don't get me started on disability checks either" because I was expecting some sort of insult directed at my bad memory. Back to my point though, have you heard of a little experiment in Hawai'i? This article comes from the Associated Press, I found it on rushlimbaugh.com: (RUSH: This is from AP-Obama: "Hawaii Ending Universal Child Health Care," after seven months. You want to hear why? "'People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free,' said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. 'I don't believe that was the intent of the program.'" Exactly! All these unintended consequences. Every time the libs come up with an idea, it's the unintended consequences that sink it. So in Obama's home state where he was born, ladies and gentlemen, "Hawaii dropping the only state universal child health care program in the country just seven months after it launched. Gov. Linda Lingle's administration cited budget shortfalls and other available health care options for eliminating funding for the program. A state official said families were dropping private coverage so their children would be eligible for the subsidized plan.
Of course; you come along and you offer it for free, and people who are paying for it chuck it. "Why, my God, it's going to be free! Hell's bells! I'm going to get rid of what I'm paying for!" The bottom line, this is socialist state. Hawaii is as far left as you can get and still be American, both geographically and everything else. If there's ever a state that would go for this kind of universal everything, after seven months, they can't afford it. A single state can't afford it. Hello, Obama. (Obama's promising this for the United States of America as a whole.)
I'll let you digest this first before I hit the wealth spreading.
Elliott, why do you hate progressive ideals so much? Why do you want to hold America back from it's true greatness? Why would you deny children healthcare? Do you perhaps hope that underpriveleged minorities will continue not having healthcare, and that they will die off, or suffer and not be able to advance? Is it a form of elietist racism? How can you deny a child anything? I am ashamed that you live in this same nation I do, a nation that is finally embracing true progressive thought for the first time in it's jaded and bloody history.
ReplyDeleteElliot,ILO has some points there.Further,taking of the people as far as corporate profits go has nothing to with 9/11, nor did Iraq have anything to with 9/11.And subscribing to the idea that single payer health care is a bad idea is short sighted and narrow minded.The auto industry alone likely would not have had to be bailed out.Peoples insurance costs would be minimal, and guess what...the money they save would be spent on goods,home improvements, educations etc. It is an investment. Elliot, I happen to agree with you that we cannot have a centralized Government revolving around one person. As you can surely see, I approve of a Democratic majority, as I see it is the only way to repair the damages done over the last eight years.
ReplyDeletePerhaps I am over the top calling for a centralized government, I am just so thrilled to see reality taking precedence for a change. There must be a way to keep the democrat majority though. Perhaps permanent party ratios in congress? I cannot help but think 9/11 was an inside job to give Bush & Co. an excuse to run roughshod over this nation.
ReplyDeleteWhere do I start. . .
ReplyDeleteWell let's start with this, first off, I don't hate progressive ideas, because everyone has and is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how stupid. Second, America's greatness was built on hard work, maybe a stroke of genius, and no (or more accuratly, little) government interference.
Starting with healthcare, I want everyone to have healthcare, or at least as many people as possible. Universal healthcare ran by either the government or forced employer provided healthcare just ruins business, but I won't get into the details to keep this short. Let's just put it this way, "Socialism works until you run out of people who will pay for it."
Now with minorities, let's just put it this way, "Hey hippie, the 60's are over."
One note, sure People's Insurance would be low, but just as my comment above said, "Socialism works until you run out of people who will pay for it."
Elliott, why do you hate America so much? Why do you seem to enoy the suffering of those who have so little when others have so much? We must ensure an equitable distribution of resources and wealth. Nobody should have too much or too little, and only the government can determine that, otherwise selfish people will grab all the resources and wealth they can and leave nothing for others.
ReplyDeleteUniversal single payer healthcare is but a step in the proper direction towards rectifying much of the harm done to innocents in this nation.
After we do that, then we can focus on equal media sharing for backwards conservatives and forward thinking progressives. Conservatives should not dominate the radio airwaves.
And we must take the guns away. So many innocents are gunned down in the prime of their lives. Only the government should have guns, no law abiding person needs a gun for any reason any where at any time.
Fortunately right wing moonbats like you will eventually be the extreme minority. I'm glad public education instills proper progressive ideals and thinking into our children. Perhaps before a child is homeschooled the parents should be tested to make sure they teach progressive notions that are not harmful to the child. Or ban homeschooling all together as it clearly is not in the best interests of the child.
Aaah, and here in lays the biggest difference between you and me I_LOVE_OBAMA,
ReplyDeleteWhere as you say the government determines what people should do/make for money, I say the people should determine what people do/make for money.
Your buddies in Russia have tried spreading the wealth around, how did that turn out?
I'm going to keep saying the same thing about universal healthcare, "It works until you run out of people who will pay for it."
Now, in a very advance state of delusions,I like to think we are still a capitalist system, as such, people won't support what they don't like, i.e. if they don't like liberal wind bags on radio, they won't listen to them. Tell me this, why is it everyone knows of Rush Limbaugh, yet I bet I could find 10 people who don't know who Stephanie Miller is?
You know what the funniest thing is about guns? You can out law them all you want, yet criminals will still get their hands on them, in any way possible. Here's a statistic for you, it takes an average of 4 minutes for the police to arrive, but only .025 seconds for the bullet of my .45 magnum to hit that robber's head from a distance of 20 feet.
Public schools. Do I really need to get into the mess they are?
America hating Elliott, you keep talking bad about universal health care and suggesting it will stop working when nobody will pay for it.
ReplyDeleteThat makes no sense. It will be paid for through payroll deductions just like social security. You won't have the opportunity to "stop paying" for it, it will just be another tax, therefore it can run forever, as long as people work.
The police will protect us from criminals. If we have to hire a few more that will be a cost worth paying to disarm America. Besides if all privately held guns are seized and destroyed, how will the criminals get any? Add a harsh penalty for gun posession, say life in prison, or even the death penalty for someone who uses a gun in a violent crime then you have the perfect solution.
I love Obama, a bit over the top. If you think think NRA types are uptight now, just try and take their guns and destroy them.Whew! Enforcing the laws that were in place under President Clinton is ideal.Regulating internet and gun show sales and that includes parts and modifications.That is a goal that is attainable. Handguns and rifles are perfectly reasonable to have as property with responsible ownership. That some folks are dead set on assault weapons in their homes is nuts.
ReplyDeleteOn socialized medicine ILO, it's kind of hard to get money from people who aren't citizens of your country, i.e. they all move.
ReplyDeleteIf you must have more reasons why I don't want socialized medicine, it's because the government has to prioritize illness, where as in now a days, if you are sick, you can walk into the doctor's office and they will not only diagnos you, but they will get a treatment option for you in the quickest mannor. To see what I mean please visit this link, assuming YouTube hasn't removed it.
While yes, the police do a fantastic job of protecting us, as opposed to other countries especially, but in four minutes, the robber could of shot you and all your family, took the valuables, and been gone, long before the police get there.
Besided, it's my 2nd ammendment right to own a gun. For a criminal, all he has to do is get the means to get one from overseas, and trust me when i say this, where there's a will, there's a way. They're going to get their guns, in one way shape or form.
But who knows, maybe I can just chit chat with the criminal, we can get in touch with our feelings, and all things will be peachy if we just talk.