Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Veterans Day

Progressive Voices

While the media has long been dominated by conservatives ownerships and conservative voices, the last ten years we have witnessed a rise in progressive voices. Talk radio is still associated with the popularity and ratings of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, however, the rise of Ed Schultz, Thom Hartmann and Stephanie Miller could not have been more timely. Talkers Magazine, the Bible of the industry, show more and more progressives hosts in their "250 Most Important " list. It includes all of the aforementioned. That said, , Alan Colmes, Lionel, Rachel Maddow, Randi Rhodes and Mike Malloy round off the rise that Talkers included.
Progressive talk has long been the "David v Goliath" of the airwaves, many times it has simply been a big idea up against bigger money. Air America was savaged by the right-wing, and suffered poor business decisions with poor hiring decisions. Now, I will clarify, their poor hiring decisions were not the on-air personalities. Being on the road to recovering the vision the Drobny's shared when it began, the revolving schedule seems to be settled for now. The praise that Nicole Sandler is getting amongst my circle of friends is great news for an 11pm est show, that demonstrates passion and a calm demeanor deliver the voice of liberalism. This cannot go further, without giving huge credit to fellow Detroit native Peter Werbe, who's Night Call on WRIF on Sunday nights is in it's 39th year. Along with co-host Juline Jordan, the award winning show is proof that smart peoples radio can succeed with in- depth analysis and fact checking, something the neo-con radio ignores.
It should also be noted, the rise of the syndicated and independent voices that are getting traction. The efforts put forth by folks like Jeff Farias, Len Clark, Sarge Phelps, and David Link show that know how, a commitment and technology can produce an effective product. Their global efforts was aided by the smarts of Democracy Interactive creator Darryl Daniels and the chatroom's encouragement. So, what this teaches us is that while the "Teabaggers" like to chant "we surround you!" is ringing awfully hollow while progressives and liberals are popping up on the air, the internet, and in our communities. It is no longer a bad word or an insult...it is a badge of honor.
Head On Radio Network, home to Bob Kincaid and Guy James among others give us their impressive take from the south. Yes, we have progressives there too. We also have the multi-talented Ana Marie Cox, we have David Sirota's voice in Colorado filling in for Jay Marvin on 760am. None of this is suggesting we still don't have more work to do, it is to show while we hear the criticisms of failure about progressive talk, we have plenty of options scattered around our wonderful country.
Add all of that to MSNBC's victory in being the number one news channel among the 18-34 age group, compliments of Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and Ed Schultz. For the progressive voices, we concede we are not number one in many markets, but we are hardly surrounded, and still represent a big tent. As we do not follow Democratic policies lock step and are more than eager to take the elected officials we supported to task. We are eager to address our country's social issues that have ailed us for decades while the right-wing's bigotry and fearmongering have stoked them. Follow some of the links, support these programs/sites, and as Thom Hartmann states "it's where smart people get their news."
On a side note, if you are a Facebook user, there is now a page dedicated to "Being Liberal." Join us, many of the folks mentioned in this post are with us. 1300+ have joined this page in the 6 days it has existed, let's keep it going.
Monday, October 26, 2009
"All Aboard!" Fox promtes Tea Party Express...again

RNC racism on Facebook

While the Republican party has long faced criticisms of bigotry, they continue to deflect it with racist imagery. On the RNC's Facebook page ran for one week images of President Obama eating fried chicken with the caption reading "Miscegenation is a CRIME against American Values. Repeal Loving v. Virginia." As Raw Story points out, this on the heels of the controversial Louisiana Justice of the Peace denying an interracial couple seeking a marriage licence .
Also on their page was a picutre of Senator John Kerry in which he appears to have gun pointed at his head, This on the heels of Rep. Debbie Wassrman (D-Fl) Schultz had her initials used as the target a gun range where her opponents met for a fundraiser. Conservatives wonder why they are labeled as racists and fearmongers, yet do not take acts like this seriously. Raw Story has the photos in their article.
Further,there are no African American Republicans in Congress at this time, and have only been 123 since 1870. They also adore perceived racist Rush Limbaugh. This is where they are, and I believe part of the reason they are on the losing end of progress in America.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Ron Reagan on MSNBC
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Friday, October 2, 2009
Right-Wing cheers failed Olympic bid

