"I simply find it absurd that a person would choose abortion because it's the worst choice."
I found that well put, as I can testify, it is a situation that tears most decent women, and the men involved apart. This notion that "Liberals and Democrats are Pro-Abortion" is nonsense, nobody is Pro-Abortion. It is a horrifying experience, that I do not wish any woman would have to go through. That said, I am not prepared to deny that right to choose and privacy. Promoting the education and science to prevent unwanted pregnancy's seems the only logical way to find any way forward in prevention. Conservatives are promoting abstinence only to teens and young women and men, that just is not realistic. Pharmacists are denying the filling of prescriptions based on their religious beliefs. And all along their talking point is that some are "pro-abortion". They offer no solution to curb the numbers of abortions and some take to violence. What I believe needs to transpire here is a serious conversation between both sides to remedy the tragedy that is inflicted on the women and men who experience abortion and the unborn child, and without anything about "Well God said so..."
I find it interesting that many of the right to lifers are ok with the bombing of innocent civilians where many innocent children die, war, torture, and the death penalty, yet become volatile over this issue. A good start I believe would be working towards improving the conditions of the lives that are already here.
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