Monday, September 29, 2008
What does General Patraeus really think?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jon Soltz reminds McCain of what Leadership is

So, because there's a financial crisis, Senator McCain cannot take 90 minutes to address how he will face challenges around the world, including how and when he will send American troops to fight, and possibly die.
Wow. Troops would sure love that luxury.
Unfortunately, though, insurgents in Iraq don't stop shooting at us, or setting IEDs, because our Commander in Chief needs a breather to figure out Wall Street.
Al Qaeda in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region don't send our troops notes that read, "Hey, I hear you guys are tied up with Wall Street. Your President needs to concentrate on other things, so we'll give you a break. So, to make things easier on you, here's our coordinates."
Nor do our troops get a few days to figure out how to hold onto an area we've secured, if there's an unexpected attack. Sometimes we need to deal with multiple flare-ups at once in any warzone. We'd sure love a time-out, but sadly, the world isn't such a nice place that it gives us that kind of pity.
When you're Commander in Chief, I don't think there'd be a worse signal to send to our troops in harm's way than to say, "Hey, hold on guys. I know you're getting killed over there, but I have to get a time-out here to deal with Wall Street."
If troops need to multi-task without a break, is it so wrong that we demand that a potential President-in-waiting prove that he can manage a financial crisis, and still address crises around the world for 90 minutes? And, if a potential President-to-be can't manage that, is it wrong to think that maybe he ought not just suspend a debate and the campaign, but move aside and get out of the race?
Just something to think about.
-Jon Soltz
Fox Noise "Mike Papantonio, you are rude!"
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
From Mike Malloy's Daily Blog

You can run, but you can't hide
Don't you wish McCrazy would just go away? And take the lipstick-pig woman with him? Don't we have enough to deal with - some really serious issues - without having to hear this PTSD-addled freak read his stump speech over and over again and watch crazed scenes like yesterday when 85-year-old womanizing warmonger Henry Kissinger granted the lipstick-pig woman an hour sit-down in exchange for what? a free feel? a little leg? a flash of booty? The leer on Henry's face was obscene.
Jesus, these people turn my stomach.
We'll talk about it tonight.
Tune in to NovaMRadio.
Warning signs?

Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime
How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers
By Eliot Spitzer
Thursday, February 14, 2008; A25
Several years ago, state attorneys general and others involved in consumer protection began to notice a marked increase in a range of predatory lending practices by mortgage lenders. Some were misrepresenting the terms of loans, making loans without regard to consumers' ability to repay, making loans with deceptive "teaser" rates that later ballooned astronomically, packing loans with undisclosed charges and fees, or even paying illegal kickbacks. These and other practices, we noticed, were having a devastating effect on home buyers. In addition, the widespread nature of these practices, if left unchecked, threatened our financial markets.
Even though predatory lending was becoming a national problem, the Bush administration looked the other way and did nothing to protect American homeowners. In fact, the government chose instead to align itself with the banks that were victimizing consumers.
Predatory lending was widely understood to present a looming national crisis. This threat was so clear that as New York attorney general, I joined with colleagues in the other 49 states in attempting to fill the void left by the federal government. Individually, and together, state attorneys general of both parties brought litigation or entered into settlements with many subprime lenders that were engaged in predatory lending practices. Several state legislatures, including New York's, enacted laws aimed at curbing such practices.
What did the Bush administration do in response? Did it reverse course and decide to take action to halt this burgeoning scourge? As Americans are now painfully aware, with hundreds of thousands of homeowners facing foreclosure and our markets reeling, the answer is a resounding no.
Not only did the Bush administration do nothing to protect consumers, it embarked on an aggressive and unprecedented campaign to prevent states from protecting their residents from the very problems to which the federal government was turning a blind eye.
Let me explain: The administration accomplished this feat through an obscure federal agency called the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The OCC has been in existence since the Civil War. Its mission is to ensure the fiscal soundness of national banks. For 140 years, the OCC examined the books of national banks to make sure they were balanced, an important but uncontroversial function. But a few years ago, for the first time in its history, the OCC was used as a tool against consumers.
In 2003, during the height of the predatory lending crisis, the OCC invoked a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act to issue formal opinions preempting all state predatory lending laws, thereby rendering them inoperative. The OCC also promulgated new rules that prevented states from enforcing any of their own consumer protection laws against national banks. The federal government's actions were so egregious and so unprecedented that all 50 state attorneys general, and all 50 state banking superintendents, actively fought the new rules.
But the unanimous opposition of the 50 states did not deter, or even slow, the Bush administration in its goal of protecting the banks. In fact, when my office opened an investigation of possible discrimination in mortgage lending by a number of banks, the OCC filed a federal lawsuit to stop the investigation.
Throughout our battles with the OCC and the banks, the mantra of the banks and their defenders was that efforts to curb predatory lending would deny access to credit to the very consumers the states were trying to protect. But the curbs we sought on predatory and unfair lending would have in no way jeopardized access to the legitimate credit market for appropriately priced loans. Instead, they would have stopped the scourge of predatory lending practices that have resulted in countless thousands of consumers losing their homes and put our economy in a precarious position.
When history tells the story of the subprime lending crisis and recounts its devastating effects on the lives of so many innocent homeowners, the Bush administration will not be judged favorably. The tale is still unfolding, but when the dust settles, it will be judged as a willing accomplice to the lenders who went to any lengths in their quest for profits. So willing, in fact, that it used the power of the federal government in an unprecedented assault on state legislatures, as well as on state attorneys general and anyone else on the side of consumers.
Makes you wonder why Elliot Spitzer was politically assasinated.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The No Talk Express

