Thursday, September 11, 2008

Matt Damon on Sarah Palin


  1. Pastor: GOP may be downplaying Palin's religious beliefs

    "Palin now attends the Wasilla Bible Church. She was there on August 17, just days before entering the national spotlight. David Brickner, the founder of Jews for Jesus, was a speaker. He told congregants that terrorist attacks on Israel were God's "judgment" of Jews who haven't embraced Christianity."

    This church also believe in speaking in tongues, which my be a boon for a politician.

    The idea of "end times" is the scary part. I don't want anyone in charge of our nukes believing if they use them it won't be all that bad, after all we have a place in heaven. No I want someone who knows if we all die that is it, NO heaven, No hell, No reincarnation, No 72 virgins, NOTHING, you are gone forever.

  2. Maybe McCain got her because Tammy Faye Bakker was dead.

  3. Lol on Tammy Faye. It is becoming very real that she is more like Bush and Santorum then McCain. You and I both share the idea that someones right to religion is ok, don't push it on me, but you are correct. These crazy's do not need an end all power!


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