Long being on the wrong end of the joke, and has record successes in the wrong category. That being said, Detroit faces a rebirth of sorts, it can either grow out it's history as a fighter and champion or wallow in it's failures.
"I made the most of my ability and I did my best with my title. " -Joe Louis
" I'm gonna do the best thing for the team and the best thing for me. And I think they're one and the same, really."-Steve Yzerman
Two legendary figures in Detroit sports history, and two quotes , two the city itself could draw from. Detroit tends to find itself on the outside looking in, without recognizing it's own attributes.
Historically, and to this day the arts have benefited Detroit. From Motown, to to hip-hop, to rock to blues. Which, fortunately under President Obama's stimulus package Detroit

public schools will
receive $148.4 to achieve goals others have had a head start in. As the Motor City we have seen foreign auto makers pass us by over the years, likely because we pretended to be what we were, not what we can be. Since Chrysler and GM accepted bailouts from the Federal Government, they have not quite sunk to the bottom, and have been directed to compete.
While Governor Jennifer Granholm has worked tirelessly to encourage business to come to Detroit, it ha

s not come to fruition yet. So, for the citizens...where to from here ? We can sit back and accept things the way they are, or we can "make the most of our abilities, and do best with the results". The city itself has a bad reputation for it's murder rate, for it's high unemployment, for it's welfare recipients, and for it was and no longer is . In my opinion, the places to start are our schools, the protection of our Unions, our arts, our rich history in the arts, and last but not least our politicians. We must elect individuals who honor what can be, no more status quo. In the seventies and eighties Detroit suffered under Mayor Coleman Young and then President Reagan. We need to hold the aforementioned quotes close to our hearts, we need to look to leaders in the city who made strides as businessmen to assist in healing what ails us, Mayor Bing is a good start, Mike Illitch and Peter Karmanos are other shining examples. The old gospel "put down your sword" has some resonance here...put down the sword and pick up a hammer and let's build on our best foundations.
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