Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hip-Hop makeover has begun

When Michael Steele suggested the "GOP needs a Hip-Hop makeover" most people chuckled. As Raw Story reports, some have taken it seriously. The Young Cons, a Conservative Hip-Hop pairing are in da house! Single handily giving the genre a bad rap, the duo strikes out at Government spending, socialism, abortion, and gay marriage while claiming to be "lyrical giants". Grasping to some sort of "movement" the GOP,Michael Steele, and the Young Cons are willing to mock anything they can get their hands on. As Raw Story points out, the duo are "Following in the proud footsteps of Vanilla Ice and the Manhattan Transfer before them".

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Mike Malloy breakdowns the criticisms of Sonia Sotomayor

Because debating right-wingers is pointless. They are willing to attack a nominee as "racist" based on one statement,"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.", this is the one they are focused on. Although, they leave out the fact that prior to the statement, Professor Martha Minnow stated "there can never be a universal definition of wise". And second, they don't mention that at the time she said it, she was speaking on a panel discussing Hispanics in the Justice system. Also, here is a statement from Justice Samuel Alito " I tried to provide a little picture of who I am as a human being and how my background and my experiences have shaped me and brought me to this point. ... And that's why I went into that in my opening statement. Because when a case comes before me involving, let's say, someone who is an immigrant -- and we get an awful lot of immigration cases and naturalization cases -- I can't help but think of my own ancestors, because it wasn't that long ago when they were in that position."

The second quote, "All of the legal defense funds out there, they’re looking for people with Court of Appeals experience. Because it is — Court of Appeals is where policy is made. And I know, and I know this is on tape and I should never say that, because we don’t make law. I know. OK, I know. I know. I’m not, I’m not promoting it and I’m not advocating it. I’m, you know. OK. Um. [Laughs]". Now, my take is that she is saying, this is what happens, and "I am not promoting it or advocating it". Now this from the right-wing's Supreme Court Wonder Antonin Scalia "In fact, however, the judges of inferior courts often "make law," since the precedent of the highest court does not cover every situation, and not every case is reviewed." Funny how this works, Scalia and Altio are just "brilliant" according to the right, but Sonia Sotomayor is a "racist" and an "activist judge"

Mike breaks it down:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cenk Uygur destroys Conservative Attacks on Sonia Sotomayor

The last 24 hours have been filled with an abundant amount of attacks on Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor. She has been called "liberal" (uh-oh!), "racist", "radical", "dumb","unqualified", and "a single mother". The last one was on Politico's website, apparently asking whether or she actually has any children would have required investigative reporting. The attacks have nothing to do with her rulings, or that she has been on the bench for 17 years.

The most common of the attacks has been over two quotes of hers, this one “court of appeals is where policy is made.”, which is the only part of you read, but you can hear it here in it's full context. The second, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,”, so what? Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks does a fine job of debunking the rest of the nonsense being spewed by the right-wing.

Eric Mancow Mueller Appears on Keith Olbermann

Last week Eric "Mancow" Mueller, Conservative/Libertarian shock-jock had himself waterboarded to prove it wasn't torture, he was proven wrong. After months of cracking jokes about the torture tactic, Mueller manned up and had it done, which is much more than can be said of Sean Hannity. Hannity said last month that he would be waterboarded for "charity". Keith Olbermann offered $1,000 per second that he lasted, Hannity has been silent on the issue. Olbermann has instead donated $10,000 to on Mueller's behalf.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Open Thread

If waterboarding is not torture, why is it not used for Baptisms?

Interrogator Debunks Cheney's Torture Argument

Matthew Alexander an interrogator for 14 years says “And the reason why is that our enemies use it, number one, as a recruiting tool…These same foreign fighters who came to Iraq to fight because of torture and abuse….literally cost us hundreds if not thousands of American lives.” Featured on Brave New Films, Alexander expresses his thoughts on torture, and re-enforces the argument that the opposition and decent minded Americans have been about the use of torture. Alexander, whose has performed more than 1,000 interrogations, including 300 in Iraq is spot on, and as usual Dick Cheney is...well...Dick Cheney.

Prop 8 Upheld by California Supreme Court

The California Supreme Court upheld the vote to ban equality marriage in the state. This not unexpected, however I have to agree with the always witty and lovely Lizz Winstead "California Uber Assholes!". Many good people across the country agree with this decision, yet their only explanation for their opinion is either 1.) It's in the Bible or 2.) Well, Barack Obama also thinks marriage is between a man and a woman! That said, no Gay Marriage is not traditional, but if the individuals love one another, why is it God's business, or ours?

