Well, Coultergeist is at it again. Appearing on the Donny Deutsch show on CNBC, Coulter suggested that Jews could be perfected by becoming christian. Well, this is no surprise coming from Ann, she has in past called Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and John Edwards homosexuals, suggested John Edwards be killed in a terrorist plot, called people like myself "godless", wished the New York Times building would be destroyed in a terrorist attack...jeesh, the list could take over my whole blog.
I would like to ask, where are the conservatives denouncing her? Y'know, the ones who were outraged by the MoveOn ad in the NYT's last month, the ones who jump to Bush and Cheney's defense over lies and war, or torture, the ones who had the gall to defend Druggy Limbaugh, Bill O'really....where are they? The guys at First Friday are too busy attacking the noble efforts of Al Gore and President Carter, so I guess we'll give them a pass...yeah right...FF, was another conservative taken out of context? That must be it.
The point here is, when someone left of center says something or does something stupid, liberals call it like it is, or fess up and say "you know, I agree with that person, or thought", a conservative behaves immorally, or publicly says moronic things, and they are "taken out of context". I guess this explains alot, most liberals say they do not belong to any organized party...I 'm a Democrat...that's because if it is wrong,it's wrong. Context is irrelevant if your hateful words equal lies,hypocrisy, and bigotry.
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