After grand criticism for his trip to Copenhagen for the 2016 Olympics, President Obama's rejection is the right-wing's victory. Fox Nation, the unfair and unbalanced blog of Fox News, has readers cheering "I guess he should have sent ACORN and SEIU over to soften them up. Followed by Pelosi and Reid. OH NO FAILURE! What will he do now? HA HA HA HA HA such a waste of tax payer money."
This irrational behavior of the unhinged right-wi

Under President Bush, the left saw a man aloof, who had trouble finishing sentences, yet are anger stemmed from the war in Iraq, to the Patriot Act, and no-bid contracts for his staff's former employers. We took a few cheap shots, I won't argue that. That said, under President Obama, we see a man who inherited a two wars, an economic collapse, Wall St. and Insurance Company baron robbers, a health care system allowing people to die over typos,etc. I stated before he was elected "who the hell would want this job now? It has reached a point where he could find a cure for cancer, and the neo-cons would say no!
It is a fact, the Olympics are a costly event to host. However, the boost to jobs, infrastructure, and revenue are immeasurable. For instance, the 1976 Olympics in Montreal still garner revenue in practice facilities, which still house hundreds of jobs. In Vancouver, who will host the 2010 Winter Olympics, now has a Skytrain, which finished construction this past July. It shuttles workers to their jobs, serves as transportation for many. There are numerous conclusions one can draw on the cost. There are also many conclusions one can draw by allowing the status-quo to continue. The United States needs a boost. Whether it garnering revenue from the Olympics in 2016, saving on health care with a "public option" or actually bailing out the people. Screaming and shouting at every move the Democratic Party makes no sense. The right complains the President is not accomplishing enough, well, no! Not if you keep standing in his way.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Near the end of a "nerd Monday" of Heroes on NBC, Bill Maher on Jay Leno, Michael J. Fox on The Hour w/ George Stroumboulopoulos , I then tuned into Nicole Sandler. Nicole was spot on in a rant on "compassionism." She also noted filmmaker's John Waters' quote on Real Time w/Bill Maher, "I expect a hint of socialism, an ugly word for a beautiful thought"... a moment of brilliance from John Waters. Now this rhetoric is not new to me, as I have been on this quite some time. Like Nicole, I beleive we are no longer the "land of the free and home of the brave", we have become "land of the greed, and acting brave while we lose our homes". So, at what point do we recognize that the status quo is not working?
We all either know someone or ourselves have filed bankruptcy for health care or over extending ourselves. That said, we are quick to ridicule the 11.3% of welfare recipients, the homeless, the poor, and the ignorant, yet we hardly recognize these are our fellow citizens. Why? The cost. Yet we never queston the cost of war(s). For clarification, it's ok to spend $914,855,665,297.00 to blow up other countries, but not get our own country in order. What have we become?
We have become a nation of liberals who don't make the message clear and teabagging idiots who continually oppose our own best interests. We get caught up with television with robust enthusiasism, sports, or whether Tom Delay survives "Dancing with the Stars", yet hardly recognize we have alot wrong with America these days. 11.3% of welfare recipients, a national average of 9.7% unemployment rate, a 17.3% rate of veteran suicides, and on and on. We have been dumbed down to worries of "welfare Cadillacs" and "socialism" and "death panels". The best place to start is health care, then education, then spending responsibly and try a little "compassionism".
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Leaderless GOP turns to dolls

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Our women are hot!"

