Monday, September 14, 2009

Teabaggers get testy

Well, 9/12 came and went, and the teabaggers descended on the National Mall. Initially , the predominately white crowd inflated the numbers, claiming there 1.5 to 2 million people. However, historically if a D.C. protest of that proportion it reaches 3rd street it is about 60,000-70,000. Armed with only signs indicating the President is a Socialist,Commie,Muslim,Monkey,Marxist,Nazi", this not so well thought out message only shows many people cannot come terms they lost.
More photos can be seen here and here.

Since at least the late 50's the conservative talking point has been a hatred of bias in the media, insert "it's the liberal media! They won't cover us!" However, during the eight years of President Bush, numerous war protesters gathered around the world to little coverage. The Washington Post gave the teabaggers front page coverage this past weekend, and in 2005 100,000+ war protesters were pushed to the metro section. The 9/12 protesters also saw sponsorship from the Freedomworks, CPR, Fox News, and received television coverage from Fox, ABC, MSNBC, and CNN.
With all said and done, it should be pointed out how the protests were organized and funded. The 9/12 Project, initially started by Fox's circus clown Glenn Beck. Quite possibly a good idea at first. Encourage Americans to stand as one like we had after 9/11, ok, a nice thought. However, it was the 9/12 Project that encouraged mobs of angry conservatives to town halls throughout August. Their disrupt. So, Glenn Beck really had no desire to bring folks together, he chose to capitalize on an American tragedy. Keep in mind too, that Glenn Beck once stated he "hated the victims of 9/11 families". Also on the carousel of conservatives, Dick Armey, former House Majority Leader, and now chairs Freedom Works, a conservative advocacy group with ties to big business like AT&T, Verizon, and helps lobby for insurance companies. So, I will admit, a portion of the protesters were grassroots, encouraged from watching Fox , or an e-mail from their libertarian brother's, friend's ,sister's neighbor. Other than that, it was "astroturfing". Here is Dick Armey denying that notion.

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