There was a time in our country when whites could not marry blacks because it was not traditional and that was overturned. As a straight man, with friends who oppose marriage equality, and friends who support it and we have all agreed that none of us have ever seen a gay or lesbian couple and felt encouraged to be gay. Most don't care. Yet, we have the Christian Conservative right-wing saying it threatens traditional marriage. Huh? The only way it would threaten your marriage and lifestyle is if you were harboring some closet tendencies. The 18,000 same sex marriage that took place will remain legal, and the decision will likely be appealed.

Furthermore, Larry King discussed this on his show this evening, with opinions from both sides. The right again, was clinging to the Bible and the left continued embracing equality. Question; If a couple marries in a Church, and divorces in a courtroom, why is it the Churches business who marries?

President Obama makes Supreme Court decision

President Obama has made his pick to the Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. She is the first Latina to be nominated to the Court. The Manhattan born Sotomayor has ruled in some high profile cases, such as the case that ended the 1995 baseball strike, and ruled in the case in which the creators of the film Philadelphia were sued by the AIDS victims family. Looking at her bio and rulings, she appears to be straight down the middle, but of course that is not how the right-wing will paint her. Fox News has already suggested her nomination is only to appease the far-left, and her record does not demonstrate that. Still residing in Manhattan and owning a condo in Greenwich Village, the right will try to label her a Liberal Activist. Her appointment in 1992 by George H.W. Bush and began her commission the following day. She again was appointed by Bill Clinton in 1998.Based on her rulings, she appears to be a good choice for SCOTUS

Kim Jong-Il will not be ignored

Yesterday as we honored our soldiers, N.Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il disrupted the world by detonating a nuclear bomb underground and test firing two missles. His actions shook neighboring countries and angered others. In 2006 he agreed to a resolution that would ban N.Korea's development of nuclear weapons and clearly violated it. President Obama addressed the actions and expressed his concerns, stating that "we will seek and support a strong United Nations Security Council resolution with concrete measures to curtail North Korea's nuclear and missile activities."

The President also reiterated the United States committment to assist S. Korea and Japan from Kim Jong-Il's nonsense, and attempts to be Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction..."I will not be ignored!".Speaking with leadership in in Japan, both President Obama and Prime Minister Taro Aso intend to work with Russia, China and South Korea to enforce the resolution curbing N. Korea's ambitions of nuclear weapons.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Blame the Evidence, Not the Crime?

LiberalViewer's videos layout the falsehoods that Fox News spouts off on a daily basis. In his latest video he dissects Bill O'Reilly's attack on the ACLU for their fight for accountability and urgency for the Freedom of Information Act regarding the torture and abuse at American military prisons. O'Reilly's argument is not to blame the crime, but blame the evidence and the ACLU.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend...Honor, Duty,Country

While Americans enjoy the long weekend, please take a moment to remember those who have given their lives, sacrificed their minds and bodies and the families that have shared in the experience. Far too often, it is taken for granted the freedoms and liberties we enjoy on a daily basis. Many in our country seem to honor our troops when it is politically expedient or to prove who is more "Patriotic", and yet we take advantage of holidays in their honor. A Yellow Ribbon magnet is not enough. It is going to take every Conservative and every Liberal to tend to our soldiers welfare and their families. Allowing medical issues to be looked over, the joblessness, the homelessness, and alarming rise in suicides is not "Supporting the Troops", nor is it "Patriotic". I am calling on all of us to pledge, that the conditions we allow soldiers to return home to, and the issues that ail many of their families is unacceptable. Please visit the websites of IAVA, IVAW or Vote Vets to share your thoughts, or make a contribution if possible. Enjoy your weekend.

Liz Cheney faces Lawrence O'Donnell with her father's nonsense

While Liz Cheney, like her Dad is busy making the rounds. In 9 appearances in 12 days, she has been greeted with complicit hosts and panels. Not the case when she was joined by Lawrence O'Donnell on Good Morning America.Liz Cheney continues promoting her Dad's lies and criminal actions, Lawrence rightfully calls her out on it. Not exactly the exchange we would would see on Good Morning America, and the hosts quickly defuse the debate.

No Free Pass for Barack Obama

As Mike Papantonio points out in the clip below, President Obama should not get too comfortable. For 8 years the Republicans grabbed their Pom Pons and and allowed he and Cheney to get away with anything, and cheered them along. President Obama is not likely to have that luxury. From his decisions to balk on the torture, to hold ups on closing Gitmo, the almost deafening silence from Democratic Leadership on Governor Don Siegelman's case among a few others, his base will grow tired of inaction on issues he made key during the campaign. I still stick by my word, that so far he has earned a B- by my own account, by should he falter and back down to Republican intimidation his base will stray. Right now he has control to move the country in a Progressive direction with both Houses of Congress, and the American people, and never have to say he's sorry, if he does not take advantage of that, his calls of Hope and Change are just hollow words.

