An expansion of the SCHIP program would insure millions of kids...that is a fact. The right-wing slime machine smeared 12 year old Graeme Frost, and now are going after Bethany Wilkerson...a two year old. Bethany was born with a serious heart condition, went on to survive through insurance her family recieved through SCHIP. The Heritage Foundations thoughts on the "millions of new smokers needed to pay for it" is simply brainless. As a smoker, I hate the idea of paying more than I already do, but it is a habit I chose. Instead, I offer repealing Bush's tax cuts, and redirecting them to the middle and lower income familes. By repealing the tax cuts, we could $directed into a health care fund. This debacle is much like the Social Security debate we have been having since the Republican Party raised the idea of privatizing it. SS can be easily saved by raising the ceiling on the current first $97,000 of earned income. Health care and Social Security are investments, that allow us rights.
Both of these possible solutions give the righties fits. They run on the platform of "see Democrats wanna raise your taxes. To a degree they are right, but not really. As economist after economist report, proper management of tax dollars paid could cover all children in the U.S., as well as, the elderly. As I stated in an earlier post, we need look no further than what is spent in Iraq, http://www.nationalpriorities.org/Cost-of-War/Cost-of-War-3.html
and what amount is spend on military industrial complex, this link shows that 31% of our tax dollars is spent needlesly on arming police, and overseas combat http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2008/index.html
So, instead of partisan bickering, hashing out ideas on how to care for our countries citizens should be on the forefront. Yet, it is not. The President said as early as today "one way to ensure that I am relevant; that's one way to ensure that I am in the process. And I intend to use the veto." Hmmm, that hardly seems to be an effective way to Govern. The partisan attacks on children,smokers, the poor, the elderly, on the middle-class (which is on it's death bed are unfounded, and certainly not constructive. Over at National Review, families who recieved SCHIP funds are derided because they had a child they found they have trouble affording insurance for, and it is suggested they should not of had it. Well, my question to the pro lifers against SCHIP, which will it be "baby killers" or simply insure them? I have said over and over, once you follow the money, you could get sick and then need insurance you can't afford.
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