Near the end of a "nerd Monday" of Heroes on NBC, Bill Maher on Jay Leno, Michael J. Fox on The Hour w/ George Stroumboulopoulos , I then tuned into Nicole Sandler. Nicole was spot on in a rant on "compassionism." She also noted filmmaker's John Waters' quote on Real Time w/Bill Maher, "I expect a hint of socialism, an ugly word for a beautiful thought"... a moment of brilliance from John Waters. Now this rhetoric is not new to me, as I have been on this quite some time. Like Nicole, I beleive we are no longer the "land of the free and home of the brave", we have become "land of the greed, and acting brave while we lose our homes". So, at what point do we recognize that the status quo is not working?
We all either know someone or ourselves have filed bankruptcy for health care or over extending ourselves. That said, we are quick to ridicule the 11.3% of welfare recipients, the homeless, the poor, and the ignorant, yet we hardly recognize these are our fellow citizens. Why? The cost. Yet we never queston the cost of war(s). For clarification, it's ok to spend $914,855,665,297.00 to blow up other countries, but not get our own country in order. What have we become?
We have become a nation of liberals who don't make the message clear and teabagging idiots who continually oppose our own best interests. We get caught up with television with robust enthusiasism, sports, or whether Tom Delay survives "Dancing with the Stars", yet hardly recognize we have alot wrong with America these days. 11.3% of welfare recipients, a national average of 9.7% unemployment rate, a 17.3% rate of veteran suicides, and on and on. We have been dumbed down to worries of "welfare Cadillacs" and "socialism" and "death panels". The best place to start is health care, then education, then spending responsibly and try a little "compassionism".
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