Later in the afternoon, John McCain and Sarah Palin were approached by reporters outside a diner. When asked if they would support the "bailout", the CBS reported shouted ""Has your bus become the No Talk Express?". The media has chosen to ban most of the days activities.
This is not a campaign of "mavericks", this is a joke! If we liked the last eight years of secrecy and vague explanations, we're just gonna love this.

Are voters smarter than 5th graders?

While reading and watching the Presidential coverage intensely, it is clear the direction we need after the past eight. A refresher course, a War based on lies that gave out no-bid contracts to big Republican donors, a natural disaster in Katrina that became a human disaster in handling it, cronyism and politicization of nearly every public office, and continued deregulation of financial institutes. That is just a few. Now, we have the McCain /Palin ticket. John McCain a candidate, who in 2000 even many Democratic voters felt was ok. However, the so-called "Maverick" is no more. This man has flipped and flopped on nearly every position. It is one thing to adjust your positions slightly, but a complete 360 is just pandering. Then there is Sarah Palin, who was Governor for Alaska, the least populated state, and the receiver of the the largest amount of earmarks. Over $400 million. Although, she denies that fact. So, this is slightly partisan, as I am an Obama supporter, but when you vote this November, ask yourself "Are you smarter than a fifth grader"?.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008

This from Democracy Interactive's long lost friend, my best friend Julie. A non-partisan message posted at Friends For Peace.
Friends for Peace
Just as the title states...we are friends for peace! It does not matter which side of the road you stand it the left, the right or in the middle with the yellow lines and dead armidillos. Friendship runs much deeper than that...or at least it should!! I have learned more recently and after much heartache that is not always the case. Lets stand up America, forget the politics....look at the issues at hand. The issues often get lost in the sad. Shame on us all!! Peace.....should be a no-brainer. Stop standing behind your "party" and make decisions based on your beliefs rather than the party you are hiding behind. Who does not want peace? Come join us in this great cause....make your own creative....take a picture of you and whoever else with it. Send it to us to show where you stand...on your own!!! Lets see how many we can get. Get to it America!!Candidate for AG in Vermont to press charges on...

