While reading and watching the Presidential coverage intensely, it is clear the direction we need after the past eight. A refresher course, a War based on lies that gave out no-bid contracts to big Republican donors, a natural disaster in Katrina that became a human disaster in handling it, cronyism and politicization of nearly every public office, and continued deregulation of financial institutes. That is just a few. Now, we have the McCain /Palin ticket. John McCain a candidate, who in 2000 even many Democratic voters felt was ok. However, the so-called "Maverick" is no more. This man has flipped and flopped on nearly every position. It is one thing to adjust your positions slightly, but a complete 360 is just pandering. Then there is Sarah Palin, who was Governor for Alaska, the least populated state, and the receiver of the the largest amount of earmarks. Over $400 million. Although, she denies that fact. So, this is slightly partisan, as I am an Obama supporter, but when you vote this November, ask yourself "Are you smarter than a fifth grader"?.
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