Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A lighter note....

I am going to avoid Politics here. Here is an opinion of the new Wilco release.

Jeff Tweedy and Wilco offered up "A Ghost is Born" with their last album, and I hoped that ghost is now haunting elsewhere. It had it's moments, but not a good Wilco record...period. As a longtime Wilco fan, I am quite happy that "Sky Blue Sky" had a glaring amount of sunlight in it. With this release it, I am confident Mr. Tweedy and co. rediscovered the enlightenment of Neil Young and...well, the ghost of Gram Parsons. By telling what can percieved as heartbreak, this record reminds us of how good music can be to the inevitable hurt one can survive during that period. I wish I had it a few years back. Regardless, I would give "Sky Blue Sky" an A for it's effort to make us realize how human heartbreak is, and the remembrence of Gram is, or that combining Neil's sonic/folk, and country make a comforting'll get through it. If you choose to search for this recording, I suggest "Either Way" is a good start.

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