"“You know his daughter must have been beautiful because there’s no guy whose gonna die for an ugly girl,” Mattera chortled. “Our women are hot. We have Michelle Malkin. Who does the left have, Rachel Maddow? Sorry, I prefer that my women not look like

This shallow adulation of right-wing women is not surprising. Mattera offers props to Michelle Malkin, who in her book "In Defense of Internment" had to issue errata, and who factually gets it wrong on Fox News. He takes a cheap shot at Rachel Maddow, who gets it right the first time and generally referred to in the news media business as the "smartest there is". Further, the Value Voters Summit also featured former Miss California Carrie Prejean, who became a household name after her display of intolerance to gay marriage and loss of her crown for breach of contract. So, her speech...promoting tolerance. I am not sure if there is a "contradiction crown". Further, Sarah Palin was also scheduled to appear, but was a no show.
All of this really is fodder, however, when we here Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson declare "we want to go back to the good ol' days ", translation; segregated schools and women in the kitchen. We can likely expect more of this as rumors swirl that eventually Carrie Prejean will land as a host at Fox, along with Sarah Palin as soon as she arrives at political irrelevance.
Monday, September 14, 2009
"YOU LIE!" outburst a stolen idea?

Teabaggers get testy

More photos can be seen here and here.
Since at least the late 50's the conservative talking point has been a hatred of bias in the media, insert "it's the liberal media! They won't cover us!" However, during the eight years of President Bush, numerous war protesters gathered around the world to little coverage. The Washington Post gave the teabaggers front page coverage this past weekend, and in 2005 100,000+ war protesters were pushed to the metro section. The 9/12 protesters also saw sponsorship from the Freedomworks, CPR, Fox News, and received television coverage from Fox, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Republicans mistake Presidential address for town hall meeting

President Obama laid out his plans for health care, debunked the lies that were going viral last month and explaining his expectations from members of both parties. None of this was clear to Rep. Joseph Wilson (R-SC), who in a weird turrets moment shouted out "YOU LIE!" He was booed by both Democrats and Republicans for his behavior, with one shouting "Throw him out!" . Internal House rules dictate that any outbursts or verbal assaults of contempt at another official is grounds for censure. Rep. Wilson also served in the National Guard until 2003, and that behavior would have led to a court martial.
"Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."
Note: Following the Presidential address Senator John McCain and Rep. Jeff Flake both issued statements suggesting Mr. Wilson apologize.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Open ended challenge to Congressman McCotter

When it comes to Michigan's 11th Dis., discussing policy with your Congressman is an arduous task. Green Party candidate in 2008, Erik Shelley has attempted this for over one year. By their own admission, the congressman does not notify the district office of appearances, making it difficult for constituents to challenge his policies or giving him a chance to defend them. In his numerous calls to Thaddeus McCotter's office, Mr. Shelley was somewhat threatened with a "cease and desist" order by his Chief of Staff Andrew Anuzis. As Mlive.com points out, this is in the "blackmail strike zone", as Mr. Anuzis stated "we can meet with you after the youtube videos are taken down."
Monday, August 31, 2009
Phoenix Pastor and Gun Toter wish President Obama dead

