Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Politics of Coultergeist

Well, Ann is at it again. Not so different than our Vice President. We have now seen the coverage of her and First Lady hopeful Elizabeth Edwards. Ann Coulter continues to spew her hate in such a manner that that it should denouonced by the campuses, publishers, and certainly the Republican Party, not to mention the Heritage Foundation. What transpired yesterday is only the latest in Coulter's resume of narcissistic hate dialogue that Mrs. Edwards tried to expose. Here is the transcript from Do those of us on the left use some pretty hateful remarks, yes, are some of these comments out of line , at times yes. Ann's utter hatred for accountability makes me wonder why the Bush Administration hasn't given her a job. To follow up her confrontation with Mrs. Class Personified, Ms. Coulter trys to put it on Bill Maher's comment on the assasination attempt on Dick Cheney in which he stated that "if he did die...many people would not die needlesly", no Ann he wasn't kidding. I would not have chosen those words, but Bill Maher did go to apoligize later, something Ann can never seem to do. Ms. Coulter's "I am just being attacked by liberals" rhetoric is so old, it becomes this little poor me poor me story. Hey, Ann, you guys were in the Majority for years, and couldn't govern, could not swing many voters and with Center for American Progress's report own most of the media. Could it be that people are sick of this? Could it be that being Progressive is actually mainstream? No wonder your ilk feels attacked, you are the minority. God Bless Elizabeth Edwards!!!

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