This from Democracy Interactive's long lost friend, my best friend Julie. A non-partisan message posted at Friends For Peace.
Friends for Peace
Just as the title states...we are friends for peace! It does not matter which side of the road you stand on....be it the left, the right or in the middle with the yellow lines and dead armidillos. Friendship runs much deeper than that...or at least it should!! I have learned more recently and after much heartache that is not always the case. Lets stand up America, forget the politics....look at the issues at hand. The issues often get lost in the politics....how sad. Shame on us all!! Peace.....should be a no-brainer. Stop standing behind your "party" and make decisions based on your beliefs rather than the party you are hiding behind. Who does not want peace? Come join us in this great cause....make your own sign....be creative....take a picture of you and whoever else with it. Send it to us to show where you stand...on your own!!! Lets see how many we can get. Get to it America!!
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