This has now gone a bit further, ABC 15 of Phoenix has caught with both the pastor and gun toter. Andersen had this to say "If you want to know how I'd like to see Obama die, I'd like him to die of natural causes," said Anderson. "I don't want him to be a martyr, we don't need another holiday. I'd like to see him die, like Ted Kennedy, of brain cancer." Chris Broughton, added after a reporter asked him about the sermon "you're not advocating violence against the president?" Broughton states "I'm not going to answer that question directly."
According to reports, the secret service has been in contact with both men, but have yet to elaborate on details. Video of the interviews can be seen here. Now this is no longer about health care reform. In many cases similar to this, it is about a black man in the white house, in Broughton's case it is about ideology. The idiocy here is Pastor Andersen's endangerment of the President, of innocent civilians, the secret service, and his own parishioners.
The Rude Pundit on Ted Kennedy
Ted Kennedy:There went a man
Finally, we must take a measure of the man. Not the person, or the legislator, or the family member. No, the man. Ted Kennedy was more of a man's man than any of the brush-clearing, hick-talking, pick-up driving politicians who overcompensate again and again by faking it. No, Kennedy demonstrated, through all the ups and downs, again and again what a real man is. It is a type of masculinity that we rarely see anymore because it is a fearlessness that few are allowed to embrace.
Put aside the money for a moment. Wealth makes life easier but it does not make one happy and it is not a measure of character. Don't you think that Kennedy would have given away his whole fortune to have his brothers back?
For a man does not shy away from the tragedies of his life. When John was assassinated, Kennedy took up the cause of the civil rights movement as his first major action in the Senate. When Bobby was killed, he began to push even harder against the Vietnam War. When his 12 year-old son, Ted, Jr., had to have a leg amputated to prevent the cancer there from spreading in 1973, Kennedy threw himself into the cause of rights for people with disabilities as much as his sister, Eunice, had, a crusade that would last the rest of his life.
A man fucks up again and again, but he owns his mistakes and learns from them. Ted Kennedy wore his flaws openly in his personal life. Some of it was the price of juvenile overindulgence (even as an adult) and some of it was just stupidity. The question is less about fucking up, but how a man reacts to it. He was kicked out of Harvard for cheating on an exam, so he joined the military (although he would achieve none of the glory of John and Joe, Jr.). When the Chappaquiddick incident happened, he nutted up and told the voters to decide on his fate. He was a hard-drinking son of a bitch who screwed around on his first wife, a Dean Martin-like punchline to jokes about alcoholism and a tabloid laughingstock. During that period, among other things, he was getting funding cut off to Chile because of Pinochet's barbarism, pushing legislation to help political refugees, getting sanctions imposed on apartheid-era South Africa, negotiating with Gorbachev on nuclear missiles, stopping Robert Bork's Supreme Court nomination, and strengthening the Civil Rights Act. What did you do on your years-long bender? He paid, too, with his presidential ambitions dashed. And when he was slugging 'em back like a frat boy with his nephews on a night that ended with William Kennedy Smith arrested on an accusation of rape, Kennedy made another public reckoning about who he was as a man in a speech in October 1991. And despite all he had accomplished before, he grew up, finally, understanding that to be a man one must become a man.
A man works to help those who need help. A real man is a liberal because a real man is unafraid of change and progress and difference. Let us come back to the money. The Kennedy family has always seen wealth as a privilege, a burden, and an opportunity to do good for others. Yes, it is easier to support charities and to have the time to work for various causes. But Kennedy made it his role in government to level the playing field. Where do you wanna go with this? Other than his work that climaxed with the Americans With Disabilities Act, other than his support for civil rights legislation going back to the 1964 act, we could talk about the Ryan White CARE Act, which gave funds to cities hardest hit by the AIDS crisis; we could talk about his intense support for the rights of workers through raising the minimum wage and supporting union goals; we could talk about his work for housing, for education, for women and children, for the Family and Medical Leave Act. We could talk about how he opposed the Iraq War, how he was working to provide educational opportunities to kids in Muslim countries, how he helped end the war in Northern Ireland. We could talk about how he believed, his entire career, that health care for everyone was a right, not a privilege, with COBRA and S-CHIP having been accomplished because of him. He was an unabashed, proud liberal whose full-throated speeches roared in defense of the whole ideology against the ignorance of those who would keep progress from being achieved.
A man is willing to embrace his enemies. Yesterday, Ron Reagan, Jr. had his mother on his radio show to talk about how much the Reagans loved Ted Kennedy. Kennedy and Nancy Reagan were allies on stem cell research funding, but the former first lady talked about how she and her husband were dear friends with Kennedy. Kennedy worked with Orrin Hatch, Richard Lugar, both George Bushes, and anyone he could to accomplish his goals. That's called politics. Compromise was a willingness for both sides to move. When George W. Bush dicked him over on No Child Left Behind funding, Kennedy had to know that a tide had shifted in a way that was going to make the entire process of legislating more rancorous and difficult. The political nature of the nation was moving into entrenchment, which was not how Ted Kennedy functioned.
A man knows how to die. A man understands that the end comes and doesn't desperately cling to every millisecond of life that medical science can squeeze out of him. No, a man dies with his family, in a place he loves, having done much, knowing that there was much still to be done, but accepting that there's only so much one can live.
Richard Greene spars with an anti-government fullmooner

