Furthermore, Dennis and his lovely wife Elizabeth are the only ones on the campaign trail promoting a Dept. of Peace. In my opinion, a Department of Peace is the only viable remedy to end this debacle in the Middle East. As for Iraq, Dennis is for an immediate pullout. Dennis' 12-point plan can be read at www.kucinich.us . President Kucinich, also proposes a viable plan to secure jobs for Americans IN America. Withdrawing from the WTO and canceling NAFTA will help prevent American companies from outsourcing jobs overseas and across borders. Dennis is the candidate I believe can rebuild our longstanding patriotic pride that we hold so close to our hearts, stability to the Middle East by taking diplomatic measures with not just our allies, but our adversaries. I also firmly stand behind the idea that Dennis Kucinch will heal the distrust many, if not most Americans have for their Government. I encourage everyone to visit www.kucinich.us to learn about the candidate that in 8 years of hard work and Passion will hopefully have us only debating the idea of who has actually seen an unidentified flying object and who has not. VOTE KUCINICH! VOTE YOUR CONSCIOUS!
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