Much has been said of what a President thinks, or feels. I read a right-wingers thought recently that said a President should not have a heart because mistakes are made to frequently with error. Something to that effect...it seemed so far fetched and absurd to remember it in full text. One would hope that the heart and head function in unison, but in America, with all it's cynicism, we have many with no heart, or no brain. This is where I come to judgement. From his recollection, and performance we know George W. Bush has none of the aforementioned qualities, so I won't run through the details. With 2008 around the corner, it is important to look at the current canidates. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, has hired Sandy Berger,former head of the NSA to her campaign. This is the man who stole secret files, hid them in his socks, and later destroyed them. Poor Judgement! Rotten Rudy (Republicrit frontrunner), who nominated Bernard Kerik to top cop, and later recommened him to head the Dept. of Homeland Security. Kerik, and Interstate Industrial Corp. have ties to organized crime.Poor Judgement! Mike Gravel, Democratic canidate (who cares, I know)files two different bankcruptcy claims, and then complains about bad spending records...Poor Judgement! Mitt Romney, the Liberal Gov. of Mass. , now the most Conservative canidate...yeah right...thought it was reasonable to support liberal causes like a right to choose for every woman, gay rights etc. Now thinks it is ok to retract that record, not to mention blowing off an ms patient, and traveling with his Irish Setter on the roof of his car. Poor Judgement! I could run through all the canidates, but you get the point...or do you? Prior to the invasion/occupation of Iraq Presidential canidates Barack Obama, Ron Paul, and Dennis Kucinich opposed the idea, predicting disaster. They along with millions across the globe predicted what we are in now..a mess. Foresight? Appears that way doesn't it. Senator Obama has voted to continue to funding the war in Iraq, which I curse him for, although Rep. Paul and Kucinich have been consistent.
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