"death books" and "it will put insurance companies out of business!" Spot the contradions? It is a "I got mine" mentality that took charge of the debate long ago. Fifty years ago Ronald Reagan was recruited by the AMA to object Medicare, and the right-wingers still dangle the psa around like gospel, however, he was wrong. A civilized country provides safety nets for it's citizens, and provides for the "general welfare".
Lionel rants on Obama's "bipartisanship"

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Huricane Katrina...4 years later

So, I must ask, at what cost do we put our political affiliation before the American people? The price tag, $89.6 billion and folks are still displaced. Between WQRZ ,Sarge, and random reporters we hear little on the progress in Waveland, Mississippi and New Oreleans. The right-wing fringe would rather criticize those stranded than be critical of those in power at the time. Within the $89+ billion, were contracts that were handed out to the likes of Halliburton and Blackwater among others. There is little news on how doctors sped up patients deaths to prevent inevitable drownings and eventual deaths. Dr. Anna Pau has described the horror of being abandoned, and the decisions doctors made on "who goes first?".
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Update: more coverage from Amy Goodman at Democracy Now
Friday, August 28, 2009
TedStrong wrist bands

Mean Girls of Conservatism

I have got to go with Stephanie Miller on this, Laura Ingraham was the guest host on O'Reilly's show. In typical Fox fashion, Laura, with Republican strategist Andrea Tantaros gang up on Democratic strategist Tara Dowdell. As Stephanie suggested, like a scene from the movie Mean Girls, Andrea even brought her own lockers. Ingraham's argument that the Democratic Party is using Senator Kennedy's death to politicize or exploit it. Oddly, it seems that Senator Kennedy stated that universal health care was the "cause of his life".
In more distasteful fashion, following Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh's lead, Ingraham invoked the memorial of the late Paul Wellstone. Senator Wellstone's may not have been what many wanted, but it was a rallying cry for his achievements and causes. Senator Al Franken had this to say of Wellstone's memorial "It was the Republicans that tried to cheapen Paul Wellstone's life by dishonoring his death. It was the right-wing media, not the friends and family who spoke at the memorial or the people who came to it, that seized an opportunity to use a tragedy for political gain."
The point is, while Democrats around the country mourn the loss of Ted Kennedy, the right wing chooses to mock it, continues to politicize it, and continues to use analogies to agitate. Invoking Paul Wellstone's tragic death as comparison does nothing but open wounds that liberals will always nurse. So, why Fox and Neo-Con talk show hosts display their degenerate tactics, liberals and Democrats will carry on and honor our own by continuing their fight.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Read the Bill????

This arrogant bloviating is exactly what the teabaggers are complaining about. While the mobs attending town halls believe there is one bill to read, the Senator does not even correct them. There are 3 bills in the House, and 2 in the Senate. Apparently his constituents don't mind if a Republican fails to do his job, just Democrats.This is not surprising that the GOP will put their power ahead of the American people, and simply oppose anything President Obama tries to do.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Twisted logic of mocking political deaths

