What does this mean? Well, it has the Conservatives and Republicrits scared. Many Republican congress persons have jumped ship, and more and more independents see a cozy spot in the diverse tent of the Democratic Party. The difference between us and them, well, we hold our elected officials accountable for their votes, words, and actions. Hillary Clinton is the front runner for President, well lefties across the country are taking her task for many votes, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has taken jabs from Cindy Sheehan and my favorite ladies in pink, Code Pink. Rep. John Conyers has also faced their criticisms. It is clear the Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000, 9/11 was handled poorly, the hunt for Bin Laden is a joke, the war in Iraq is and always was about oil, the Kerry loss in 2004 is up for debate, Katrina was a "heckuva" f*** up, the secret prisons and torture violates the Geneva Conventions and the Bush Crime Family would certainly be convicted if we had Nuremberg Trials today, the politiczation of every branch of government is disturbing, spying on American citizens violates the FISA law, Global Warming is real, the economy is sluggish at best. What do the Republicrits and their cronies do, say that's all a left wing smear campaign, and the liberal media is out to get us! Do you see a bit of paranoia on the Republican side of the aisle? I do. With that said, I want to thank MoveOn for extending their courage to take on those bigger than us, I want to thank the vets over at www.ivaw.org and www.votevets.org for telling us whats really happening in Iraq, Reps. Barbara Lee and Dennis Kucinich for their consistency in opposing the war and the criminal activities of the Republican party( oh, and Ron Paul most of the time), Stephanie Miller and Keith Olbermann for making us laugh at all of the absurdities, Mike Malloy and Randi Rhodes for making scream at the same absurdities....this list could go on and on...you know who you are. We have a movement and many of the aformentioned helped it along because it was always there. If you want to see the paranoia at it's finest visit www.itsfirstfriday.com , it's run by Heritage Foundation folks who think they are funny, and recently told me they are "dividers, not uniters". Keep in mind, one once worked for a former Republican Senator. Peace!
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