While the Republican party has long faced criticisms of bigotry, they continue to deflect it with racist imagery. On the RNC's Facebook page ran for one week images of President Obama eating fried chicken with the caption reading "Miscegenation is a CRIME against American Values. Repeal Loving v. Virginia." As Raw Story points out, this on the heels of the controversial Louisiana Justice of the Peace denying an interracial couple seeking a marriage licence .
Also on their page was a picutre of Senator John Kerry in which he appears to have gun pointed at his head, This on the heels of Rep. Debbie Wassrman (D-Fl) Schultz had her initials used as the target a gun range where her opponents met for a fundraiser. Conservatives wonder why they are labeled as racists and fearmongers, yet do not take acts like this seriously. Raw Story has the photos in their article.
Further,there are no African American Republicans in Congress at this time, and have only been 123 since 1870. They also adore perceived racist Rush Limbaugh. This is where they are, and I believe part of the reason they are on the losing end of progress in America.
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