she billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home, eating her own food and she's a fiscal conservative?
"It was quite the little scandal," said Tony Knowles, the Democratic governor from 1994 to 2000. "I gave a direction to all my commissioners if they were ever in their house, whether it was Juneau or elsewhere, they were not to get a per diem because, clearly, it is and it looks like a scam -- you pay yourself to live at home," he said.
Now, I know that Gov. Palin's salary is $125,000 a year, and is allocated a per diem and expenses for herself, and family members for Government travel and business purposes. Yet she chose to use taxpayer dollars to go home? As if the lie about selling the Governor's Jet on Ebay was bad,(read Arianna Huffington's article here) this is just scandalous. More to come on this fiscal fiasco in the coming days.
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