Never lost on being shallow, bigoted, and pea brained, Conservative Republicans seem to actually prefer going into exile. In the aftermath of Senator Arlen Specter's defection to the Democratic Party, many are welcoming it. Some Republican bloggers suggest
Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, John McCain and even
Meghan McCain follow suit. Most Democratic pundits and voters would actually welcome it. The well studied "Jay Guevara", who comments at
Moonbattery is masterful in his baiting tactics in debate, and shows frustration when nobody bites, likely not the friend to go fishing with. In a recent exchange with the folks at Moonbattery, witnessing the woeful repetition of who is more American is just sad. In the United States, we are a diverse people, and generally pretty good people. Jay's suggestion that
"The funny part is that Democrats don’t realize how badly left their party has been infested with leftist notions. They used to be a patriotic party, but now are embarrassed to be patriotic. At all. Any of them. That’s why I distinguish liberals from Americans, for which on reflection I make no apology." makes the case that moderation is needed right now. This rhetoric and grandstanding has advanced the demise of true Conservatism.
Embrace your Conservative ideologies, and I will embrace my Liberalism, but neither suggests a more patriotic value any more than the other. We will simply never agree, but we both love our Country.
Derek Hunter a lifelong Republican and up until recently a friend of mine for 25 years likely would agree. He has an ideology I could never fathom possessing, yet I know his love of America is genuine. Listening to the lovely
Nancy Skinner as I write this, she just commented in similar fashion, and I paraphrase here, "In a time of crisis, we all need to contribute", Nancy you are welcome to correct that.
My point is, while we monitor two wars, an economy in a coma, and a swine flu scare it is crucial we find a way to work together. This attitude of whose flag hangs higher is frivolous. We are a nation of laws, not a nation of flag waving monkeys, bible thumpers, and gun toters. We are all expected to contribute in many ways. Meghan McCain has clearly given the argument that going further to the right is not helping.While some Liberals have captured the moment in "Progress" by calling themselves Progressive, Ms. McCain
has demonstrated that the brand applies to all who recognize the dire straits we are faced with, take note righties.
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