GOP Leaders Suggest Speaker Pelosi Step Down

Speaker Pelosi, who has come under attack for comments that the CIA misled Congress regarding torture has the Republicans in a tizzy. Basically what they are attempting to do is dodge their own involvement, they are essentially saying "we endoresed the use of torture but you lied". This knee jerk reaction has some, like Pete King, Republican of Long Island is calling for her to step down, and Steve King, Republican of Iowa wants her ousted permanetly. I would like to see what Nancy Pelosi knew. However, it is believable she was in fact misled by the CIA and the Bush Admin. Former Governor Jesse Ventura remarked on Fox, that "had we not tortured, we wouldn't even be having this conversation."

While many Republicans obviously feeling heat over possible prosecutions of Bush Admin. officials, their tactic is "Hey look at Nancy Pelosi!", and the House rejected a probe into the Speaker's allegations. Also, keep in mind, not one Democrat has come out against her, and a few Republicans confirmed her statements.

Ron Reagan "Rush Limbaugh hasn't had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration"

A few days old, but fun nonetheless.Ron takes apart Conservative outrage over his comments. Newsbusters went after Ron's comments that "Rush Limbaugh hasn't had a natural erection since the Nixon Administration". As Ron points out, he would not have made these comments had the flying monkey right attacked Nancy Pelosi for alleged use of Botox.This is good, take a listen.

The Great Divide

This past week Rush Limbaugh resigned as the "titular head" of the GOP,yet he is still preferred by prominent Republicans like Dick Cheney and Karl Rove. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Rove was asked who he sided with,Chris Wallace asked "[Cheney] sided with Limbaugh. Do you?" Rove responded, "Yes, if I had to pick between the two, But, you know what? Neither one of those are candidates, Neither one of those are going to be people who are offering themselves for office." This is not surprising as the Republican Party splinters. Right leaning pundits, bloggers, and politicians have made it clear they are not the least bit interested in moderates within the party. I can assume that others will soon be banished. Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins have long been criticized for occasionally voting with the Democratic Party, Arlen Specter was scolded for his defection last month. Tom Ridge is likely going to find himself on the GOP hit list. Ridge, the former Secretary of Homeland Security appeared on CNN, and stated that Cheney's claim is wrong that we are less under President Obama and called Limbaugh "shrill".

While the GOP struggles with it's identity crisis, they are focused on attacking Speaker Pelosi and President Obama over marginal issues, they are shifting further to the right. The country strongly rejected the far right in the last two elections. For many people I know, they are best represented as independents by the Republicans new standard. My own mother, who voted for Bush twice and then turned to Dennis Kucinich in the primary. A close friend of mine who's son is likely to be deployed to Afghanistan votes Republican , but is unabashedly liberal on social issues. Learning from their losing streak from 1994 to 2006, the Democratic Party found room for moderates in the party, and it attacted votes in our favor. I personally would prefer a more liberal party, but I am certainly not willing to force out the likes of Senators Bayh or Begich. While the Republicans twist in the wind, and get media attention for controversial statements, the liberals, the moderates, and the left of center Democrats focus on repairing the country.

Senator Durbin calls out Gingrich

On this morning's Meet the Press, Newt Gingrich continues his ranting on about Nancy Pelosi's claim that the CIA misled Congress. Senator Dick Durbin however, was prepared with Newt's similar words from 2007. Thanks to Think Progress for getting this up so quick.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Liz Cheney on Hannity admitting her father is worried about potential prosecutions

Someone needs to remind Dick Cheney that 9/11 took place on his watch. Republicans and Conservative pundits boast that Bush and Cheney kept us safe...No they didn't they did not! The greatest attack on our soil took place while Bush and Cheney were in office/vacation. August 6th 2001 President Bush was delivered his Presidential Daily Briefing which stated "Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States", and would fly planes into buildings. Ok, I would think that would cause alarm in the new Administration. As Jon Stewart points out, by that math, we could say President Clinton kept us safe after the 1993 World Trade Center bombings.