"Peter came to Jesus and asked, Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?
Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy seven times"
I am not a religious person at all. Yet it is the right-wing who cried foul when the left mocked Reagan's death, and I agree with them, however, their hypocrisy is deafening. No matter your differences with any accomplished public servant, mocking their death is beyond even the scum of the earth.
Vice President Biden on Ted Kennedy
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A tearful Senator Byrd remembering Senator Kennedy
"In his honor and as a tribute to his commitment to his ideals, let us stop the shouting and name calling and have a civilized debate on health care reform which I hope, when legislation has been signed into law, will bear his name for his commitment to insuring the health of every American."
"The Lion of the Senate" Ted Kennedy passes at 77

Many in America take advantage of the accomplishments of Senator Kennedy. It was his efforts that led to us celebrating Martin Luther King every year,

it was his efforts that championed Meals on Wheels,
it was his efforts that made the "Alternative Minimum Tax" law, it was his efforts that led amended the Voting Rights Act, and his longtime fight was for Universal Health Care for all Americans which became his hallmark issue in 1966. Being the last of 9 children, Edward, like his brothers Robert and John, he dedicated his life to the poor and disadvantaged. This from a family who had all the money in the world, yet in the essence of a true liberal, wanted to make everyone's lives better.
Rest in Peace Edward Kennedy, the Dream Shall Never Die"
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Tale of Two Cities
"I made the most of my ability and I did my best with my title. " -Joe Louis
" I'm gonna do the best thing for the team and the best thing for me. And I think they're one and the same, really."
-Steve Yzerman
Two legendary figures in Detroit sports history, and two quotes , two the city itself could draw from. Detroit tends to find itself on the outside looking in, without recognizing it's own attributes.
Historically, and to this day the arts have benefited Detroit. From Motown, to to hip-hop, to rock to blues. Which, fortunately under President Obama's stimulus package Detroit
While Governor Jennifer Granholm has worked tirelessly to encourage business to come to Detroit, it ha

Friday, August 21, 2009
Jon Soltz: "Please, Don't Save me from Government Health Care

The whole health care debate has been completely confusing to me and a lot of the veterans and troops I talk with every day. See, for us, most of us got free, government-run health care.
First, troops in the Active Duty component and their families get TRICARE, the largest component in the military health care system, which allows them to go to military hospitals and doctors, as needed, and reimburses them for medical costs at private doctors, if they have to go there. For all intents and purposes, it's a mix of the British system (government provided health care) and the Canadian system (a single-payer government run system). The system is so good that virtually every veterans advocacy group has backed extending it fully to the National Guard and Reserve, since they are being deployed now more than ever.
Basically, it's a force readiness issue -- giving this kind of care to troops -- and why support for extending it to the Guard and Reserve is so strong. With all the added pressures from wars and increasing natural disasters, it's essential that all our service members are given preventative care, to ensure they're ready when we need them. We're simply a stronger nation when our troops are kept healthy.
For many, there's also the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is almost exactly like the British system of care. The government builds the hospitals and clinics. The government pays doctors, nurses, administrators, and others a salary. For those with service-connected injuries and disabilities sustained in war, the VA is invaluable. So much so, in fact, that every veterans group has tried to expand eligibility for VA care.
Finally, there's also what's called TRICARE For Life; basically the opportunity for many veterans to reenter the TRICARE system later on. And after you reach the Federal retirement age, that old government-run TRICARE will supplement your government-run Medicare, so you have little or no out-of-pocket expense.
So what's the point here?
Even at the worst of times, when the Bush administration underfunded the VA by billions, leading to backlogs and some real horror stories, the Veterans Health Administration, which administers care, consistently hovered at 80 percent approval among its patients, higher than those in the private system. With the funding improvements in the budget and new construction of hospitals and clinics through the stimulus program, those numbers will absolutely go higher.
TRICARE has been rated the insurance plan with the highest customer satisfaction -- better than any private plan for six years running!
Those on the Right keep harping on how they're looking to "save" the American people from the horrors and evils of government-run insurance and care. Well, troops and veterans don't want to be saved! In fact, when completely fabricated and false rumors started spreading that health reform would mean troops and veterans being tossed back into the private system, the major Veteran Service Organizations freaked out and wrote a letter to Congress demanding that they NOT be thrown back to for-profit care.
A final point: If government-run insurance and care is so evil and so horrible, then why do conservatives keep supporting leaving America's troops and veterans in that kind of system? Do conservatives hold America's warriors in such low standing that they'd subject us to a "Nazi" system, us Rush Limbaugh has called it?
You can't have it both ways. Either TRICARE and the VA are superior systems, worthy of our sacrifice, and thus a government-managed health system can be great. Or, they're terrible, scary, and Communist-Nazi schemes that have to be eliminated, leaving troops and veterans to find their own care for their lost limbs, brain injuries, and other wounds.
America's veterans and troops would say the former. It's why for years they have fought to expand the government programs, not kill them. That's why we find it so confusing that conservatives want to bar the doors and keep those Americans who want to be in a public system from even having that choice.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Very sad news about an admirable athlete