More here from Raw Story
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Gaffe Factory overload

While, pushing the idea of being "agents of change", the "Troopergate" scandal is stonewalled, with 13 people close to her refusing to serve subpoenas issued, including her husband Todd Palin. Thats not "change" we can believe in. Ok, at this point insert a swing in momentum in Barack Obama's favor. That is not it. While giving an interview to Spanish radio, McCain seemed confused as to what hemisphere Spain is in. Reminded repeatedly that Spain's PM is Jose Zapatero, who is an ally,and since his election is awaiting a meeting with the White House. McCain went on to say
"Honestly, I have to look at relations, and the situations, and the priorities but I can assure you I will establish closer relations with our friends, and I will stand up to those who want to do harm to the United States of America. I know how to do both."
Keep in mind, that while Spain has withdrawn it's troops from Iraq, it continues to fight with us in Afghanistan. It keeps going, John McCain stumped for offshore oil rigs in a fashion you'd hear from a disoriented individual on pain-killers. Watch it here.
Yet, while it is only Friday morning we have time for even more. Keep posted for updates. One last one for now, at a campaign event running mate Sarah Palin apparently recognizing the bad, has now flipped the ticket
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"Thanks, but No Thanks..." Should be the response supporters of privatizing Social Security. John Neffinger posted on that scenario over at Huffington Post. While, George W. Bush, John McCain and numerous Conservatives gleefully pushed the idea of the plan, it is clear that those of us who rejected it were correct.
The implications of Wall Streets meltdown has consequences many of us won't even pretend to understand. However, recognizing the powers that it has is our halls of Congress is easy to witness. Both Candidates received monies from the ailing companies.
"This is something Americans understand: social security is secure, and the stock market is anything but. There are few more personal or dramatic ways to illustrate McCain's terrible judgment than to imagine the nightmare scenario so many Americans would face if McCain and Bush had gotten their way on this -- or if McCain were to get his way as President."
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
A moment for a good cause
While, we all witness the needs of many in our country, I urge you, find a cause. Studs Terkel once said and continues to say "Hope Dies Last". Thank you in advance.
Wonder Woman on Caribou Barbie

In an interview this morning about her three-week run at an Atlantic City casino, I offhandedly asked “Wonder Woman” Lynda Carter how she felt about the media calling VP candidate Sarah Palin the “new Wonder Woman.” I wasn’t expecting her no-holds-barred response:
Don’t get me started. She’s the anti-Wonder Woman. She’s judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how they’ve got to live their lives. And a superior religious self-righteousness … that’s just not what Wonder Woman is about. Hillary Clinton is a lot more like Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin. She did it all, didn’t she?
No one has the right to dictate, particularly in this country, to force your own personal views upon the populace — religious views. I think that is suppressive, oppressive, and anti-American. We are the loyal opposition. That’s the whole point of this country: freedom of speech, personal rights, personal freedom. Nor would Wonder Woman be the person to tell people how to live their lives. Worry about your own life! Worry about your own family! Don’t be telling me what I want to do with mine.
I like John McCain. But this woman — it’s anathema to me what she stands for. I think America should be very afraid. Very afraid. Separation of church and state is the one thing the creators of the Constitution did agree on — that it wasn’t to be a religious government. People should feel free to speak their minds about religion but not dictate it or put it into law.
What I don’t understand, honestly, is how anyone can even begin to say they know the mind of God. Who do they think they are? I think that’s ridiculous. I know what God is in my life. Now I am sure that she’s not all just that. But it’s enough to me. It’s enough for me to have a visceral reaction. And it makes me mad.
People need to speak up. Doesn’t mean that I’m godless. Doesn’t mean that I am a murderer. What I hate is this demonization of everybody but one position. You’re un-American because you’re against the war. It’s such bullshit. Fear. It’s really such a finite way of thinking about God to think that your measley little mind can know the mind of God. It’s a very little God that way. I think that God’s bigger. I don’t presume to know his mind. Or her mind.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Day of Rememberance