After spending eight years terrifying ordinary Americans, Dick Cheney apparently feels he is not done. Or as his daughter Liz suggests, he is just trying to save his own ass. Appearing on Sean Hannity Liz Cheney said her Father did not expect to be out discussing this, but fear of Bush officials being prosecuted motivated him.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Seder takes Limbaugh, Ventura takes Hannity

Sam Seder's weekly Random Rush segment

Jesse Ventura on Sean Hannity

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Conservatives Outrage

Pundits, Protesters, and Bloggers are coming unhinged over President Obama's Commencement address at Notre Dame. Pro-Life protesters scurried to the school to show their disdain, bloggers and pundits have given their opinions as well. President Obama, like myself and many other in the country is pro-choice, and respect a woman's right to privacy. Reducing the abortion rate in our country is a delicate subject, and we all need to recognize it.An occasional ally at another blog commented;
"I simply find it absurd that a person would choose abortion because it's the worst choice."

I found that well put, as I can testify, it is a situation that tears most decent women, and the men involved apart. This notion that "Liberals and Democrats are Pro-Abortion" is nonsense, nobody is Pro-Abortion. It is a horrifying experience, that I do not wish any woman would have to go through. That said, I am not prepared to deny that right to choose and privacy. Promoting the education and science to prevent unwanted pregnancy's seems the only logical way to find any way forward in prevention. Conservatives are promoting abstinence only to teens and young women and men, that just is not realistic. Pharmacists are denying the filling of prescriptions based on their religious beliefs. And all along their talking point is that some are "pro-abortion". They offer no solution to curb the numbers of abortions and some take to violence. What I believe needs to transpire here is a serious conversation between both sides to remedy the tragedy that is inflicted on the women and men who experience abortion and the unborn child, and without anything about "Well God said so..."

I find it interesting that many of the right to lifers are ok with the bombing of innocent civilians where many innocent children die, war, torture, and the death penalty, yet become volatile over this issue. A good start I believe would be working towards improving the conditions of the lives that are already here.

Dennis Kucinich on Ending the Wars

Congressman Dennis Kucinich took some time took speak with Nicole Sandler of Air America on ending the wars America is in. Dennis Kucinich is never short on words of why getting out of these conflicts is crucial to the country.When asked "what is winning in Afghanistan?", he boldly says "We win by leaving".

Bill O'Reilly worried about privacy,Oh Really?

Think Progress reports that Bill O'Reilly thinks anyone should be able go out and not have a camera shoved in their face. Funny, this from O'Reilly who has repeatedly sent out his producers to ambush private citizens. Most recently as I mentioned here, was Fox's Jesse Waters teaming up with Conservative talker Ken Pittman to ambush Janeane Garofalo at a Starbucks.Here is O'Reilly's piece on privacy vs technology:

And here is John Amato's clip from Crooks and Liars

The disturbing part of all of this is that I am not even sure O'Reilly knows his own hypocrisy? Anyway, I am sure he means what he says, we all should be able to go about our lives, take vacations, have a coffee long as long as we agree with him and Fox News.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


While the GOP continues searching for a new brand, they have resorted to playground name calling. Politico and Rachel Maddow reported today that the Republicans are choosing to rebrand the Democratic Party instead of addressing their own issues. They will likely approve a measure next week in the ranks of the RNC to now call the Democratic Party the "Democrat Socialist Party". I have stated repeatedly, they have plans, no leader, and evidently no grownups. This bullying tactic will achieve nothing, but will show them as childish and immature. RNC chair Michael Steele recognizes this;"officially referring to them as the Democrat Socialist Party “will accomplish little than to give the media and our opponents the opportunity to mischaracterize Republicans.” We are just past the President's first 100 days, and this is what they have lowered themselves to, name calling, tea bagging ,and simply saying "No" to any Democratic ideas. They are behaving like a child who can't get his way. I can only imagine what their meeting next week will be like.

Lightweight Conservative talker and Fox ambush the lovely Janeane Garofalo

In Fox's long running series of ambushing people, they now sent lightweight talker Ken Pittman of New Bedford, Ma. along with O'Reilly crony Griff Jenkins. Pittman, apparently offended by Janeane's comments on Keith Olbermann following the Tea Parties, called for a protest at a comedy show. The funny part is, after palling around with Fox and contacting the Boston Herald, nobody showed up. Further, Pittman had no knowledge of heading up a protest. He contacted authorities after the fact, did not pull a permit for the park near the venue, and clearly could not rally his 20 listeners.

The saddest part of all this, as Marc Maron pointed out, is this guy just wants in with the likes of Beck,Hannity, Cavuto and O'Reilly so bad, he is willing to let little Janeane embarrass him on TV . Janeane's comments did offend some, however, she was right, many of the "Teabaggers" were racially motivated, and shortsighted. The Keith Olbermann clip can be seen here.