Glenn Beck on forced leave?

"Tipsters inside Fox News tell us Glenn Beck's vacation this week from his Fox News show was not planned. We hear Beck was told to take this week off to let some of the heat surrounding him die down. That heat began July 28 on "Fox & Friends" when Beck said he thought Pres. Obama has "a deep-seated hatred for white people," adding, "This guy is, I believe, a racist."
Now this is not surprising given Beck's outright lies and hypocrisy. He stated that the President "has deep seated hate for white people", and followed that seconds later with "I'm not saying he's a racist" . This nonsense and distortions likely have taken a toll on Fox executives. They are a business and want to make money. We will see how this plays out.
Congressman Barney Frank getting props allover the place
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Barney Frank's Town Hall Snaps | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Glenn Beck guest host mocks Katrina victims

My message to Pat Gray, if you wish to retract this vile segment, you ought to do so on Sunday Morning Coffee with Sarge. Sarge is a friend, and one of the most genuine individuals I have ever spoken with. He survived this, and now advocates that we do not allow the ambivelence to see it again.
Congressman Barney Frank stands up to Full Mooner

"Why do you continue to support a Nazi policy, as Obama has expressly supported this policy?"
First off, this nonsense has no business in debating American domestic policy. I was unhappy when the left did it with Bush, and baffled that it is being done to Obama. This rhetoric used by GOP plants hardly deserves a response, but Frank induldged anyway. Here is the exchange.
Of the twits at Fox News have a different take on this, by their standards asking why the President wants a Nazi program is a legitimate question, and the Congressman's response in smacking it down was "rude".
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Compassionate Conservatism ?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Rachel Maddow faces off with Dick Armey on Meet the Press

Rachel Maddow made her first appearance on Meet the Press yesterday alongside former Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey. Rachel's recent coverage on health care reform caused Armey's resignation from DLA Piper. Armey's other organization Freedom Works, has been one of the lead smear machines on health care reform. Rachel Maddow, who was not given a whole lot of time to speak in her MTP debut, although made the best of it when she did get the chance. Host David Gregory brought up the Hitler/Nazi Germany comparisons to President Obama and the Democratic party , and Armey referenced Move On, claiming the liberal group ran an ad comparing President Bush to Hitler. They never did , and Rachel was quick to dispute that notion.
"They didn't," she said, shaking her head. "They never ran an ad that compared..."
What Dick Armey was referring to was a Move On member contest. The video did not win, nor was it ever run. Of course, Republicans don't have the political courage to debate. Armey, who appeared irritated being positioned next to Rachel. However, she pressed on with the issues at hand. As Armey pushed his illusions about Move On, and made claims that the actions at recent town halls is defensible. Rachel Maddow is too smart for that, she added.
"Is that what the Health Care Freedom Coalition wants to have done in the health care debate? FreedomWorks is part of that coalition. You can say that you denounce it, but the organization that you head is part of it."
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