I have got to go with Stephanie Miller on this, Laura Ingraham was the guest host on O'Reilly's show. In typical Fox fashion, Laura, with Republican strategist Andrea Tantaros gang up on Democratic strategist Tara Dowdell. As Stephanie suggested, like a scene from the movie Mean Girls, Andrea even brought her own lockers. Ingraham's argument that the Democratic Party is using Senator Kennedy's death to politicize or exploit it. Oddly, it seems that Senator Kennedy stated that universal health care was the "cause of his life".
In more distasteful fashion, following Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh's lead, Ingraham invoked the memorial of the late Paul Wellstone. Senator Wellstone's may not have been what many wanted, but it was a rallying cry for his achievements and causes. Senator Al Franken had this to say of Wellstone's memorial "It was the Republicans that tried to cheapen Paul Wellstone's life by dishonoring his death. It was the right-wing media, not the friends and family who spoke at the memorial or the people who came to it, that seized an opportunity to use a tragedy for political gain."
The point is, while Democrats around the country mourn the loss of Ted Kennedy, the right wing chooses to mock it, continues to politicize it, and continues to use analogies to agitate. Invoking Paul Wellstone's tragic death as comparison does nothing but open wounds that liberals will always nurse. So, why Fox and Neo-Con talk show hosts display their degenerate tactics, liberals and Democrats will carry on and honor our own by continuing their fight.
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