I remember exactly where I was that morning. I was at home, when I recieved a call from my friend George, "Kyle, are you up? Turn on the tv. A plane also just hit the Pentagon, have you heard from Derek?" The concern we both shared was the lives of our fellow Americans and our good friend Derek who was working at a building close to the Pentagon. Thank God he was ok, but many others were not. We all experienced our own grievances that day, we wept for the lives lost and those left childless or widowed, or alone.
Last night, I spent the evening as normally do. Walk the dog, have dinner, and watch Keith Olbermann with a few odds and ends in there. Keith's Special Comment was spot on. He discussed the "trademarking" of 9/11. It is a travesty that this has occurred. Our two party political system have sparred over the "ownership" of the day we all share in our history. The Post 9/11 world is full of liars, truthers, hypocrites, opportunists, and conspiracy theorists. While I do not subscribe to the "inside job" crowd, nor do I wish to blindly follow the story we were given. I don't really know what did and what did not take place that awful day, although I am more interested in what our Government didn't do. I do, however, strongly hold the unity we felt , as Americans on 9/11. The images we will see on our televisions today will open old wounds, again. As Americans, I find it absurd that we have accepted what has happened since 9/11. The Republican National Convention in St. Paul,Mn. last week displayed, without shame, images of the WTC with the threat of fear, and blatant references to countries not involved. I find it absurd that on 9/11, we all had the good sense to recognize the strong sense of urgency to be "American" first, but threw it out the window come an election season. I find it absurd that for political gain, we have allowed the laws that have made this country better than any be abandoned for the sake of self proclaimed "patriotism". On this day, it is with heartfelt courage, that we, yes we, stand with the same unity we once did, and never be afraid to ask questions, but be afraid to give up liberties that have defined us since our Founding Fathers laid them out for us. On this day, remember the dead, and open your heart to the families immediately affected. I suggest, at some point today, take a moment of silence, and then remind yourself, this day belongs to America.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The desperation of Republicans has again attempted to use "sexism" to describe Barack Obama. On Tuesday morning, Obama was speaking to a Michigan crowd regarding John McCain's policies, and said “You can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change; it’s still going to stink after eight years.”.
At no point had he mentioned Sarah Palin, and the age-old joke was immediately taken out of context, and McCain's camp demanded an apology. Ha! Barack Obama was correct in his comparison, and McCain seems to forget that he used the exact same joke in 2007 referring to Hillary Clinton's Health Care Plan. “I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,”
The weak arguments repeated by the right-wing, and the McCain/Palin crowd is embarrassing to say the least. If any fresh in the Democratic Party suddenly appeared, without the proper vetting process they would have a field day with it. Obama's camp is correct to defend the remark "this is another example of John McCain does not want to discuss the real issues" .
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Fiscal Conservatism? It's a scam
she billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home, eating her own food and she's a fiscal conservative?
"It was quite the little scandal," said Tony Knowles, the Democratic governor from 1994 to 2000. "I gave a direction to all my commissioners if they were ever in their house, whether it was Juneau or elsewhere, they were not to get a per diem because, clearly, it is and it looks like a scam -- you pay yourself to live at home," he said.
Now, I know that Gov. Palin's salary is $125,000 a year, and is allocated a per diem and expenses for herself, and family members for Government travel and business purposes. Yet she chose to use taxpayer dollars to go home? As if the lie about selling the Governor's Jet on Ebay was bad,(read Arianna Huffington's article here) this is just scandalous. More to come on this fiscal fiasco in the coming days.
Did you ever hear of Rev. Jeremiah Wright? Yeah, well how about the Wassila Assembly of God?

It is now coming out that Sarah Palin's Church, as well as herself profess a number of controversial topics "through God". It is a given that much of our Country has a deep faith, and it is a given to "pray" for our troops in harms way, and the sick and elderly, but an "oil pipeline" ? "That God has a plan for Alaska come rapture" This video was made by the Master's Commission . Now it is being questioned by the right that this scrutiny is not "fair game", I say it is. The Constitution explicitly says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of Religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". All of the candidates, throughout the primaries, until the current homestretch have been questioned on Faith. All defended their positions, and love of God, however none of them said "my Faith is personal". If your Faith is interfering with your ability to Govern, then it is important for the American people to know who/what is directing your actions ie; George Bush,God and Iraq. This is fair game, the rapture right is not going to like it, but journalists and bloggers are going to play by their rules after the Rev. Wright nonsense.