Well, alot has been said George W. Bush vetoed the childrens insurance program proposed by the Democratic Party. Oddly, Bush always seems to love the attention he and magic veto pen get when vetoes something...think of the photo shoot for vetoing stem cell research, or the Iraq Funding. This time it was done quietly. I suppose President Bush couldn't act tough and macho when it comes to children not old enough to serve in Iraq. So, all his little henchmen in the conservative blogosphere came to his aid. The marching orders were posted over at www.freerepublic.com , regurgitated by Michele Malkin and the half wits at First Friday. Their mission, protect the veto pen, and attack a 12 year old boy named Graeme Frost.
Graeme Frost gave the Democratic radio response following the the veto. As most of us have heard by now, he and his sister recieved state funded health care following a car accident in 2004. The Frost family lives a humble life in Maryland. They live in a home they purchased in 1990 for $55,000, send their children to an academy for a modest tuition, since nearly all of it is on a scholarship, Mr. Frost, as a woodworker earns $45,000 a year. Yet the neo-cons feel they should not have to help pay healthcare costs for a 12 year old.No, I will not give out their address like Michele Malkin did. The neo-con attack on the Frost family stated that whiloe the Frost children attend private schools Karen Tumulty posted a very through article over at http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1670210,00.html
At www.nationalpriorities.org , the keep a running ticker of the cost of the Iraq war. As I write this, we are spending $459,152,468,537.00, that amount of money could provide care to 274,941,630 children. The neo-cons cry the free market will suffer. I ask, when did"promote general welfare" define profit for HMO's and drug companies? There is wild spending with our tax dollars, so much it would make some of our heads spin. I wonder how my conservative friend would feel if taxpayers decided that pell grants were spending we could eliminate? He did however go to school on the goverment dime, ahhh, more hipocrisy for neo-cons. I would rather see my tax dollars spent on childrens healthcare, social programs, communtiy cleanup, Medicaid and Medicare than secret service protection for Saudi Prince Bandar Bush, the foolish war in Iraq, and yes George and Dick's salaries.
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