Still, the funniest part of all of this is that Pittman and his sidekick Phil don't recognize how pathetic their attempt was. Sam Seder, Marc Maron, who are dear friends and colleagues of Janeane's took Ken to task on the air and unsurprisingly he failed to give a decent explanation to Sam's "ambush". Getting owned outside Starbucks, on his show, and at his site apparently rattled him, as his sidekick took over. Also, I was blocked from commenting on his site.

Here are both videos.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ok, here's my take...ugh!

Carrie Prejean, Miss California gets to keep her crown after all, apparently Donald Trump did not want to take on James Dobson ET AL. I happen to disagree with her opinion, but applaud her for not backing down. That said, her crown and title were in jeopardy for the risque photos, which was a violation of her contract, which apparently are ok with Mr. Trump. My problem in all of this, first off, I am blogging about it, second, is that she is relishing as a right-wing darling. She has the adoration of the Right-Wing 24/7 bigotry news in Fox, and then appeared on James Dobson's radio show. Dobson is one who suggested that "showering with your son will prevent him from being gay", yeah that sounds like a strategy. In the interview, she stated she felt Satan was tempting her, and "God was in her head". Didn't we have another high profile American talk about God speaking to him? And it caused a war?

Having this debate with friends, I took the Thom Hartmann route, and asked, "at what point in your life did you know you were straight?" The response was iffy at best, but most came up with about 7. I was then confronted about how "it is just not natural!", is it not for two people to fall in love. As a straight man, it feels natural for me to fall in love with, and be attracted to women.While I have gone to gay clubs over the years with friends, I never saw a Gay couple and said "Ya' know, that looks pretty good", yet, I cannot push my beliefs on the LBGT community.

Further, my guess is her troubles are mounting associating with the likes of Fox and the Dobson's of the world. The hypocrisy is lit up like it's the 4th of July. The GOP mantra is "smaller Government" , and "personal responsibility" and "Obama is eroding our rights", but only if they can peek into your bedrooms. The right is horrified that 5 states have taken the appropriate steps to grant the same rights we have to the gay community, and vilified the future Sarah Palin. Worse, she is young enough, dumb enough, and Gosh darn it, some of us really don't like you.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

National Council for a New America????

While the Republican Party still searches for their soul, right-wing talkers, pundits, and bloggers continue down the same old tired path. Talking on Monday, Rush Limbaugh derided the GOP's new "Listening Tour", saying that what they really need is a "Teaching Tour". Aww, Rush that's it, you are just understood, right? Eric Cantor (R)-Va, echoed that sentiment on MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning, although he is on the so-called listening tour. Revelling in their failure to keep moderates in their favor, they now attack them for not being Conservative enough.Arlen Specter is their latest target in their frivolous attacks since he defected to the Democratic Party.

Here is a quick rundown of the what the GOP suggests for the country. Less Government intervention, except when it comes to a woman's right to privacy and to choose, and "NO" to allowing the LBGT community to have the same rights as the rest of us. They oppose the Employee Free Choice Act, which would make it easier for workers to Unionize. The oppose the creation of Green Jobs, because they claim climate change is a hoax, not mentioning that it would create jobs, and protect our environment. They opposed President Obama's Stimulus Bill, calling it a "spending bill", what do they think a Stimulus Bill is? This is just to mention a few of the things the GOP is selling, and nearly 80% of the country is not buying.

Conservative talker Dennis Prager recently wrote a piece for TownHall, in which he rehashes the tired rhetoric that people on the left don't love our country. His claim that if we did, we would not want to "transform" or "remake" it. He fails to mention that his own party is calling their listening tour "National Council for a New America", Dennis if you love your country, why do you want a new one? The ongoing hypocrisy of the Republicans is easy to see. Their plan of having no plans is to simply oppose any Demcratic plan.

The Democratic Party has been in this position before, not so long ago. We hemmed and hawed about two elections, the Patriot Act, the War in Iraq, Bush's blunders, how evil Cheney is, and withstood all sorts of criticisms about Patriotism. However, we organized on every level. The Liberal Democrats worked with Moderates and Independents, we networked and socialized, we canvassed, we stood on our principles, we delivered the message that as Americans we do let others flounder, not in this country.Furthermore, we listened to the American people. Groups like Michigan Democratic Future, and Democracy for America took to the streets, held town hall meetings, conference calls and online town halls to share ideas, and it worked. The Republican Party needs only to look in the mirror to understand what went wrong.
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